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Results 33391-33420 of 184,431 sorted by author
James Madison Esqr. To Griffith Coombe dr 1807 January 7th. To 90 bushels Coal @ 35/ 100 $31:50 Cash Pd. for halling the same 3 1/ 2 Cts Bushel 3:15 $34:65 Recd. Payment in full DLC : Papers of James Madison.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your favour of the 5th January, I receiv’d per Cap. Falconer. The Book you was pleased to send me, I also received, and accept as a mark of the Authors Friendship, tho the Instances of the very extraordinary kindness shewn my Son and your Assurances of it’s continuance, together with the Pleasure you are pleased to express in my recommending him to you, are...
ALS : Yale University Library I take the earliest opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of your kind letter by Captain Falconer, and of thanking you for the present of books which accompanied it. Mr. Lindsey’s production was a curiosity that I had for some time been wishing to see. I had heard of his fame, but knew nothing of his particularities, till I saw his book, which appears to me to...
Extract of ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I dined with Dr. Franklin the Day before yesterday, when he desired to be kindly remembered to you. My Affection for the good old Dr. increases every Time I visit him, which I do very frequently. An Anecdote just occurs which will make you smile. Calling to’ther Day to ask Dr. Franklin “how he did,” I found him sitting, with only a single Cap...
At a meeting of a respectable number of the Republicans of the county of Oneida convened at the house of Mr. A. Loomis in Westmoreland, January 15, 1807. pursuant to public notice, for the purpose of adopting an Address to the President of the United States. Apollos Cooper, Esq. was chosen Chairman and Samuel Dill, Secretary. Resolved, That Francis A. Bloodgood, Joshua Hathaway, David W....
A Letter has bin forwarded me from Eggharbour, requesting a Solicitation, (to you) for Joseph Whinner to the Office of Collector of the Port of Egg Harbour, in the room of A Freeling that has latterly taken to drink, this change will be highly recommendable in the neighbourhood of Egg Harbour and by the Republicans of the County at Large tho at this critical time in consiquence of the...
The malignant attack which my character has sustained in an anonymous hand-bill, to which your letter of the 21st inst. directed to the chairman of the Federal electioneering committee of this city is annexed; and in which you contradict certain facts contained in a letter, said to have been written by me to Andrew Brown , Esq. of Bern, will be my apology for repelling the unfounded aspersions...
It has been suggested to me by a number of respectable Gentlemen of this town and vicinity, as an object worthy attention, to publish a new & elegant edition of your Defence of the American Constitutions ; and I have promise of much support. If I can obtain the honor of your approbation, I shall immediately put the work to press, & finish it with all possible speed:—it will be impressed on the...
1 July 1803, St. Croix . Informed JM of his resignation as consul in his letter of 18 Dec. 1802 , as he was “render’d wholly incapable” of furnishing JM with the semiannual return of ships arriving in St. Croix. Encloses two returns, beginning January 1802, which his increasing strength has allowed him to compile. These should be considered “materially defective,” since he found it nearly...
18 December 1802, St. Croix. “I beg leave to represent through You To His Excellency The President of The United States that from a series of ill Health for the last three years I find My Constitution so reduced as to render it necessary for Me to retire from all business. Under those circumstances I feel much regret at being obliged to resign the Appointment I had the Honour to receive from...
St. Croix, 10 July 1793 . He wrote to TJ on 1 May and received his 21 May circular, but will not be able to provide the information expected in his 26 Aug. 1790 request for a semiannual report on American trade with this island. Most American imports here are subject to a 10 percent duty without the privilege of exporting part of the value thereof in sugar. Few American products fall into the...
§ From Henry Cooper. 3 September 1805, St. Croix . “I beg leave to hand you, under cover, copy of a letter from his Excellency Genl. Muhlenfels (Commander in Chief of this Island) communicating to me in my Official capacity, a late Ordinance from his Danish Majesty—expressly declaring that no Vessels from the United States of America shall be admitted into any Port within the Danish Dominions...
At the period of my resignation of the appointment of Consul for this Island, & its dependencies, c ommunicated to you by my letter of 18th. Decemr. last, I was r ender’d wholly incapable of accomplishing my intention to furnish a half yearly return of the trade of the United States with this Island, agreeably to your wish. In the interim however, as my strength has permited, I have h ad the...
St. Croix, 12 Nov. 1793 . He encloses an executed consular bond and refers TJ to John Wilcocks of Philadelphia, who is well acquainted with his sureties. He will shortly provide the promised estimate of this island’s trade with the United States and such observations as will be useful, and hopes TJ has avoided the “dreadful calamity” in Philadelphia. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); 1 p.; at foot of...
In the Months of Decemr. 1802. & July 1803, I had the Honor to address you on the Subject of my resignation of the Appointment of Consul of the United States of America for the Island of St. Croix & its dependancies, in consequence of my then in abil ity to attend personally to the duties of that Office from extreme i ll health, & sollicited a Successor in that Department. As no new a...
St. Croix, 1 May 1793 . He expresses thanks for the correspondence covering his consular commission for this island and promises at the earliest opportunity to attend to TJ’s general letter of instructions and communicate to him such information as may be required. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); 1 p.; addressed: “Honble. Thomas Jefferson Esqr.”; endorsed by TJ as received 27 May 1793 and so recorded...
To Isaac Cooper Dollr Cents to framing & glazing two Pictures 5 00 to thirteen Circular frames   13      $18 — RC ( MHi ); in Cooper’s hand; endorsed by TJ: “June 6. 05. pd by check on bk US.”
His Excellency Mr Jefferson Bot of Isaac Cooper Dolls one Dozen gilt frames with Glass 12    one square Glass 26 by 19   2.50 two Boxes & Packing do   1    15. 50 100 MS ( MHi ); in Cooper’s hand; endorsed and signed by Cooper acknowledging payment on 2 July; endorsed by TJ. Isaac Cooper (1777-1841) was born in Rockland County, New York. In 1803, he opened a carving and gilding shop on...
His Excellency Th jefferson   To Isaac Cooper Jr dolls june 7th 1805— to Straining a painting on mahogany board and white frame for Do delivered to Mr g Stewart 4
23 August 1811, Philadelphia. Offers himself as a candidate for the position of consul at Santiago de Cuba, recently vacated by the death of Maurice Rogers. “Having a perfect knowledge of the place from a long Residence, & being particularly intimate with its local Mercantile Usages, many Merchants of this Port, have intimated a wish that I had the Appointment, & would transact their business.”...
Bristol, Eng. 2 Aug. 1785. Encloses a letter from James Monroe; he would have delivered it in person, but will not be in Paris before October or November; hopes to see TJ at that time. RC ( DLC ); 1 p. Recorded in SJL as received 23 Sep. “by W. Short.” Enclosure: James Monroe to TJ, 6 Apr. 1785.
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 163, fol. 227). To The Honble. the deligates for the State of Virginia in Congress The memorial of Leonard Cooper Captain in the Invalid Regiment formerly of the 4th Virginia Regiment Sheweth, That your memorialist having Receiv’d a wound in the month of October 1779 which has renderd him uncapable of doing duty with his Regiment ever since—and being much Embarrass’d by not...
I have received your’s and Mr Custis’s Letters of the 15th of December. For the many polite Expressions of Regard, in Both, I beg Leave to return my just Acknowledgements. I hope and earnestly wish, the young Adventurer may enjoy every Pleasure, in his new State, which his Imagination hath already formed: and, from every Account of the young Lady’s Disposition and Qualifications, and from my...
Dr Cooper presents his most respectful Comps. to Coll Washington; & returns him his Son in Law, without any vices that he knows of, and with many Virtues, wherewith he is perfectly acquainted. His Assiduity hath been equal to his Rectitude of principle; and it is hoped his Improvements in Learning have not been inferior to either. AL , DLC:GW . John Parke Custis probably delivered Cooper’s...
I recd Your’s the day before Yesterday Unfortunately, Mr Custis himself, having taken it from the Man employ’d by the Post Master to carry Letters about, brought it to me: so that I gave the inclosed to him immediately, little suspecting the mournful Contents. The Shock, You may suppose, was severe: however he is grown much more composed; & I hope his good Sense and Christian Fortitude, in a...
I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 13th. inst. yesterday, in answer to mine of the 25th. ulto. I conclude you do not understand the agency in its true light—it was the intention of Congress to have a true statement of the valuable Copper Mines on our side of Lake Superior, and to know the disposition of the Indian tribes (to whom they belong) relative to selling a tract of Land to...
30 November 1801, Cooperstown. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 6 Nov. and promises to comply with his directions. Regrets that sale of boat and stores could not have been done when the expedition was canceled. The delay will result in considerable loss to the government. Tr ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 7A-D1). 1 p. Marked “Copy.” Enclosed in JM to Jefferson, 29 Mar. 1802 , and transmitted...
Letter not found. 25 April 1801. Acknowledged in JM to Cooper, 13 May 1801 . Mentioned in Cooper to JM, 31 May 1801 . Informs secretary of state of expenses incurred in preparation for a Lake Superior expedition authorized by Congress.
13 March 1802, Cooperstown. “I have to inform you that I have sold the greatest part of the articles in my possession belonging to the United States, and I hope to be able in a few weeks to make a final settlement with Government.” Tr ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 7A-D1). 1 p. Marked “Copy.” Enclosed in JM to Jefferson, 29 Mar. 1802 , and transmitted to the House of Representatives, 31...
AL (draft): British Museum This letter brought Franklin his earliest first-hand news, as far as we know, that the crown was losing control of Massachusetts. The arrival on May 13 of the commander in chief and new governor, Thomas Gage, did not slow the process. The General Court that had just been elected clashed with him immediately on the choice of Council members, and on the transfer of the...