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Results 33891-33900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
33891[Diary entry: 11 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
11. Clear & pleasant tho somewhat cool. Winds Northwardly.
I have several times within these few weeks been almost tempted to break in a Moment on your time to give you a hint of the present complexion of our City politics, & I believe I may add those which will soon become prevalent in our State. I should indeed be nothing solicitious about the little party Jugglings which prevail among us, if it did not appear to me, that the Head of Wild misrule in...
I have the honor to herewith enclose you Vocabularies of the Adaine & Aiche Languages, there are some others (though nearly extinct) which I did expect to Obtain; but have found a difficulty in procuring adequate Interpreters.— I have lately received a very friendly visit from a party of about eighty of the Hietan tribe or Nation of Indians Accompanied by four great Chiefs, we experienced a...
Understanding that there is a petition, before Congress, the present Session to have this Port, together with Mystic, which is contiguous, and Pawcatuck in the State of Rhode Island made into a District and this to be the Port of Entry Should the Petition be granted the Appointment of a Collector will next follow, It is with real diffidence I write on a Subject wherein myself is concern’d but...
LAS: Yale University Library I have received your obliging Favours of July 16. and Augt. 15. for which I thank you. The Transit I think would not have appear’d at Philadelphia, if any body had been ready there to observe. It is so far West, that Venus was off the Sun’s Disk before he rose there. I send you Ferguson’s Book on the Subject to which I was a Subscriber, and also a large Scheme of...
Your Mama has given me a letter to inclose to you, but whether it contains any thing contraband; I know not. of that the responsibility must be on her. I therefore inclose it. I suppose she gives you all the small news of the place of such as the race in writing between Virginia & Francis ; that the wild geese are well after a flight of a mile & a half into the river, that the plants in the...
The Committee of Arrangement having determined to annex the Regiment late Pattons to Colo. Hartleys, it will be proper to put them in the same Uniform. I have therefore desired Capt. Prowell the commanding Officer to send an Officer to Philada with an exact return of the Regiment, and the Cloathing wanting. Be pleased to give an order to the Cloathier General to have them made up after the...
I humbly presume to remind your Excellency, of, at present, a very unfortunate Man, who did himself the Honor of troubling You with a long Letter from Wilmington on the 1st of last Novr, taking the Liberty in it, of explaining the very unlucky Chances it has been my Lot to experience in my warm Endeavours to settle myself advantageously in your Country. The very material Concerns that must at...
M r Barretts Arrival at Paris, is a lucky Event, and his appointment by the Merchants in Boston a judicious Step; but I am not So clear in the Choice he makes of L’Orient to reside in.— Paris, or even Havre, Seems to me a better Situation. Paris in preference to all others.— If Boylstone would Act in concert with him, his Capital, would be equal to every Thing which relates to the Business:...
Your letter of the 28th was handed to me yesterday. That, which you did me the honor to write to me at Lexington, went thither in the mail and returned before I received it. I should have answered it immediately, had I not intended every day to get an early opportunity to make you a visit at Quincy. My wishes on this subject have been controled by the series of preparations which I have been...