James Madison Papers

William R. Coupland to James Madison, 5 October 1828

Langhornes Tavern Octr 5.

Dr. Sir

Doctor Robert H Rose the Uncle of my Daughter has presented to her a Piano which was left in Orange by him, when he removed to the West—We are at a loss to know where it is—whether at Montpelier or Mrs Nelly Willis’s—Excuse the liberty I take of requesting you to inform me by letter addressed to this place whether the Piano is now at Montpelier or not. I should not trouble you with this enquiry if I knew of any one who could have given me the information—Respectfully Your obedient Servant—

Wm R Coupland

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM: "Octr. 5, post marked Novr. 5, 1828."

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