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Results 3371-3380 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I take the liberty to forward to you, six copies of Novanglus, &c. as a small token of the respect which I entertain for your exalted character, and of the gratitude, which I feel for your condescension, in furnishing such invaluable materials for this publication. That you may continue many years, in health and prosperity, to behold the rising glory, and receive the grateful approbation of...
I have for sometime neglected writing to my friend your son at St. Petersburg, because I expected his return early the approaching summer; but I now perceive he is appointed minster plenipotentiary to the court of St. James’s. My object in this Address is to enquire whether he will accept that mission or return to his native country? If he accepts that appointment, the son may terminate his...
the interesting detail of those events which have rendered the convention of Congress, at this time, indispensable, (communicated in your Speech to both Houses,) has excited in us the strongest emotions. Whilst we regret the occasion, we cannot omit to testify our approbation of the measure, and to pledge ourselves that no considerations of private inconvenience shall prevent, on our part, a...
Want of particular confidential Acquaintance with the Delegates from the State of Connecticutt, occasions you more Trouble than I should think myself at Liberty to give you; As I am Sure what I at any Time say to you will be taken in good Part and as well intended however in any Points we may differ in Opinion; therefore I disclose my Sentiments without Reserve, if they are of any Service I am...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits the following observations, in obedience to the direction of the President of the United States. The project of a treaty proposed by the minister of His Britannic Majesty, for the reciprocal delivery of deserters from the land and naval service, does not sufficiently provide against the impressment of American Seamen, and is therefore deemed...
I have regularly received Your Letters and thank you for them. I have read the pamphlets. the Bone has much good natured Witt, contains many painfull facts, & Shows in a strong light what manner of Spirit actuates the pretended Patriots. the writer has in some places taken, a poetical Licence I have not offerd it where I am. Society and Interest and dissapointed ambition will have their...
Captain Beal was in Boston on Saturday and he prevaild on the post master to let him take up the Saturday Mail by which means I got those Letters which ought to have come on thursday Letters of the 11 th 12 th 13 15 & 16 th . the greatest comfort which I derived from them, was hearing that you were well. the prospect of sitting till June is not a very agreable one, and the cause less so. What...
As your Letter of the 29 of Jan—afforded me a Sensible pleasure, I will procure meself another in writing you again. God be praised, that your health is unimpaired—it must continue so manÿ daÿs, if the warm wishes of your Relatives and friends obtain their accomplishments—our own interests—mÿ Dear Sir! prompts this wish. I spent this winter verÿ agreablÿ—partlÿ with mÿ old Classick friends...
On Friday the eleventh Inst. departed this life Oliver Bowen late Marshal of the District of Georgia, appointed to that office by President Washington & displaced by yourself—This act of yours Sir in all probability cost him his life—the malice of his ennemies could not overcome him untill that malice was enforced by your official interference—would it not Sir have been higly proper to have...
The inclosed Letter has this moment been delivered by Mr. Celesia. I have thought it my duty to forward it to You. The letter, which Mr. Mazzei mentions to be inclosed in his, is to his Excellency the Governor of Virginia—am I to forward it to You, or to seal it and forward it to the Governor, first taking a Copy thereof? I wish to have your directions, Sir. Capt. Sampson has informed me, that...