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Results 3341-3350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
With my borrowed Money I have just paid the collector my tax Bill. I have the satisfaction to know that I did not borrow it to pay any expences of my own creating, but having been twice before call’d upon, I could not submit to a third, without discharging it. I have not any Letter from you of a later date than the 17 th nor do I expect to get an other untill the 4 th of April. the weather is...
I have the pleasure to inclose to you a report of a the com: of the. 7th. on our for: relations with govts. in which the communications wh took place between the Ex: of the US. & the Br. govt., are review’d, & the a project of an act of congress, relative to seamen submitted to considerations—The object of the report seems to be and as it undoubtdly is, to place the controversy between the two...
Yorktown, 22 January 1778. RC ( Adams Papers ); printed : Benjamin Rush, Letters Letters of Benjamin Rush , ed. L. H. Butterfield, Princeton, 1951; 2 vols. , 1:190–192. Whatever might be said about the graces needed at the French court, Rush praised the choice of the “perfectly honest” Adams as commissioner. Critical of American generalship, Rush yet dreaded the entry of France into the war...
Your account of the first part of your journey, is quite as entertaining and instructive as is that of the latter part, recorded in your former letter. The seventy persons on board the steam boat who were obliged to sleep in mats covered with a blanket, reminded me of my excellent friend and physician, Dr Holbrook’s account of the treatment of the small pox in Canada when our Revolutionary...
I must insist upon it, notwithstanding the authority of your veto, that the subject is truly a noble one for the painter. A great patriarch, one of the chief founders of his country’s liberties, the steady advocate of her rights at the courts of foreign potentates as well as in all departments at home, is permitted by a kind Providence to live as it were into posterity, beholding the vast...
Jno. Adams Dr. s d 1775 To Club Venison Dinner 10 10 2 Bottles Cyder 2 S 12 10 M-Ar : vol. 210. Date supplied from an entry in JA ’s Account with Massachusetts, Aug.–Dec. 1775 , above.
Understanding a marine Department is about to be created, and reflecting, that my former appointment under the Commissioner of the United States in France was principally of that discription, I am emboldened to offer a renewal of my Services. Maritime concerns have been with me objects of particular attention from early life, and so far as they are connected with Commerce may be considered as...
I had the Pleasure of Addressing you the 5th Currente to Which Please be Referd and Since am Honour’d With your Truly Esteem’d Letter of the 31 ultimo and am Happy to Learn your Safe Arrival at Bordeaux on your Route to Paris. Your Thanks is Much more than an Equivilante for any Services I Wished to do you At Madrid. I onley Considred that as part of My duty, as well to Serve the united States...
Le départ de mon Beau-Frère Govert—Jean van Persyn pour l’Amérique-Unie me met enfin dans le cas de remplir un devoir, que les circonstances du tems, ma vie extrémement occupée, & l’effet que cet ensemble a produit sur mon esprit, m’ont trop longtems fait négliger. Il y a deux ans sur-tout, que, placé à mon tour à la tête de notre Université, & ce tour tombant au milieu des tems de la plus...
Among the late intercepted Letters from London, is one from the Army Agent there to the Traitor Arnold, by which it appears that his Bribe was 5000 £ Sterling, in Bills drawn on Harley & Drummond, who are the Contractors for furnishing the Army with Money. Inclos’d I send you a Copy of that Letter, and shall send you others by next Post. The English Papers tell us, that you have succeeded in...