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Results 33891-33900 of 184,431 sorted by author
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters this 26th day of July 1779 Present The Commander in Chief Major Generals Brigadiers Heath Nixon Greene Parsons St Clair Smallwood DeKalb Knox McDougal Patterson Steuben Wayne Huntington Duportail Gist.
At a Council of Genl Officers held at the day of 1777. Present His Excellency Genl Washington[.] Members. Major Genl Sullivan[,] Greene[,] Stephen[,] Fayette[,] McDougal[.] Brigadrs Maxwell[,] Smallwood[,] Knox[,] Muhlenburg[,] Weedon[,] Woodford[,] Scot[,] Huntington[,] Conway[,] Irvine. The Commissaries should be directed to take All the Liquors in the hands of the Sutlers at a reasonable...
At a meeting of the General Officers at Head Quarters White plains Augt 20th 1778 Present The Commander in Chief Major Generals. Brigadier Generals Gates Knox. Smallwood Sterling Woodford. Muhlenberg Lincoln. Wayne. Clinton McDoughal Huntington. Parsons Baron D’Kalb. Poor—Patterson Portail The commander in chief states to the council, that, by the articles of war, the highest corporal...
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters Middle Brook the 1st day of June 1779. Present The Commander in Chief Major General Greene Brigadrs Stirling Smallwood Kalb Knox Steuben Woodford Muhlenberg Portail Irvin. The General states to the Council that in the Court Martial appointed for the trial of Major General Arnold—Brigadier General Irvin, Colo. Butler and Lt. Colo. Harmar of...
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters at West Point this 26th day of July 1779— Present The Commander in Chief Major General, Putnam Brigadrs Nixon Heath Parsons Greene Smallwood St Clair Knox Howe Wayne DeKalb Huntington McDougal Duportail Steuben
We have examined the Obstructions in the North River, and beg leave to observe that the object is too important to be trusted to its present security. If those obstructions in the River can be rendered effectual, and the Passes into the Highlands be properly guarded, which can be done with about four or five thousand Troops, the rest of the Army will be at liberty to operate elsewhere. To...
Lieut. Colo. Smith by his Letter of the 26th last, informs us that he is desired by the Officers of the second Maryland Brigade to apply to us for Money to inlist the nine Months Men, many of whom they have inlisted for three Years and the greatest Number of whom may be before their Time has expired; that the Money, which they will frequently want, will induce them and, he conceives an Order...
We have received your letter and several others from different parts of your county, and are no less affected by the dangers than the fears of the people of Tryon. It is with the utmost concern that we hear of the universal panic, despair and despondency which prevails through your county. We flattered ourselves that the approach of the enemy would have animated and not depressed their...
33899Council of War, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen. Washington. Major Gen. Puttnam[,] Heath[,] Spencer[,] Green[,] Brigr Gen. Mifflin[,] Parsons[,] McDougal[,] Nixon[,] Wadsworth[,] Scott[,] Fellows[,] Clinton. The General read a Letter signed by some general Officers proposing that there should be a Reconsideration of the Matter determined in Council...
33900Council of War, 3 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
At a Council held at Cambridge Head Quarters August 3d 1775 Present his Excelly General Washington. Major Gens. Ward—Lee & Puttnam Brigader Gens. Thomas Sullivan Heath Green Spencer Gates The General communicated sundry Letters respecting the State of the Ammunition which appears to be far short of the Return made some Time ago, & having explained in what Manner the Mistake had happened...