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Results 33671-33680 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Sargent presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and desires the favour of his Company to Dinner on Thursday next to meet Sir Matthew Fetherstone. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / at Mrs. Stephenson’s / Craven Street For Sargent, one of BF ’s English friends of long standing, see above, VII , 322 n. June 20 fell on a Saturday in 1767 and in 1772 during BF...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. O’Connell has the honour to present his respects to his Excellency Dr. Franklin, requests he may be so good to grant him a quarter of an hour’s Audience on friday Morning about some business, If that Day shu’d not be convenient to his Excellency Mr. O’Connell shall wait on him any other moment he shall be pleased to appoint. Notation: O’Connell....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Me voila parti. J’y va m’emploier entierement pour meriter votre estime, et justifier votre Bonne Opinion, Je La recomende encore ma Famille, et J’ose la prier de vouloir etendre Son amitié Sur toute ma Famille. J’ai l’honeur detre avec Respect De Votre Excellence le tres humble & trés Obeissant Serviteur Notation: Le Comte de Beniousky Jany 13. 1782 BF met...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, April 22, 1778, in French: I am a man, and French; no wonder, then, that I am concerned with the Americans’ cause. At the start of their quarrel I wrote the Minister of Marine that I could take three to four hundred men to Canada without evoking British protests, but I was not listened to. Some ten months ago I printed a small pamphlet in which, by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have done myself the honor to call to inform you of my intention of setting out on the Journey which has been explained to you, on Sunday Evening— I had intended to have Left this sooner, but as I could not possibly be ready to day , it would be to no purpose— If you should think of any thing in which I can be useful to you, I shall be happy to be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send the News Paper, and a short Note from a Friend.— The packet, which was bringing the Mail of the 6th Instant, was taken by an American Privateer, and carried into Dunkirk. The News from South Carolina, in the News Paper, of the Success of General Lincoln, I think, bears strong Marks of Authenticity upon the Face of it. I am with great Respect Dear Sir...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My Cousin Jona Williams tertius will have the honour of delivering you this.— He lately arrived from America & will therefore be able to give you many pieces of Information which perhaps may have not found their way through a public Channel.— His views in coming to France were principaly to reestablish his Health, having succeeded in this he wishes to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I writ to you on the 13th. Inst. by Capt. All, and informed you that yours of the 3d. of Augst. was not come to hand; since which I have received it by the Septr. Packet. What prevented it from coming by the Augst. Packet, as my Mother’s of the same Date did, I know not. I have likewise received yours of the 17th. of Augst. by Sutton (I believe,) and your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur d’envoyer a Monsieur francklin ainsi qu’il a bien voulu me le permettre cent exemplaires brochés dont 50 intitulés Recherches sur la préparation que les Romains donnoient a la chaux , et 50 du suplement intitulés memoire pour servir de suite aux recherches que les Romains donnoient a la chaux par M. de la Faye, priant Monsieur francklin de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les Etats unis ayant bien voulu honorer de La décoration de Cincinnatus grand nombre d’officiers francois qui avoient Servi dans La Guerre de L’amerique Septentrionale; J’ose avoir L’honneur de mettre Sous Les yeux de Votre Excellence, qu’étant Embarqué Sur La frégatte du Roy L’Aimable, elle fut envoye Le 27. Juillet 1778. dans La Passe de L’Est de...