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Results 3361-3390 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
In my last of the 29th Inst. by Mr Smith the Interpr I inclos’d you a Letter from Colo. Bouquet...
To George Washington Esqr. Collo. of the Virginia Regiment & Commander of all the Virginia Forces...
AL (fragment): Historical Society of Pennsylvania [ First part missing ] Franklyn for the Favor...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Fitzgerald and Dr. Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklyn,...
ALS (draft): Blumhaven Library (1957) I have perus’d the Parts you put into my Hands of the new...
3366Commonplace Book, 1759–1772 (Madison Papers)
This manuscript volume is in part a copybook and in part a notebook, all written by JM in his...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Lett not my Dear Friend Forgett that I expect Him and...
The next Year after I was sworn, was the memorable Year 1759 when the Conquest of Canada was...
3369[Jonathan Sewall, 1759] (Adams Papers)
Sometime in 1761 or two Mr. Samuel Quincy with whom I sometimes corresponded, shewed to Mr....
33701759. (Adams Papers)
Began Octr. 12th, in Pursuance of the foregoing Plan to transcribe from Brightlands english...
Assumpsit. Sometimes signifies not only a Promise but an Actual Undertaking of the Business, an...
Duplicate Yale University Library When I first began to treat with the Proprietors, they desired...
AD : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Birthdays of the Children of Josiah and Ann Franklin...
ALS : Library of Congress At length I have found an Hour, in which I think I may chat with my...
An Account of Sundrys taken and usd by Mrs Custis out of the Inventories No. £.  s. d. ⟨19.⟩ A...
Sale of the Estate Sundries Appraisd at Sold for £  s. d. £  s. d. 2 pair Andirons . 7.6 .15   3...
An Account of Sundries used before the Estate was Divided No. £ s. d. 19. 478 lb. Lead 3.19.  24....
A Table Shewing at one view how every Article in the Inventories was accounted for at Settling...
An Account of the Lands in the Estate per the Auditors List. In the County of York 3074 Acres New...
An Account of Rents In Williamsburg John Warrington £20.   Peter Scott 10.   Thomas Weathers...
An Account of Goods which Mrs Custis had out of those Imported from England Goods from Cary &...
Things reserved for the Use of the Estate & not sold No. 1. An Anchor £ 1. 2.   5. An Applemill...
Tradesmen belonging to the Estate Names Age Occupation Peter 39 } Carpenter’s Ned 48 Morrice 29 W...
There are two undated lists of books in the Custis Papers ( ViHi ) in GW’s hand. GW made the...
3385[January 1759] (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincies. Spent the Evening there, and the next morning. In the afternoon,...
3386Wednesday [January 1759]. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincies. Spent the Evening there, and the next morning. In the afternoon,...
3387Tuesday [January 1759]. (Adams Papers)
Took a ride after Dinner to Gullivers Brook in Milton, returned home. Went over to Deacon...
3388Cash Accounts, January 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Jany 5th 59 To Ditto [cash] of Mr Boyd pr Acct £149.19.7 Contra Jany By a Coach 2/6. Exps....
ALS : Public Record Office, London As I am Just now Inform’d that a vessel is going from New York...
The Governor writing fully to you on the present System of management, and posture of our affairs...