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Results 3361-3390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the inspection of the President a set of copper promisory notes, and coins, made by Boulton, the superiority of which over any thing we can do here, will fully justify our wish to set our mint agoing on that plan.—They are obscured by the sea-air. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “The President of the U.S.”; endorsed by Tobias Lear. Tr ( Lb in same,...
I have taken the liberty, of sending thee a copy of the annexed pamphlet as a tribute of respect for our chief-Magistrate in whose talents and integrity, I have placed unlimited confidence, and whose official conduct, in that highly important office has hitherto met my entire approbation, and in this expression of approbation in the measures pursued, or the steps taken by the present...
I have just received the within Letters, and as I hear Capt. Young is to sail tomorrow I take the liberty of inclosing them to you. By Capt. Cushing who sailed a few Weeks ago I sent you the News-Papers from last May, and by Capt. Young I have sent the Papers since and a Register for 1786. I have also sent a little Bundle for Sister Adams. I wrote you largely by Capt. Cushing, and have wrote...
Letter not found. Ca. 1 April 1790. Acknowledged in Stephen to JM, 25 Apr. 1790 . Gives views on the assumption of state debts.
Two days ago I received your favour of the 18th. March, without ever hearing before of, or seeing since the Gentleman there recommended. When I have an opportunity I shall most certainly pay proper respect to your recommendations, by takeing proper Notice of him. My last to you was by a French frigate from Newport with a Copy of what went by Capt. Hayden from here to Amsterdam. I beleive I...
I this Moment had the Honor to Recieve your Excellency’s Letter of Yesterdays date, and Shall riligiously Observe its Contents But I am Sorry to mention That I Shall find it exceeding Difficult to move for the Want of Money Your Excellency I hope may have it in your Power to relieve me by Some means, I would wish to have nothing to Prevent my being Usefull in My Countrys Cause, I am Your...
Sales of Nine Hhds: Tobacco by Bernard Peyton 1825 Rich d for a/c. Thomas Jefferson Esq r 20 Jan y To Sundry persons for cash TJ x 64— 1149 〃〃 65— 1305=2,454. lbs nett, to D. W. & C. Warwick at $3.05 $ 74.84 〃〃 8— 1231 〃〃 11—
The Embargo is violated in the following manner, Ships clear from the Southward for a northern port & go off to the West Indies, The collector at Old York (near Portsmouth) for a certain sum per Barrel & per Hohd. sends on a certificate in due form of the landing of the Goods—about twenty vessels have gone from Old York & its viscinity manag’d in another manner; Bonds to a small amt have been...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. State of Virga. moves to limit power to cede boundaries as qualification to Mr. Witherspoon’s motion to recede—all no but Sharpe Houston & Virga —on question on the sd. motion—all ay but Virga. See Notes from Secret Journal, 6 June , and nn. 2, 3, 4; ibid ., 7 June 1781 , and n. 7; Motions on Boundaries, 8 June...
3370[Diary entry: 22 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Again calm & pleasant. Afternoon hazy & Wind Easterly.
Your favor of Dec. 7. came to hand but a few days ago, and with it the letter of D r Ramsay . I learned with regret your detention on the road by sickness, and hope, if this finds you at the same place, it will be in a better state of health. presuming that the warm and hot springs of Augusta Bath county are the objects of your journey, I cannot but wish to hear of your arrival there; as...
It is regretted that the pressing business of this Department has not till this time permitted a reply to the questions stated in Mr. Gallatin’s letter of the 14th: of January respecting the new loan certificates of the State of Pennsylvania. It has been the uniform construction of the act making provision for the debt of the United States, that to render any certificates receivable on the...
I had the honor of writing you by the January Packet in answer to your favour of Nov r . last. By the present conveyance (The Hope Cap t . Haley) I have the pleasure to forward you the 3 last parts of Madame Rolands work—& a letter from M r Burke to the Duke of Bedford which made its first appearance yesterday— it is perfectly of a peice with all the productions of this extraordinary man— It...
I have received your Letters of December 20. and Jan. 11. by Coll. Franks. The whole of the Business shall be dispatched, and Coll. Franks sent to Congress as you propose, as soon as possible. I have prepared a Draught of a joint Letter to Mr. Barclay and signed it, concerning Mr. Lamb, and shall inclose it to you with this. As to the Treaty with Portugal, the Chevalier De Pinto’s Courier whom...
The case of Plume v. Portlock now lies at the Rules in danger of a dismission for want of a declaration. Mr. Blair directed me to apply to you for instructions in this matter. Your favor herein will oblige Dr. Sir Your friend and servt., P. S. On looking further into the Rule docket I find myself referred to you also for instructions to draw the bill in McVee v. Wilson . I have Wilson’s bond...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is now about four Years since I began to Correspond with Springett Penn respecting his Affairs in this Province during which time I have taken care to get the best Intelligence I could relative thereto, and have regularly Advised him of every thing material which has come to my knowledge; this I think deserves some recompence especially as I Acted a very...
Questa sarà un appendice a quella degli 8 del corrente, e venrà probabilmente ⅌ l’istesso bastimento, che non è ⅌ anche partito. Sono informato adesso del come separare, prosciugare, e conservere i semi della fragole; che Le manderò in una boccettina di vetro ben turata e sigillata, onde spero che avrà finalmente la qualità che le produce il frutto dal principio d’Aprile fino a 9bre,...
We did not collect the sense of our brethren the other day by regular questions, but as far as I could understand from what was said it appeared to be 1. that an acknolegement of our right to the Perdido is a sine quo non, and no price to be given for it. 2. no absolute & perpetual relinquishment of right is to be made of the country East of the Rio bravo del Norte, even in exchange for...
I have just received Major Morris’s letter covering the proceedings of a General Court Martial which I approve off and direct that one of the Criminals the greatest Offender may be executed pursuant thereto. This should be done in the most public manner your Situation will admit as it may serve to convince the rest of the Division that Crimes of this dye will meet the most rigorous punishment....
3380[Diary entry: 26 January 1797] (Washington Papers)
26. Wind Northerly—then So. Westerly. Clear. Large Compa. dined. [24]
Not having the pleasure of an acquaintance with you and having to address you on a subject like the present one, I feel a considerable diffidence in so doing, but as I am confident that you will do everything that lays in your powers, for the assistance of three minors, I shall not hesitate one moment longer, in disclosing that, to which this letter will be confined. No doubt, you have...
I enclose a letter recieved by a young friend of mine from the hands of the writer, to whom he went particularly recommended; he has a packet for D Thornton which contains something for yourself—I Have spoken to Capt Lewis, who politely takes charge of it.—My friend had many conversations with the writer of the letter who was very free in his remarks, upon the ideas of the leading men in that...
Amsterdam, 18 January 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 87–44. printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 4:235–238. Read by Congress on 19 Nov., this letter consisted of English translations of two placards or edicts of the States General dated 12...
I have recd your favour of the 20th. and have no Objection to the plan you propose of raising a Company of Cavalry.—“Our means”! I never think of our means without shuddering! All the Declamations as well as Demonstrations of Trenchard & Gordon, Bolingbroke Bernard & Walpole, Hume, Burgh and Burke, rush upon my Memory and frighten me out of my Witts. The system of Debts and Taxes is levelling...
The enclosed sent to Mr. Pinkney by a Mr. Stephen Kingston. DNA : RG 59--DD-Diplomatic Despatches, Great Britain.
I received your favour this morning by post wishing me to send what money there is my hands arising from the sales of your Nails there is at present between Eighteen & Twenty pounds which you can have at any time Mr Clarke inform.d me that they was onley to be sold for Cash I have done so and that is the verry reason there is not more sold the scarsity of Cash with us at present and another...
I have at length the pleasure to inclose you the favorable result of the Convention at Boston. The amendments are a blemish, but are in the least Offensive form. The minority also is very disagreeably large, but the temper of it is some atonement. I am assured by Mr. King that the leaders of it as well as the members of it in general are in good humour; and will countenance no irregular...
Braintree, October–November? 1758. Printed: JA, Earliest Diary The Earliest Diary of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1966. , p. 66–67 Printed : ( JA, Earliest Diary The Earliest Diary of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1966. , p. 66–67 ).
3389[Diary entry: 28 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
28th. The American columns and 1st. division of the French Army arrived at the places assigned them.
I have rec d . your Letter of the 13 th . Inst. informing me of a Letter you had rec d . from M r . C. Sands & recommending M r . W m . Livingston in strong terms for the Office of Surrogate for Kings County, this Letter was inclosed to me by M r . Livingston & which I forwarded to you, M r . L. in his Letter to me mentioned the subject & wished me to promote his views in endeavoring to obtain...