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Results 33891-33900 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor to inclose you a letter from Governor Salcedo, in reply to my communication of the 9th. day of March last (of which a Copy was transmitted you on the 14th. of the same month) upon the subject of the fugitive Slaves, from which it seems that he does not feel himself at liberty to act without the instructions of the King his Master. I am Sir, with great respect, yo: mo: hble...
I inclose you information from Genl. Jackson which I presume you have otherwise recieved of an outrage committed by the Creeks. altho’ Hawkins will probably give us an account of it yet I presume you will think it necessary to make enquiries of him respecting it. as I shall leave this in 10. or 12. days for Washington, I have desired that no more letters may be forwarded from the post office...
I Randolph Jefferson of Buckingham county in Virginia, being in sound health, do make the following testamentary dispositions of my estate. I give all the negroes which I shall own at the time of my death to be equally divided between my five sons Thomas, Robert Lewis, Field, Randolph & Lilburne, each of them to whom I may have given slaves during my life time, bringing the value of those...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 23d. and now return you Woolsey’s & Astor’s letters. I send you one also which I have recieved from a mr Thorn on the evasions of the embargo on L. Champlain. the conduct of some of our officers there and of some excellent citizens has been very meritorious, and I will thank you to express any degree of approbation you think proper in my name for Capt. Mayo....
I suppose the object of the inclosed information was to obtain a pardon; but as Judge Potter’s means of information respecting the opinion of the Supreme court in a like case may be imperfect, I think it would be best that the Attorney General should enquire into the case, and say whether a pardon ought to go on the ground of the illegality of the judgment.—I propose to leave this for...
Mr. Theodore Mansfield of New York will do himself the honor to hand this Letter, he has been introduced to me as a very respectable Man by one of my Friends in that City—He is desirous of obtaining leave to send a Ship to Europe, under circumstances which he will explain himself—I beg permission, Sir, to present him to you— With very great Respect I have the honor to be Sir Your mo ob Servt...
L’Interêt que vous prend aux progrès des Sciences et des Arts, l’accueil bienveillant que vous faites a ceux qui s’en occupent, vous concilt. le respect et l’attachmnt. de tous les amis des léttres. Se livrer à de semblables recherches dans les Etats-Unis, vous entretenir de ce qui a été fait en ce genre par un étranger dans une branche importante de l’œconomie rurale sous votre...
Your favor of the 20 with the enclosed letter to Doctor Rush has been duly received. It is really distressing that medical “partyism” should, upon an occasion so unimportant, have excited such acrimonious broils in Boston. But, some how or other, the disciples of Esculapins, having to grope their way over a ground not sufficiently lighted by the torch of philosophy, are ever thus jostling...
Having been assured, by upwards of Fifty persons, of Your generosity to Your Subjects (to Americans in particular.) I take the Liberty of asking a favour of You, which I will be grateful to You for while I have the blessings of Life—This favour is the Loan of Fifty Dollars—I am poor—and that Sum would be sufficient to set me up to get an honest Livelihood—I once was rich, and charitable—I can...
Four American Ships, the James Madison, the Henry & Francis, the Charleston Packet, & the Packet (the three first in ballast) that were in the ports of France previous to the decree of the 17th. of Decr., but Sequestered since, were just liberated by decisions of the Council of Prizes, in consequence of orders received last week to that effect, by the Grand juge from his Majesty the Emperor, &...