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Results 33801-33850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The difficulties attending my journey, from Stormy Weather and bad roads, have rendered it...
I have the honor of enclosing you a general return of the sick & wounded in the hospitals of the...
When I waited on you the other Evening, before your departure to Philadelphia, I found you too...
My last Dispatches to you were Yesterday Evening. I now inclose you what have come to me since....
I have inclos’d two hundred & thirty six Dollars. The amount of the bills was £100. 16. The Cask...
[ Philadelphia ] December 31, 1778 . Asks if Congress is going to continue to employ Brigadier...
Philadelphia, December 31, 1778 . Asks Schuyler to take command of Northern Department and to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The gratefull reception with which you honour’d me when I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My nephew Set out last Sunday Week for Bourd.—and he intends...
33810General Orders, 31 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Tents and Markees which are public property are to be delivered in to the Quarter-Master...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, c.31 Dec. 1778. On 1 Jan. 1779 GW wrote Brig. Gen....
I have been favoured with Your Letter of the 5th Inst. and with Your’s & Genl Hand’s of the 28th...
Being denied the happiness of Waiting on you in person by an indisposition that confines me to my...
I am favd with yours of this date. I wish I was sufficiently acquainted with Circumstances, to...
I had the honor of addressing Congress some time since on the subject of General Du Portail and...
I a few hours ago received Your Excellencys favour of the 26th Inst. with a letter accompanying...
Letter not found: from Israel Putnam, 31 Dec. 1778. On 18 Jan. 1779 GW wrote to Putnam...
In a letter which I had the pleasure of writing you the 18th Inst. I requested you to take the...
33819[September and October 1779] (Adams Papers)
The following is a litteral Translation of a Letter I received from His Excellency the Chevalier...
33820[Back Cover] (Adams Papers)
Mamma | | Letters to America Sister | Mamma | Brother | Sister | | Mr. Thaxter | | | | | | | | |...
[ 1779 ] States his willingness to go to South Carolina, but does not wish to ask for such a...
One new account begins during the period covered by this volume: XXIII. William Temple Franklin’s...
Of the accounts discussed throughout the French period, the following still apply: VI, XII, XIII,...
One new account begins during the period covered by this volume: XXIV. Jonathan Williams, Jr.’s...
AL (draft): Library of Congress The Bearer M. Savarit goes to America, with a View of...
33826An Arabian Tale, [1779?] (Franklin Papers)
Printed in William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin,...
33827A Turkish Apologue, [1779?] (Franklin Papers)
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Abdéllamar was young, strong & handsome. He had...
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society When I. Minis Hays catalogued Franklin’s papers at the...
The number of undated documents we are publishing at the end of 1779 is the largest so far for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai été hier pour vous voir, vous etiés en affaire; comme...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Must Beg Your Pardon, My dear Sir, for My not Having the...
AD : American Philosophical Society Money like any other Merchandise becomes cheaper (or...
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) —, 1779. > Some QUERIES, political and military, humbly offered to...
Permit me, amongst the number of your friends to congratulate you & my Country on ^ your late...
To prevent all Doubt concerning the Time at which the Laws of this Commonwealth shall take place,...
No. 1. } a { 11. or 13.E.1. stat. of Acton Burnel. allowing recognisances before a mayor to have...
I. Crimes whose punishmt. extends to Life . 1. High-treason. Death < by burying alive. qu .> by...
< confining prisoner in county jail, to be considd. as obeyg. writ .> < Presenting? def. &...
I promise on my parole of honour and on the faith of a gentleman that I will continue within such...
The COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA. TO greeting : Know you, that from the special Trust and Confidence...
[Text reproduced in illustration section preceding this page.] [1] [2] MS ( DLC ); entirely in...
General heads of enquiry. Situation of barracks. Their distance from navigation. The roads...
[Text reproduced in illustration section following page 254.] Printed form ( DLC : Broadsides...
33844Memorandum Books, 1779 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 1. Gave negroes on the road 4/. ✓ Pd. my sister Carr £27. 3. Pd. entertt. at Watson’s...
(I) and (II) AL : American Philosophical Society Mon chér papa, monsieur le Comte de Stroganoff...
It gives me real pain to see the various arts and machinations of our internal Enemies practised...
(I) and (II) AL : American Philosophical Society Mille graces au bon papa, qui veut bien songer a...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (drafts): Harvard University Library,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives;...
I take my pen to perform my promice of writing to you and to wish you a happy new year may heaven...