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Results 33351-33400 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Going away of Ships are So uncertain, and I am So Frequent out of Town—I write this Letter to my Dear Friend premature because I do not Inclose a receipt for the Box which I expect to do in my Next if I am not out of Town when the Ship Sails. The Box comes by Capt. Friend in the Carolina. In it is Books and Catologues for Lib: Company, Some for J:...
ALS : Hobart College Library This Letter will either be delivered or forwarded to you by a most Worthy Gentn. Nathl. Gorham Esqr. of Boston for whose Public & private Character I have the highest respect, This Gentn has served as Member & Speaker of the Massachusetts assembly. & lately he had a pretty long Campaigne in Congress where I had that opportunity of knowing the integrity of his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the winter of 1779 applications for commissions in the American army continue to arrive. The first letter, written on November 6 and printed below, is from a captain of volunteers on a French privateer who would like a more assured future in the form of a brevet in the American service. The greater number of applications, however, come from soldiers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did my self the pleasure of writing to you the 8th of last Month & sent it to your grandson. I last night had the pleasure of seeing him at the R.S. He told me he was detained longer than he expected. But that he should go Sunday or Monday next which oppertunity I have taken of sending you the identical hygrometer, I mentioned in mine of the 8th of Octr....
AL : American Philosophical Society M. David Secretaire de Legation de la Cour Palatine a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur francklin un Paquett qui lui a eté adressé par l’academie de Manheim. Il a celui de lui rendre en meme tems ses hommages./. Addressed: a Monsieur / Monsieur francklin Ministre / Plenipotentiaire des Etats unis de / de L’amerique près du Roy / a Passy Notation David Paris le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je metois fait l’honneur de vous Ecrire de dunkerque au Sujet de mes appointemant et part au prize que nous avons fait Sur vottre fregatte du Congre lexemton Cape. henry Jonson pour que vous ayé la Bonté de massister de quelque Chose Etant Sans aucune resource. Jesperre Monsieur que vous vouderez Bien massister je crois monsieur que je ne vous demande rin...
Copy: Library of Congress M. Le Comte de Vergennes prie, Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien se charger de faire passer à M. Le Chevalier de La Luzerne le paquet ci joint par la premiere Occasion.
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Harrison presents his respectful Compliments to His Excellency, is sensible of his polite Invitation at same Time is sorry that an Indisposition that has Kept him confined since his arrival in Paris, prevents his having the Honor to wait on His Excellency on Thursday next. Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / en Son hôtel / a Passy The...
AL (draft): National Archives I find that there remain scarce fifty pounds of the funds that were in my hands, & my inevitable expences in quitting this place & returning to my Country, will I apprehend amount to four or five hundred. If the state of the public funds in your disposal will permit you to furnish me with that Sum it will save me from very great difficulties & distress. I have the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, December 28, 1777, in French: I enclose a letter for you from a merchant of this city, and will forward your reply.>
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society This morning were brought me four Bills of Exchange drawn on Mr. Laurens on the 6th. of July 1780 for 550 Guilders each. I have desired time to write to your Excellency, and obtained it. But as there is a large Number of these Bills not yet arrived, and as they come in sometimes by single Bills, and generally in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have but time to tell you that yister day our Dear littel Boy was Caireyed to Christe Church and was baptised by the Name of Benj Franklin. His Unkill and Ante stood for him Mr. Banton as procksey for you and I was well aneuef to stand for my selef. I have the pleshuer to tell you that Salley is thank to god as well as we have resen to expeckte her to be...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library Mechanical Inventions, and Improvements in every Branch of experimental Philosophy, are at all times so agreeable to you, that it must give you pleasure to be informed of a Grist-mill, newly invented by an American which will soon come into general use, not only in America but in Europe & thro’ the World. There are but 4...
Copy: Harvard University Library; two copies and transcript: National Archives Mr. Montieu was informd by us all, that it woud be necessary for him to shew the receits from the Agent Mr. Williams, of the Articles chargd in his Account, before it coud be finally settled. He went down to Nantes where Mr. Williams & his Burau were. Instead of receits specifying the number, colour & condition of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I inclose you a Letter I have received from Mr Dalton of Newbury, you will see by it that he is in hopes another Application will procure a greater allowance from Government for the Brig Fairplay. I have promised (not with a view of having ⅙ of the Property) to write you once more though it does not appear [ to ] me likely to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon Illustre confrère j’ai l’honneur de vous prier de la part de M. le Comte de Maillebois à dîner chez lui mercredy prochain avec Monsieur votre petit fils et M. Adams. On dinera exactement à une heure précise pour avoir tout le temps de diner et d’aller ensuite à l’Académie de bonne heure. La maladie de Mde. La Duchesse de Luxembourg a empeché M. De...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Je demande bien pardon à Monsieur Franklin, si les procédés de M. Lee m’obligent à me retrancher dans la Rigeur de mon droit. Je n’en ai pas moins pour Mr. Franklin tout le Respect que son âge, son Etat et ses grandes Qualités inspirent; et je m’honorerai d’être toute ma Vie de l’homme respectable, du Ministre d’un Republique à laquelle je me suis voué, et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Marquis de Castries Shew’d me Yesterday the Model of the Edict which he proposes obtaining for the Establishment of the 5. Pacquets boats. I desired him to Send it you, Ere he had presented it, which he will Shortly do, I beg You’d Read it attentively & Send him back all your observations thereon,— Woud you be Kind Enough to Inform the Countesse de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The letter printed below, in which Franklin’s French secretary tenders his resignation, sounds cool and formal, but the circumstances surrounding the event must have been highly emotional and have remained somewhat shrouded in mystery. Why did the young man, who had entered the Commission’s service so highly recommended, feel he had to quit one year later?...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai Recû, par le courier d’hier, la mèdaille que vous m’avès fait l’honneur de m’envoier; et j’ai celui de vous en Remércier de toute mon âme. On s’emprèsse icy, a contempler ce monument qui intérèsse toute L’Europe et Eternise la gloire de L’amèrique. Au Rèste, je dois prèvènir Votre Excéllence, qu’il ne m’èst pas possible de Repondre aux choses honnetes...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Prince de Caramanico Ambassadeur Extraordinaire du Roy des siciles a L’honneur de faire part a Monsieur Francklin Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats unis de L’Amerique, qu’il a eû ce Jourd’huy ses premieres Audiences de Leurs Majestés & de La famille Royale./. Notation: Le Prince Caramanico 10 Oct. 1784— Franceso Maria Venanzio d’Aquino, principe di...
AL : American Philosophical Society [Saturday, July 9 (1768?). A dinner invitation from Dr. Huck for Friday next at four o’clock.] Richard Huck, who changed his name in 1777 to Huck-Saunders, had been an army surgeon in America during the French and Indian War. He returned to London, was appointed physician to the Middlesex Hospital in 1766 and to St. Thomas’s in 1768, and was in the medical...
Draft: New-York Historical Society Any knowlege I have of the winds and other Changes which happen in the atmosphere is so very defective that it does not deserve the name. Neither have I receiv’d any Satisfaction from the attempts of others on this subject. It deserves then your thoughts as a subject in which you may distinguish your self and be usefull. Your notion of some things conducting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous prennons la liberté, de nous adresser a vous, pour vous enformer que notre Navire Neerlants Welvaart M. [Maitre] Cornelis Thomasse Wesseling parti de Leverpool avec une Cargaison pour Naples & Salerno en Italie, chargé pour Compte Italien, ä eté pris par les Americains, qui l’ont emmené avec eux, en Nouvel Angleterre en Amerique, comme nous avons eté...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I called at Mrs. Stevenson’s yesterday, but was so unfortunate as to find you absent. As I am told that you design for the country in a day or two, and I may perhaps lose an opportunity of seeing you, I have used, sir, the freedom of addressing you in this manner and would beg the favour of your kind advice with regard to my intended expedition to France...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Thinking it may not be amiss to mention all the Circumstances attending the bill of Exchange on M. De Chaumont, that I have had protested, & for which payment cannot be at present obtained from his being possessed of a lettre de Surseance, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a Sketch of the Affair since I received the bills, of which that in your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The great friendship you have ever shewn me, produces a liberty which I trust you will forgive, as the subject is a matter of the utmost importance to me, and my family— I see in Freemans Philada. Journal of the 27th. february 1782 among the names of those who have forfeited their Estates, two John Taylors , and as I have not heard from my Agent Wm. West...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am desired by my friend DH to forward you the enclosed Letter which I do thro’ the hands of my Banker Mr. Veron. Should you have occation to write our mutual friend under Cover you may address your Letter to my House under the firm of Messrs. Eyre & Hartley Negts. London. There is no doubt of its coming safe to my hand and you may rely upon my care and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the Liberty of writing to you by the favour of your Grandson sometime since —and It is only from very urgent Reasons that I am induc’d again to trouble you, which I hope you will be so good to pardon. I have not ever mentioned to you myself, any other part of my unfortunate History, but that of being intirely deprived of the Society of my amiable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I with great pleasure Acknowlege the Receipt of your favour of the 3d. and am very glad to hear You have such late news from your family and friends at Philada. I hope their health will be continued and yourself soon restored never more to be seperated from them. I am much better then when I wrote you but have been Oblig’d since that time to undergo a Very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope my Letter will Reach your excellency soon enough as to prevent your going to versailles for our propos’d meeting— I will not yet wait on the king and his Majesty’s orders are to stay in paris without seeing a great Number of Acquaintances— I confess I can’t help much approving his wisdom on this Respect that Many people have already propagated...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Recived yours of the 18 this month this Day which Give me Great Joy to hear of your helth but much Surprised you have had no Letters Latter than you mentiond for a Mr Vaughan that Came in the Same vessell Told us he had Dispaches for you as Soon as I had Determined on my imbarcation I waited on Mr Charles Thomson to Let him know that if Congress had aney...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer of this, Mr Lewis, is an honest tradesman, and an attendant at the Meeting-House in Newington-Green. I cannot resist his desire that I would give him a line to introduce him to you. He has always been a warm favourer of the American cause, thinks of you with veneration, and wishes just to See you. Any notice, therefore, that you may think fit to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis on ne Peut Plus Sensible au Cadot que vous voulez Bien me faire de Permettre aux Peintre de Prendre deux a trois Séances Pour avoir votre Portrait je me suis arrangé de Prix avec luy: je n’ai jamais compté, monsieur, que vous me Le fériés faire a vos Dépens, C’est Bien heureux Pour moi de L’avoir: quand il m’en couteroit 20. Louis je Les donnerais...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Potts presents his Compliments to Mr. Francklin, will be glad of the favor of his Company tomorrow to eat part of a Haunch of Vension. An Answer is desired. At four oClock. Addressed: To / Benjamin Francklin Esqr. / In Craven Street / Strand
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je desirerois bien me rapeller dans le Souvenir de votre Excelence, mais je ne puis me flatter davoir cet avantage, les affaires importantes que vous avez eu a traiter avec les personnes du premier rang, ne me laissent pas esperer que vous puissies vous ressouvenir de ma visite en 1778. Son objet etoit autant, pour avoir lhonneur, de pouvoir dire, que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I do my Self the Pleasure to write you though I know of no opportunity to Send it. But a few days a go the inclosed was Sent to be forwade to you and as Im fond of writing to My Dear friend I have taken the incloseing of it upon my Self I Some Since wrote you of the Same Person by his mothers Request which if it has Come to hand Doubt not but you have taken...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Emboldened by your Excellencies universal character both in public and particular station, I presume to address myself to your Excellency, and implore your Excellencies protection in the present affair. I have had a Brother by name Timothy Clear, or Cleary, who resided a long time in Newbern North Carolina in America, where he was married to a woman of the...
ALS (transcript): the Royal Society I think myself happy in an opportunity of giving you a species of pleasure, which I know is peculiarly grateful to you as the father of modern electricity , by transmitting to you an account of some very curious and valuable improvements in your favourite science. The author of them is Mr. Henly, in the Borough, who has favour’d me with the communication of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having just heard of an Opportunity of conveying a letter I am unwilling to let it slip without acknowledging the rect. of thy very kind & acceptable favr. dated May 8 which afforded me much pleasure on many accots. particularly to observe that old Time who is silently making depredations upon the mental & bodily powers of all other mortals seem to have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Chevalier Mauduit Du Plessis by whose hands I received your introductory favr. last year is also the Bearer of this to acknowledge the service you did your Country, as well as the honor confered on me in that Instance. To be more particular in commending the good and brave conduct of this worthy Officer would be to sanctify the repeated acts of Congress...
ALS (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress Notwithstanding my repeated and earnest applications to the Count D Florida Blanca I have as yet been able to obtain only, 34880 dollars of the 150,000 Dollars expressly promised me in Decr. last. He has on the contrary assured me that this promise could not be complied with in less than six Months, it therefore became...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me suis engagé la derniere fois que J’ai eu l’honneur de vous voir, a vous communiquer quelques details sur le coup de foudre dont a ete frappée la salle d’assemblée de Purfleet; mais je n’ai pu le faire plutot parceque le dessein necessaire pour entendre le rapport etoit chez le graveur. Je vous envoye Monsieur la premiere epreuve avec les circonstances...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous ai promis de vous écrire un mot, et malheureusement il faut que je tienne ma parolle au piéd de la lettre; j’aime a prométtre peu, et a tenir davantage surtout quand je cause avéc vous mon chér papa; il me semble que lorsqu’on S’aime beaucoup, l’espoir n’a rien a faire et que le coeur seul conduit la plume, hors vous sçavés qu’un coeur est toujours...
ALS : Library of Congress Je recois Monsieur, La Lettre de ce jour dont vous mavés honoré et La resolution de L’Etat de mary Land que vous aves bien voulu me Communiquér. Je l’ai lue avec Le plus grand plaisir et je la garde pour La montrér au Roi qui y trouvera La conviction de la Confiance quil a dans La fidelité de ses alliés Les Etats unis. Il faut Esperér qu’n langage aussi affirmatif...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Marstrand, Sweden, September 10, 1778: American vessels have been coming here, and there now remain only a brig commanded by one Capt. Child, and a ship, Capt. Loweth, both from South Carolina. These addressed themselves to merchants in Gothenburg which is not a free port, and where an English consul named Erskine is active. When they need protection I can...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai Lhonneur de vous prier de faire mettre votre Légalisation au bas de la Procuration cy incluse, elle a pour objet la Suite des malheureuses expeditions que j’ai fait d’aprês mon traitté avec les Etats de Georgie, on m’assure Monsieur que cette Procuration pourroit être contestée en Amerique Si vous n’aviéz La bonté d’y Donner cette Sanction; Comme...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In consequence of the report of my Interpreter I found my self under the Nesesity to make A propesetion to Dotun wich is to Give him the tract of land for his securety untill he can Asertain the defecancy if there be Aney. Your Exelency will be So Oblidging to Inform Mr Dotun about the Land As you Know the tittle is Good for wich I shall Greatfully...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote thee, on the 14th Instant by a Vessell bound for Hull, in which Vessell went Passengers, Capt. Hay and some other Officers, and in that Letter I inclosd thee Four depositions, relative to the Goods (designd for the treaty at Pittsburgh) being burnt and destroy’d by a Number of the Inhabitants of Cumberland County; which Depositions &c. I hope will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le dérangement de ma santé & l’espérance d’aller à Paris, m’ont empêchée, Monsieur, d’avoir l’honneur de vous écrire plutôt, & de vous remercier de la marque d’attention que vous avez bien voulu me donner: mais mon voyage devenant chaque jour plus incertain, je ne puis tarder davantage à vous dire combien ce que vous me mandez de votre petit fils me cause...