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Results 33891-33940 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor to inclose you a letter from Governor Salcedo, in reply to my communication of the 9th. day of March last (of which a Copy was transmitted you on the 14th. of the same month) upon the subject of the fugitive Slaves, from which it seems that he does not feel himself at liberty to act without the instructions of the King his Master. I am Sir, with great respect, yo: mo: hble...
I inclose you information from Genl. Jackson which I presume you have otherwise recieved of an outrage committed by the Creeks. altho’ Hawkins will probably give us an account of it yet I presume you will think it necessary to make enquiries of him respecting it. as I shall leave this in 10. or 12. days for Washington, I have desired that no more letters may be forwarded from the post office...
I Randolph Jefferson of Buckingham county in Virginia, being in sound health, do make the following testamentary dispositions of my estate. I give all the negroes which I shall own at the time of my death to be equally divided between my five sons Thomas, Robert Lewis, Field, Randolph & Lilburne, each of them to whom I may have given slaves during my life time, bringing the value of those...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 23d. and now return you Woolsey’s & Astor’s letters. I send you one also which I have recieved from a mr Thorn on the evasions of the embargo on L. Champlain. the conduct of some of our officers there and of some excellent citizens has been very meritorious, and I will thank you to express any degree of approbation you think proper in my name for Capt. Mayo....
I suppose the object of the inclosed information was to obtain a pardon; but as Judge Potter’s means of information respecting the opinion of the Supreme court in a like case may be imperfect, I think it would be best that the Attorney General should enquire into the case, and say whether a pardon ought to go on the ground of the illegality of the judgment.—I propose to leave this for...
Mr. Theodore Mansfield of New York will do himself the honor to hand this Letter, he has been introduced to me as a very respectable Man by one of my Friends in that City—He is desirous of obtaining leave to send a Ship to Europe, under circumstances which he will explain himself—I beg permission, Sir, to present him to you— With very great Respect I have the honor to be Sir Your mo ob Servt...
L’Interêt que vous prend aux progrès des Sciences et des Arts, l’accueil bienveillant que vous faites a ceux qui s’en occupent, vous concilt. le respect et l’attachmnt. de tous les amis des léttres. Se livrer à de semblables recherches dans les Etats-Unis, vous entretenir de ce qui a été fait en ce genre par un étranger dans une branche importante de l’œconomie rurale sous votre...
Your favor of the 20 with the enclosed letter to Doctor Rush has been duly received. It is really distressing that medical “partyism” should, upon an occasion so unimportant, have excited such acrimonious broils in Boston. But, some how or other, the disciples of Esculapins, having to grope their way over a ground not sufficiently lighted by the torch of philosophy, are ever thus jostling...
Having been assured, by upwards of Fifty persons, of Your generosity to Your Subjects (to Americans in particular.) I take the Liberty of asking a favour of You, which I will be grateful to You for while I have the blessings of Life—This favour is the Loan of Fifty Dollars—I am poor—and that Sum would be sufficient to set me up to get an honest Livelihood—I once was rich, and charitable—I can...
Four American Ships, the James Madison, the Henry & Francis, the Charleston Packet, & the Packet (the three first in ballast) that were in the ports of France previous to the decree of the 17th. of Decr., but Sequestered since, were just liberated by decisions of the Council of Prizes, in consequence of orders received last week to that effect, by the Grand juge from his Majesty the Emperor, &...
I have the honor to enclose a duplicate of my respects to you of the 12th. ultimo, Since which nothing new has occurred relative to our affairs here. As several of the Corsairs of this Regency have returned from their Cruize since the affair of the 31st. of March, and some of them had spoken American Vessels without offering any molestation, I have written to our Consul in Alicante, as well as...
Having been long in the practice of preserving Beef, Pork; & Bacon in Ireland for the English Market, I intend to commence the business in this Country next fall; the enclosed law will shew you that the legislature of this State have granted me permission, by exempting provisions packed by me from the operation of the inspection laws of this State without which exemption it would be impossible...
The Bearer Mr. Mansfield is highly recommended to my by Mr. Lee as a man of integrity & intelligence. I know him to be charged with Mr. Lee’s business, & believe the permission he asks for would be essentially necessary to its completion. I was myself charged with asking this permission early in April last, and did then propose it verbally to Mr. Gallatin, but owing to the miscarriage of a...
I have lately received a plough from England, (by the ship’s manifest consigned to you) but have no invoice or letter, it is now in store—if you will be pleased to let me know the cost, I will have it entered, and send it where you shall say, if you do not know the cost, I can ascertain it by appraisal, very sincerely, and truly your’s MHi : Coolidge Collection.
You will herewith receive a copy of a letter just received from Commodore Truxtun. It is to be regretted that the errors therein stated should have been committed by our predecessors in the execution of his medal. However, as the Legislative Department of the Government have authorised and directed that a medal be presented to him emblematical of a Certain military achievement, it is the duty...
On the following Sheets are, a copy of the letter I had the honor to address to you on the 13th. Inst. on the subject of Mr. Jacob Morgan, copies of the correspondence then forwarded, a copy of the letter just written by me to Mr. Morgan, & lastly, a copy of the Counsellor of State, Real’s reply to me, which I did not receive in time to annex to the correspondence above mentioned. Though the...
I received the inclosed letter a few days since from Mr. Taylor, respecting the Tax paid on the lands in Kentucky held by yourself and him. Mr. Taylor was in this State about twelve Months since when I put into his hands thirty Dollars which he imagined would be sufficient to discharge the arrears then due together with the Tax of 1805, tho’ you will find from his letter that, in consequence...
There is a subject on which I wished to speak with you before I left Washington; but an apt occasion did not occur. it is that of your continuance in office. perhaps it is as well to submit my thoughts to you by letter. the present summer is too important, in point of preparation, to leave your department unfilled, for any time, as I once thought might be done: and it would be with extreme...
Quoique je ne doute aucunement que Mr. Madison, qui a tant d’esprit et un si bon esprit, et qui a êté si longtems le Compagnon de vos travaux, ne gouverne d’après les mêmes principes que Votre Excellence et ne suive Vos erremens, je ne puis m’empêcher de regretter vivement le parti que Vous avez pris de ne pas jouir de l’Eligibilité que vous laissaient les loix de votre Pays et de renoncer à...
I herein enclose the strongest specimen of the plant which under the name of Dryrot commits such ravages upon the timber of buildings,—which I had ever met with. It was taken from the timber upon which the principal piers of the Senate chamber were built. The timber itself is reduced almost to powder, being more decayed than any other part of the work. We have now pulled them all down, & I...
I recieved your favor of Apr. 22. a little before I was to leave Washington, much engaged with dispatching the business rendered necessary by the acts of Congress just risen, & preparatory to a short visit to this place. here again I have been engrossed with some attentions to my own affairs after a long absence, added to the public business which presses on me here as at Washington. I mention...
To the Delegates of the Democratic republicans of the city of Philadelphia in general ward committee assembled. The epoch, fellow-citizens, into which our lot has fallen, has indeed been fruitful of events, which require vigilance, & embarras deliberation. that, during such a period of difficulty, & amidst the perils surrounding us, the public measures which have been pursued should meet your...
I have the honor of transmitting to you, by the instructions of Mr. Humbolt, four Vos of his work on South America, and am, Sir, with great respect Your very obedt & humble Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The case referred to in the printed Paper enclosed in my letter of the 2nd: Inst: Vizt. that of the Missouri, Reid from Batavia to Cowes & a Market came on this Morning; and the Judgement of the Court, which I consider as final, notwithstanding the 2 Months farther allowed to the Captors, was delivered in a style and manner which I cannot hope to express from memory alone; and I had not the...
Tho I have not the honour of being known to you, yet presuming on the Benevolence of your Character, I hope to be excused for Soliciting a small favour at your hands which if you accord me I shall Remember with sentiments of gratitude. The thing is this. Some lands in this County which I entered on a Military Warrant, and for which I have Obtained a Patent, has been since entered by a certain...
Of the papers I recieved from you yesterday I have sent Mr. Graham’s letter (in favor of R. Brent as paymaster) to Genl. Dearborne, and that of the Lowries to Mr. Gallatin for information. All the rest are now returned. On some of them I will make short observations merely for your consideration and determination. Rademaker & Hills: I really think the good which may result from permitting...
I had the Honor to recieve last Evening your Letters of the 16th. and 20th. Inst. and have today forwarded your Letters under cover of the first, to Genl Turreau and Mr Dallas. I called at the Treasury to-day to see Mr Gallatin. He was not there and I was told by Mr Jones that he would probably set off for Philadelphia this afternoon. Mr Jones promised me however, that Mr Lewis’s Letter should...
I have this day forwarded several letters to His Excellency the President, from P. Wilson LLD, S Mitchill LLD & other Gentlemen of respectability here, recommending me, as suitable to fill the office of Consul at Tunis. The purport of this sir, is to request you respectfully, to aid me as far as is consistent, to obtain the appointment, Which will confer a lasting obligation on, Sir Your most...
The inclosed is the first intimation I have recieved of the intention of the paymaster to resign. if it be within rule to appoint to that office a person not in the military line, there is certainly no better man than Robert Brent. but of this also there is no better judge than yourself, to whom accordingly it is submitted with affectionate salutations & assurances of respect. PHi : Daniel...
I inclose you a letter from Colo. Tatham recommending a Revd. mr Irving to be joined with himself in the survey of the coast, that you may avail yourself of any opportunity of enquiring into his fitness. can you give me any information as to the case of the Lowries stated in the within papers? I do not certainly see what they ask of me. if a pardon, and the case be proper for it, other...
Not having been able to procure any Syrop of Punch as directed in your letter of the 13th: Inst: we have sent you 18 bottles Syrop of lemon to the care of Messrs. Higginbotham & C: of Milton, by Obedc. Houchens who has likewise in charge 40 bundles Nail rod—Your Tobacco say 26 Hhds. is received & inspected, the leaf turns out very fine with the exception of three Hhds. two of which No. 14 & 22...
It was my intention to have taken the stage for Charlottesville, on this day, but learning from Mr Law that your stay at Monticello would be rather longer than I at first apprehended; and the session of the Court of Appeals, in which my presence is necessary, not having terminated; I am induced to postpone the journey till next week. I believe that I have now collected every MS volume of our...
Of the papers I recieved from you yesterday I have sent mr Graham’s letter (in favor of R. Brent as paymaster) to Genl. Dearborne, and that of the Lowries to mr Gallatin for information. all the rest are now returned. on some of them I will make short observations merely for your consideration and determination. Rademaker & Hills. I really think the good which may result from permitting...
With the Divine blessings of heaven I now Atempt to write a few Lines to Inform you that we Shall Soon See happier times your friendship and Love is all I ask No man of Reason Can Dispute your honour Please Sir to Receive these Lines from a friend that you never Expected to See Pleas your honour Dear Sir to you I am a Sranger I must obey the Commands of Almighty God Who Reins King on heavens...
I have the offer of a tract of Land in Albermarl Countey on the waterts of Hardeware and Briery creake containing 975 Akers, offerd to me in Payment of worke, before I receive it have thote it best to aske your advice; this tract of Land was convay’d by Josuway Fry to Hennery Lee and the title worranted to be good—Lee has sowl’d it to Samuel G. Addams and addams perposes it to me as Payment, I...
Will your Excellency permit the liberty of a late Native Officer to address you, on a Subject of the greatest importance, So highly interesting to himself, And all he holds most dear. I was honored by the hand of my Worthy and distinguished friend the Honorable Dewitt Clinton, Mayor of our City, from the Honorable Secretary of War, With the Appointment of Military Store Keeper at this post...
Still deprived the honour of any of your Commands, I beg leave to referr to my last Respects No: 57 dated 14t: Inst: accompanying one from Consul Lear of Algeir since when have no further accounts. Of the Bills which I then mentiond to have received from said Gentleman, on you, I have Endorsed & passd two one for $4000 to Mordacai & Saml: N Lewis, & that for $3000 to John S. Larned. I have...
Altho’ I have been no stranger to mortification, I have seldom been more sensibly hurt (particularly as my connections seem much mortified) than by a Report current, That I had applied to the Secretary at War for a Commission in the Army. I presume that the Letter I inclosed to you, directed to the President of the United States has been sent to the war office, as it appears that I was...
I have the honor to acquaint you that the C ollector has fixed upon the Brig Hamlet for the proposed voyage to the B razils. She is a vessel of 130 tons, and combines, I think, all the most e ssential qualities required. The price agreed upon I understand is 3000, to have 60 lay days in both the ports to which she is destined, and to be ready to depart whenever noticed. I have the honor to be,...
Je Suis instruit que des déserteurs français ont été engagés et incorporés dans les Troupes de ligne des Etats-Unis. Il en existe aujourdhui plusieurs dans le détachement qui occupe le fort de Baltimore. Le Consul Français a inutilement réclamé ces hommes de l’Officier qui y commande et qui a répondu ne pouvoir les rendre Sans un ordre de Monsieur le Sécrétaire de la guerre. Déjà, Monsieur, et...
The enclosed letter from Mr Woolsey contains our last accounts from Lake Champlain; & that from Mr Astor the amount of supplies expected in Canada from Champlain & St Lawrence. I fear that the want of energy & resignation of Sacket will facilitate the evasions in the last district. On Champlain I believe that every thing that could be done has been done. The mail travels so slowly from...
I recieved the Benné seed by the post, and am very much gratified by having it in my power to attempt the propagation of it—I have already sowed it in a place I had fortunately prepared for other seed—I shall pay particular attention to the cultivation of it according to the directions you have given me; and if an opportunity offers, at the end of the year, will inform you correctly of the...
Since your departure I have made every possible exertion to forward the progress of the public Works,—and will concisely state their present situation. 1. North Wing, Capitol .— To support the Vaults of the Courtroom-cellar , it was necessary to take up & vault the floors of the stairs & north lobby against which . This has been done, & the vaults are finished. The Cellar of the Court is also...
I yesterday shiped. your articles from her. part of which left on bord while the Sloop was under way. I last evening inclosed one bill of lading to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson at Richmond. as well to request of them to send your boxes to Monticello as soon as possible. as to fulfil my instructions from Mr. Eppes by letter of the 11th. Inst. relative to the Kids All is well here. Sir your Hble....
to address to you inform you that a ves sel with public dispatches ab one every month or 6. weeks afte r the embargo. the time & place n otified in the public papers 2. or 3. [m]asters of these vessels are permitted as passengers on such terms as a en them, the public having no concern in the vessel of June will go from W ashington detained the person who brought
I have at length so far arranged my Affairs as to be ready to take my departure with my Family for Orleans; and I wish to know whether there be any other requisite qualifications, besides that conferred by my Commission, to be acquired at Washington previous to my entering upon the duties of my Office. If the President of the U. States has any communications to make to the Territorial...
I have just been advised that a vacancy will occur on the 31st. of July next, by the resignation of the present Paymaster Genl.—For which appointment, with all due deference,—I beg leave to make known to you, that I am an applicant, and to solicit your Countenance.— I feel confident I shall be able to produce to you, (as soon as time will permit) such recommendations, as to shew that I am not...
I have undertaken in the last moments of distress to apply to you for friendship. the present unhappy times have overtaken me with a debt of 200 Dollars which my property lately estimated at 500 Dollars which must be Sold at vandue will fetch not more than half the debt the consequence after the Sale is what I most fear to be taken from my family and with me what they have to depend on for...
You will receive enclosed Ten dollars the sum lent me, together with a small Packet which I will thank you to forward in your mail,—   I have not yet seen many people in the Districk, but from the enquiries I have made & the information I have received, the public opinion is much more favorable to the Embargo than was to be expected, they all prefer it to a state of war, & will bear its...
Among the articles we provided for Monticello, I forgot that of Syrop of punch. it is too late to provide it for the present visit, but it will be well to think of it for the visit of July, which will require about 6. doz. bottles or 20. gallons. as there will be difficulty in procuring the fruit for it, will you be so good as to avail yourself of every opportunity that you may have of...