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Results 3361-3390 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 30 th your advances for me have been unreasonably great and such as I must check. but no consideration on earth will permit me to let you suffer. Except our neighborly and current calls, every thing is in Jefferson hands. I sent for him this morning and have had a conference with him. he assures me he has had you in constant view and thinks himself...
I am about to ask a friendly office of you which I hope will give you no other trouble than to change the direction of one of your daily walks. a mr Boyé, a Danish Mathematician was engaged in a survey to make a map of Virginia. I lent him a fine Borda’s Circle of reflection 2. or 3. years ago and my best telescope. he has ceased to have occasion for them a year or two. he is now in Philada...
ENTRY OF MERCHANDISE, imported by Thomas Jefferson esq. in the Brig Clarice—Oxnard Master, from Marseilles. MARKS & NUMBERS. PACKAGES & CONTENTS. Specific 15 P r C t 30 P r C t TJ—1@3 Three Cases Muscat Wine ea 50 B 300.00 〃 4@6 Three d o
I now return you Ritchie’s letter and your answer. I have read the last with entire approbation and adoption of it’s views. When my paper was written all was gloom, and the question of roads and canals was thought desperate at Washington after the President’s message. Since that however have appeared the S. C. resolns., Van Buren’s motion, and above all Baylie’s proposn. of Amdmt., believed to...
Your favor of Dec. 26. has been duly recieved, and I enter with anxiety into all your views and wishes as to mr Wall. I regret much, not indeed that he is so well off, but the uncertainty whether we could ensure him better. I verily believe that he might do better here, not in the first moment, or month, but after a moderate time—you seem to think a small salary, could we give it, might turn...
I now return you Ritchie’s letter and your answer. I have read the latter with entire approbation and adoption of it’s views. when my paper was written, all was gloom, and the question of roads and canals was thought desperate at Washington, after the President’s message. since that however have appeared the S.C. resolutions, Van Buren’s motion, and, above all, Baylie’s proposition for...
Returning from England in October last, the enclosed Packet was intrusted to my care by Mr Rufus King Am. Mer in London—I have kept it Very long, to use it as an excuse for visiting Monticello, & I hope that no inconvenience has occurred by the delay— MHi .
Your favor of Dec. 8. was recieved on the 13 as the subject would require explanations beyond the compas of a letter, and D r Emmet one of our Professors was then to set out within a few days for New York I asked the favor of him to call on you, and after informing you of all particulars which it might be interesting to you to know, to assure you that your services would be highly acceptable....
I cannot suffer the day to pass my dear George without offering you the best wishes of your Mother on the return of the day which generally calls forth the good natured gratulations of our friends. May the ensuing year prove auspicious my beloved Son and ensure to you all the happiness you can desire pure unmixed and if possible without alloy.—As you are now the only one of the family who are...
I cannot blame you, if you have been thinking hardly of my long delay in answering your favor of the 10 th ult. but knowing the state of my health these thoughts will vanish from your mind . it is now 3. weeks since a re-ascerbation of my painful complaint has confined me to the house and indeed to my couch. required to be constantly recumbent I write slowly and with difficulty. yesterday for...
A Statement of Tho s Jefferson’s Bond to 1 st Jany 1826. 1820 May 31. To Amt principal $ 843.50 〃 Int to May 31 st 1822 101.22 〃 Amt due May 31. 1822 $ 944.72 〃
I am sorry to Say the Composit Capitals Cant be Cut for 30 Dollars Each as I wrote you, its impossible and I Hope you will take it in to Consideration and allow me my first Price which was 4/6 per inch in Girthing the Collum or Capital at its Diminished Diametre which will amount to 37 or 38 Dollars Considering my former Letters &c its all I can ask and I will be satisfied with that sum 4/6...
Mr. Clay’s respectful Compliments to Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams and he regrets Extremely that confinement to his room by indisposition prevents him from having the pleasure of dining with them to day. Tuesday Morning Mr. and Mrs. Clay regret that a very bad cold with which he is afflicted deprives them of the honor of accepting Mr. and Mrs. Adams’s invitation to dinner on friday next. Mrs....
5th Jany— Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr & Mrs Adams for Thursday next 6th Jany. Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr & Mrs Adams for Thursday next. 29th April Mr Calhoun regrets that he cannot accept the invitation of Mr & Mrs Adams to dine with them to day. 13th June Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr Adams for tomorrow 19th Decr. Mr...
Monday Morning. Mr Webster accepts with pleasure Mr & Mrs Adam’s Invitation to dine on Thursday— Sir, Wednesday 3 ‘clock I am, today, affected with So severe a cold it has been quite impossible for me to call at the Department, as I proposed to do, last Evening. I hope to be well enough to do it on friday. Yrs, with very true / regard Wednesday P.M Mr Webster very much regrets that the...
I do not feel quite well enough to be out today—having suffered a little from being out yesterday—and I would not wish you to detain, on my acc’t, the Papers which you wish to send off for Chili—Both myself and friends shall be Entirely satisfied to follow your suggestion—I will, nevertheless, have the pleasure of calling at the Department on the subject, at an Early opportunity— With entire...
Mr Webster, accepts with great pleasure Mr & Mrs Adams invitation to dine on Thursday next— MHi : Adams Papers.
The President directs me to request of you to procure as soon as possible from the Printer some Copies of the Proclamation as he is very anxious to send them to Congress to day Yours &c DLC : Peter Force Collection.
Will you be good enough to have fifty copies of the enclosed invitation printed for me before the evening. If you can you will much oblige / Yours &c DLC : Peter Force Collection.
3380Memorandum Books, 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 4. The wines recd. from Dodge & Oxnard Dec. 14. & this day for myself for T.I.R. total vin rouge de Bergasse.  150
This indenture made on the day of one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, between Arthur S. Brockenbrough, Proctor of the University of Virginia in the county of Albemarle on the one part and Thomas Jefferson Rector, and James Madison, James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson Joseph C. Cabell, John Hartwell Cocke and George Loyall Visitors of the said University on the other part witnesseth...
will you lend me my draught for a quarter of an hour to N. P T. the draught herein mentioned was, if I recollect right, that of a bill for the establishment of intermediate colleges, sent to J. C. Cabell, for the Session of 1825.— DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Mod. Cost. D M. W. Fr. V. Ion Pallad. Modil 30 Dinsm 8,768. Antient lang. Long. 7½ – 9½ VIII. Diocl. bath. Dentil 24 Dinsm Mathematics Key 9½ – 11½ I.
An Essay or Introductory Lecture towards facilitating instruction in the Anglo-Saxon and Modern dialects of the English Language. for the use of the University of Virginia Printed by order of the Board of Visitors The importance of the Anglo-Saxon dialect towards a perfect understanding of the English language seems not to have been duly estimated by those charged with the education of youth;...
Mr Key. Bilfingeri dissertatio de triplici rerum cognitione. 4 to 1721 elementa Physicus Leips. 1742. Atwood on motion Analysis of a course of lectures. description of experiments Charnock’s hist. of marine architecture 3.v.4 to —— Dupin’s works. Guericke experimenta nova Magdeburgica. fol. Amst. Gilbert Physiologica, seu tractatus de magnete et corporibus magneticis. Lambert Pyrometric Berlin...
I have not had the last advertisement printed in hand bills or on letter sheets, if you wish it I will have a few struck off—I have several of the notices printed last summer on letter sheets, which with some slight alterations gives all the necessary information—be pleased to say if you will have some of them—If you have examined the survey of the lots for the Professors &c, be pleased to let...
I have just read part of a letter from one of the Professors of The University in which a subject interesting to myself is incidentally mentioned—It was observed that such an office as that of Librarian to the Institution already exists or will soon be created. It seems that M r Tucker (the professor to whom I allude) was apprised of my willingness to receive such an appointment under...
I scarcely know how to apologize for this intrusion upon your retirement. After devoting so large a portion of a long life to the service of your country; after having contributed more than any other man to the developement of the great principles of civil and religious liberty, and retired from the turmoils of politicks, and consecrated the evening of so eventful a life to the promotion of...
Ingratitude has been called the vice of Republics. On a late occasion we have seen the Government and people of the United States give a practical and triumphant refutation of this calumny by their conduct to Gen. La Fayette. Another opportunity of removing the reproach now presents itself; and it is for the people of Virginia in their individual capacity, to say, whether they will not eagerly...
Chemical Apparatus essential to a well furnished Labratory & Lecture Room. Knights improved table furnace $ 30. Forge Bellows, tubes, blow pipes &c. 40 * Small blast furnace for table 10. * Sand heat furnaces to be set on brick work 16. * Bellows table with Lamp & blow pipe 25. Copper still, & Ressigeratory 20 Apparatus for Potassium 10