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Results 33751-33800 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
MS letter: American Philosophical Society It is the greatest necessity that urges me to give You this trouble; as I have not been favoured with an answer of the first, sent by Mrs. Franklin, made me think it is unwarranted, but flatter myself You’l excuse both. As you are on a Journey and not expected to be back for some Weeks, and as the circumstance will not allow to wait till then, and am...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, August 19, 1780, in French: I am the innocent victim of a terrible woman, Mme de Villeneuve. She will not forgive me for having proposed marriage to her daughter, who is of age and free to dispose of her fate. She has not ceased visiting Inspector Brugniere and Commissary Ninnin; unable to destroy me through civil law they decided to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society N’attendant plus que mon Expédition de la part de Monsieur Le Comte de Vergennes, j’ai l’honneur de Supplier Votre Excellence de vouloir bien me faire expedier Les Lettres, et recomendations qu’Elle m’a daigné si gracieusement promettre; J’ose encore là supplier de vouloir bien m’indiquer Le jour Auquél Je pourrais avoir la grâce de prendre mon Congé de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In consequence of what you mentiond to me relative to the german Courts, I consulted the Spanish Ambassador whether it coud be determind with any degree of certainty, how long it woud be before the business I am pledged for with his Court woud require my attendance. His answer was, that it was altogether uncertain. In this situation it appeard to me that...
AL (extract): The Royal Society The observations of the transit of Venus in 1761 had not fulfilled the widespread hope of establishing the solar parallax, and thereby the mean distance between the earth and the sun. The hope grew, however, as scientists of many countries prepared to improve and expand their observations of the transit of June, 1769. Although John Winthrop was no longer well...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Martin, Isle de Ré, March 21, 1777, in French: This island is well situated for importing from America, and exporting more cheaply than from Nantes or Bordeaux. Captain William Moore of the Dauphin left here on the 19th carrying salt furnished by my friends the Delaps, and with notes on the island’s advantages for your commerce. He prefers our brandy...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Yale University Library The Ship Nonesuch is just arrived in 22 Days from Philadelphia. Thinking it of great Importance that the public Dispatches should go forward with the utmost Expedition, and the Post not going out for two Days to come, I thought it my Duty to send off this Express which I hope will be agreeable. I have given the Courier...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you continue to enjoy perfect good health, it woud give me great pleasure to hear from you & have that confirm’d to me, I myself was not quite Well for a few days before I left Paris which prevented me from calling upon you to take leave of you, but your Grandson was with me & I desir’d him to apologize for me, which I dare say he did in a proper...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave in a few Lines, to intimate to you, and thro’ your means to Mr. Dean and Mr. Lee, the nature and extent of those Services which I am so anxious to be retained for. I would chearfully undertake the replies of those inundations of Letters which issue from all sorts of application for offices, and, I think, I could perform this branch to your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Gotha, April 28, 1778, in German: I have heard that you plan to return to America this summer, and make you a humble request: would you send me a bill of exchange for a hundred louis? You have a safe means of forwarding it by Privy Councilor Grimm, who is in Paris as ambassador and would send it to my Duke. My brother in America will then repay you or the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania This will be handed you by a Capn. Jno Snelling a native of Boston tho for many years past He has been employd in the Streights Trade to & from London. He is well recommended to Me as an honest Amn. meaning to push out to his Home thro France, & as he wishes to take yr. advice about proceeding to Nantes &ca. I have given him a seperate introductory line...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was favoured with your obliging letter of the 25 feb two days ago and same day the box of seeds came to hand the assortment of which gave general satisfaction. But on examining the parcels we found several of the seeds quite spoilt particularly the acorns magnolia and honey Locust and Besides several of the seeds were all mixed so together that the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Throughout the summer, Franklin continued to receive applications for American consulships from Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany. Their number is smaller than in the spring, when news of the preliminary peace had raised expectations of an immediate burst of commercial activity between Europe and the United States. The current applicants use...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A la requisition de M de La Lande qui part aujourd’huy pour la Bresse, j’implore de nouveau vos bontés et votre protection pour le sr. des Raggi qui a deja eu l’honneur de vous voir. Il a grande impatience de partir pour combattre sur la mer les ennemis des 13 etats, et servir ensuite sur terre cette nouvelle patrie, dès qu’il y sera adopté sous vos...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Fearing the miscarriage of a letter I wrote by post to your Grandson upon a Subject of the utmost importance to me, I have seized an occasion kindly procured me by Mr. Carmichael of sending you the present; & this I have done with the greater readiness as it has given me an opportunity of repeating those grateful Sentiments which naturally arise from a...
Two copies: National Archives The commissioners’ recent trouble with Versailles was only part of that caused by American commerce-raiders. The money from captures tempted the raiders to pay little heed to the niceties of law, and neutrals were consequently hurt. The first intimation, as far as we know, of what the consequences might be were in this letter, which resulted from the activities of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ever since the Termination of the unhappy Contest between Great Britain and America, I have been anxious to write to you, and to endeavour to revive that affectionate Intercourse and Connexion which till the Commencement of the late Troubles had been the Pride and Happiness of my Life. Uncertain, however, whether the decided and active Part I took in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society If you have nothing better to do will you be so good to call on me this Morning and take a Family Dinner with us. I would call on you but having the symptoms of a great Minister strong upon by name the Gout I am not able to walk. I wish much to see you. Your friend and Servant Addressed: To / B Franklin Esqr / &c William Pitt, a famous sufferer from the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sans oser Me flatter que L’admiration que vous m’avés Causée Sans cesse ait eté remarquée par vous, Je ne reclame que votre obligance; elle parai Suivre Le genie. Et les ames les plus fermes Sont toujours les plus Sensibles. C’est un Jeune gentil-homme de ce pays cy. Il S’appelle M. De vaux qui avec une fortune honnête, qui le ferait vivre icy dans...
L(?): American Philosophical Society Après un travail assidu de plus de trente années Je Suis parvenu a perfectionner la Mouture économique et a la faire Connoitre dans les Provinces ou elle étoit ignorée. Ce fait est Constaté tant par des Procès Verbaux qui ont eu lieu dans Ces Provinces que par le Rapport des administrateurs de l’hopital Général de Paris. Par Mes procèdés Cet hopital épargne...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): Columbia University Library I have recd. your Favor of the 22 & 23 Ult. They have determined me to set out for Paris. I shall leave this Place the latter End of next Week. Mrs. Jay & my Nephew go with me. Be pleased to take Lodgings for me, and to inform me of them, by a Line to Mr Delap or Mr Bondfield at Bordeaux. The Embassador of France...
AL : American Philosophical Society On ne doit jamais Batonner ny Biffer une signature d’une Lettre de change que quand on l’a payée; on pouvoit Repondre qu’on avoit accepté la seconde et qu’on ne vouloit pas accepter la premiere, cette reponse suffisoit, Mr. petit de Lanauze a qui elle a eté envoyée ne peut se dispenser de faire constater le refus d’acceptation, et de la Renvoyer a son cedant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me to Introduce to your Acquaintance a very Old Friend of mine, Mr Robert Young, whose friendship I have experienced upon many Occasions, but more particularly lately, since this Island became French; when it became necessary for my friends, to Ballance by their Activity, that Improper Influence, which you know has been so much employed against me in...
Copy: Library of Congress Vous savés, Monsieur, que j’ai donné des Ordres le 1er. avril dernier pour qu’il fût delivré au Capitaine Paul Jones, des Magazins de l’Artillerie du Port Louis, pour être embarqués sur la Fregate l’Alliance en Armement à l’Orient; 15. mille Fusils de Soldat et cent Milliers de Poudre; il a été deja remis 67. Caisses de fusils et 20. Milliers de Poudre. Mais une...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai rien de plus pressé que de vous envoyer Le procès verbal de L’inspection que j’ai faite des fusils, en méme temps pour vous faire voir mon éxactitude. Vous verrez par ce procès verbal que j’ai apporté tous les soins pour procurer à la Virginie la meilleure qualité possible d’armes, et comme j’ai eu l’honneur de vous dire qu’il manquoit quantité...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Nous avons L’honneur de vous remettre Sous ce ply Les procedures de lamirauté de nôtre ville, des deux prises anglaises les deux freres, & Larundell, faites par Le corsaire ameriquain La Révolution, nous vous Suplions de vouloir Bien nous honorer de leur Condamnation le plutôt quil vous Sera possible, pour de suitte acceleree La vente. Nous Sommes avec...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Unwilling to engage too much of your Attention I write but seldom, & yet have been unlucky in the few Instances wherein I have endeavour’d to amuse you & gratify myself. My Letters have for the most part miscarried. I wrote pretty fully by Mr. President Lawrence, who you know was taken with his Papers— My Bagatelles were no Doubt paraded in great Form on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser de la part de la société Royale de Médecine plusieurs exemplaires des Lettres Patentes que le Roi lui a accordées et en même tems le Tableau des membres qui la composent, dont le Roi a confirmé la nommination. La compagnie avec L’agrement de Sa Majesté a inscrit votre nom en teste des associés Etrangers. Elle vous a rendu cet...
Copies: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Library, Library of Congress, Pendleton Satterthwaite, East Orange, N.J. (1955) I send you adjoined the Certificate you desire, and am perfectly convinc’d from Conversations I have since had with Mr. Pultney that no body was authorised to hold the Language which has been imputed to him on that Subject; and I have a high...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. French’s compliments to Docr. Franklin desires the favor of his Company to Morrow Evening to a little Music. Several notes and letters between BF and Mrs. Katherine French survive, often brief messages written in the third person, inviting him to her home for dinner, music, or a game of chess. A few of their letters suggest her interest in books on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now have the pleasure of enclosing a short account of the appearances on the dissection of that curious production, which I had the honor of sending to the royal society last summer; should have done so long agoe had I not unfortunately mislaid my notes which I did not find till last week. I pray you will show it first to my learned friend Dr. Pringle who...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am favoured with yours of the 5th of this Inst. and in compliance with your desire have enquired concerning the Price of the non Pariel Letter, of which you have a specimen inclosed. I had no occasion to go or write to Mr. Enschede, the Letterfounder at Haerlem as Mr. Rinier Arrenberg, Printer, Bookseller, and Courantier of this City, was sufficiently able...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je voulois vous écrire avant hiér mon bon papa; mr votre fils vint me voir et je le chargai de vous dire que je vous attendois hiér; hiér vos affaires vous ont empêchés de venir; aujourd’hui mon coeur Souffriroit trop s’il se refusoit au besoin de vous dire qu’il vous aime: aimér, le dire, avoir besoin d’éstre aimé, est d’une aussi grande nécéssité a l’éstre...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. and Mrs. Strahan present their Compliments to Dr. Franklin and the Ladies, and conceiving it may be more agreeable and convenient for them, will not dine till three o’Clock to day. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / or / Mrs. Stevenson Apparently “the Ladies” were Mrs. Stevenson and her daughter Mary (Polly), if the note was written before the latter’s...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society These instructions introduced Franklin to the boiling cauldron of resentment in Massachusetts. Anger was directed at more than the troops in Boston—at what the colonists took to be the helplessness of the civil authority before the military, the secret and false reports sent home, the subordination of the legislature to an executive controlled by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous ècris ne voulant pas perdre courage de ce que vous ne m’ècrivez pas il y a longtems que je n’ai eu de vos nouvelles, les dernieres que J’ai eu etoient par Mr Pigott. Je vous prierai si vous ne pouvez m’ècrire a cause de vos affaires de me faire ècrire un mot par Mon cousin car Mr Marignac et moi Sommes fort en peine ne recevant point de vos...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of addressing this Letter to you by Col Duplessis who goes to France to fulfill the Duties of his Station there. This Gentleman I can assure you has distinguished himself remarkably in our Service having been in frequent Action & always supported the Character of a brave & gallant Officer. He possesses the good Opinion of the Commander in...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I take this opportunity by my Son to express my own Pleasure, and the general Satisfaction at your appointment as Agent for the House of Representatives. The Council have recommended to their Agent Mr. Bollan to consult and cooperate with you for the best interest of the Province: which as it has distinguished itself in the great cause of American Liberty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Rochefort, September 2, 1777, in French: The justice of your cause and our long standing animosity against the British bind our nation to yours, and I expect at any moment a treaty of friendship between them. My sojourn here has brought me daily stories of Frenchmen going to America, where I am sure they are welcome; can you tell me whether they go with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 27. ultmo. and to remit two receipts together £432.—.—. paid to sundry american prisonners, to which I beg leave to refer; being since deprived of your Excellencys favours, This cheafly serves to inclose a receipt for £144.—.— I paid to one Mr. Macnamara Lieutenant of the artillery in the Service of the...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 385–6. To a person who no longer thinks of American dependence, what disadvantage can there be in making its independence a fixed article (whether the treaty succeeds or no) instead of making it a first article of the treaty, and so to depend on the success...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire deux Lettres particulieres, du 3 et du 8, et deux autres à LL. EE. Messrs. les Plenipts. en commun, du 4 et du 9 de ce mois. Notre ami me dit hier, qu’il avoit reçu une réponse du Marchd. qui est revenu d’Aix-la-Chapelle à Amst., par laquelle il lui marquoit que Mr. L. lui avoit caché la...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Baron de Hermelin pour prendre congé de son Excellce, devant partir demain l’Apres diné, et il aura l’honneur demain au matin de faire sa visite chez son Excellence. Whom BF recommended to Robert R. Livingston on Nov. 7, above. BF was not at home when he called. WTF penned an apology below Hermelin’s note: “M. Franklin est bien faché d’etre obligé d’aller...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer ci joint à votre Excellence une lettre que Mr Le Doctr. cooper m’avoit chargé de remettre En main propre; mes [mais] mes affaires ne me permettant point de me rendre immédiatement à Paris, je crois qu’il Est nécessaire de Vous L’acheminer: aussi profitte je du premier courier. Jai Lhonneur d’Etre avec le plus profond Respect,...
LS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Dubourg quatre mois avant l’arrivée de Mr. Dean en france a fait sortir son neveu du College des Grassins, où il payoit sa pension, pour luy servir de secretaire et ne pas confier à des étrangers les écritures qu’il avoit a faire relativement aux affaires de votre Pays. Ce jeune homme en a été occupé constamment pendant 2 ans et s’est toujours conduit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Haveing an oppertunity from Providence to write you I Gladly Embrace it as I know it will give you Pleasure to hear we are Well, And have not fell in to the hands of the Britons as we have been fearfull we Should living So near the Shore and Spouce So Warm a Whigg— but them fears are at an End Since We are so Strongly guarded by our New Allies, Who we are...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to address your Excellency the 2d of this month by Post; Mr Barry a gentleman recommended to me by Mr Adams affords me an occasion of forwarding to you two publications which the Ct de Campomanes and the Abbe Gavarra desired me to present to you in their Names— I am still without news from America; this & other disagreable circumstances of a private...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will (I doubt not) be surpris’d at an address of this kind from a person unknown; but my situation will I hope be a sufficient apology. I arriv’d yesterday in this City from Virginia in pursuit of Mr. Jay, who generously offer’d me his patronage in America, but an ill state of health not permitting me to go to him at Philadelphia I prevail’d on my...
Printed in Affiches, annonces, et avis divers, ou Journal general de France, June 10, 1784. Carte des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique Suivant le Traité de Paix de 1783, issued by Jean Lattré in 1784, was neither the first French map of the United States published after the signing of the peace, nor an entirely accurate depiction of the boundaries of the new nation, as its title implies. It was,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to send you the inclosed which I have just received from Mr Bridgen and am with great Respect, Sir, Your most Obedient Servant Addressed: Benjamin Franklin, Esq: Notation: Caroline Edes Jany 12. 1782 Missing.