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Results 33851-33900 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am very, very sorry indeed, and […] for having been the Cause of your pains in the [Night]; Why...
Give me leave to present you Mrs: Cowley the first femal dramatic Author in this Country, she has...
[I hope?] you dont always judge by appearances [or it wo]uld be Much to My disadvantage this day,...
Ho aspettato con infinita ansietà la lunga lettera che m’annunziò, ma non so per qual delitto...
I cannot breakfast with you to morrow; to bid you adieu once is sufficiently painful, for I leave...
I am come home to England , and have the great pleasure to find I am not forgoten by Mr:...
I have waited some time to trie if I could recover my usual peace with you, but I find it is...
I have the pleasure of receiving two [letters from you, and though th]ey are very short , I must...
Why will you Make such a great dinner? I had told the Princess of the pleasure I intended My self...
Cosa vuol dir questo silenzio? O aspettata la posta con tanta Ansietà, ed ecco che ogni volta...
Do you deserve a long letter, My dear friend? No, certainly not, and to avoid temptation, I take...
I thank you for your last letter, My dear friend, it is short, tho’ a long while indeed writing,...
I fear My Dear freind has forgot me; Not One line ever Since your Departure from this part of the...
I did not answer your last letter, my dear friend, because I was in doubt whether it would find...
How do you do My dear friend? You came to the invitation of my breakfast the Morning of my...
The only proper apology, for not having written you since I left Paris, is this which I now...
I have had the pleasure of writting to you several times, but not that of hearing from you for a...
It is very difficult to give up some friends, tho’ time goes apace with distance, we cannot...
I am come to visit My Native Country, & am Much delighted with every thing around it. The Arts...
As I have found a favorable oportunity of Conveing a letter, I am happy to profit of it, to thank...
AL : American Philosophical Society Messrs. James Des Cotes & Company present their Best...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Dupré m’a remis, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait...
Ever Since the Glorious Peace which fixt the American Independance, have I wished for a...
Deign to accept the humble respects of a Stranger, who has taken every method to land near your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous venons d’apprendre que vous cherchez un Batiment, un de...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Nous avons l’honneur de vous prevenir qu’on nous à...
Your liberal mind and the high estimation in which you are held by the literary & philosophical...
Mrs. Quincy was this day in my office looking at the Colony records, and mentioned to Mr. Davis...
William Davis Esqr. was in my Office, with the lady of the Hon: Josiah Quincy looking in the...
In confidence of your indulgence towards whatever is conducive to the public good, you are now...
Letterbook copy: Privy Council Register, Public Record Office Mr. Israel Mauduit having presented...
Letter not found: from Garrett Cottringer, 22 Oct. 1788. On 15 Jan. 1789 GW wrote to Cottringer :...
Daprès le traité que vos commissaires ont Conclu le 13 novembre dernier, au nom du gouvernement,...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre ci Joint Copie de la lettre que nous avons addressé, en...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the period of this volume merchants and manufacturers...
Perceiving that our Government are about Extending to Citizens having property abroad the liberty...
In the probability that Congress will enact a general Quarantine Law this session & that a Health...
At a Council held Decemr 9th 1756. The Governor was pleased to communicate to the Board, and to...
33889Document II, 4–6 November 1771 (Washington Papers)
His Excellency communicated to the Board the memorial of Colo. George Washington, in behalf of...
At a Council held Novemr 15th 1756. Present The Governor John Blair Peter Randolph William Nelson...
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters this 26th day of July 1779 Present The...
At a Council of Genl Officers held at the day of 1777. Present His Excellency Genl Washington[.]...
At a meeting of the General Officers at Head Quarters White plains Augt 20th 1778 Present The...
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters Middle Brook the 1st day of June 1779....
At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters at West Point this 26th day of July 1779—...
We have examined the Obstructions in the North River, and beg leave to observe that the object is...
Lieut. Colo. Smith by his Letter of the 26th last, informs us that he is desired by the Officers...
We have received your letter and several others from different parts of your county, and are no...
33899Council of War, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen....
33900Council of War, 3 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
At a Council held at Cambridge Head Quarters August 3d 1775 Present his Excelly General...