Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Thompson, 3 January 1826

ENTRY OF MERCHANDISE, imported by Thomas Jefferson esq. in the Brig Clarice—Oxnard Master, from Marseilles.

New-York January 3rd 1826.

MARKS & NUMBERS.  PACKAGES & CONTENTS.  Specific  15 PrCt  30 Pr Ct
TJ—1@3 Three Cases Muscat Wine      
   ea 50 B 300.00  
4@6 Three do Red Wine    
   ea 50 B 225.00  
  Three Cases Oil     66.00 Total frs. 660.
  One—do Anchovies   12.00  
1 One—do Macaroni   45.10
   Charges  10.  1.  0.90
    frs 535.00 58.10 66.90
$12  15 Per Cent  $ 1.80
 14 30   4.20
60 Gallons Wine @ 30e  18.
2 1/12 Groce Bottles @ $2   4.17
 Permit    .20
Freight from Marseilles  10.
Primage on do   1.


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