Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Philippe-François Thiérin, 14 June 1777

From Philippe-François Thiérin8

ALS: American Philosophical Society

a Paris ce 14. Juin 1777.


J’eus l’honneur le 11 passé de vous etre présenté par Monsr. Harmanson de la Virginie et de vous remettre une lettre d’un de mes Amis de st. Malo.9 Vous me Promites d’y faire une réponse que vous m’addresseriez pour la lui faire parvenir: comme la multiplicité et l’importance de vos Affaires vous auroient bien pu faire perdre celle ci de vue, permettez moi, Monsieur de vous la rappeller a votre souvenir et de vous laisser convaincre du Profond Respect avec lequel j’ai l’Honneur d’etre Monsieur Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur

Ph. FS. Thiérin

chez Mrs. Frin et Cie. Banqrs. rue du Carousel a Paris

Notation: Ph. Thierin Paris 14 june 1777

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Six months later he formed a partnership with André-François Dubois, who had been associated with his father as Dubois père & fils. The new bank took over the affairs of the old, and asked BF for his business. Dubois & Thiérin to BF, Dec. 2, 1777, APS.

9John Harmanson was a Virginian stranded in France, who asked the commissioners the following winter for help in getting home; see his letter below, Jan. 9, 1778. The letter from St. Malo, in the APS, is addressed to Thiérin (though intended for BF) by a M. Pierres. He explains that on his return in the spring of 1775 from a voyage to China he sold some tea to an American, Capt. Cornelius Haight of the Catherine With or Swith, who gave him bills on London. Only 30% of them were honored, and he wants help in recovering the debt.

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