James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Richard Shippey Hackley, 28 July 1808

San Lucar July 28th. 1808.


Under Cover you will please receive ⟨   ⟩plicate of my respects, under date the 7t

h. Ulto. servd. ⟨by⟩ Moses Young esqr. and also, Copy of his Protest & ⟨   ⟩plicate of the returns of our Vessels entering the ports ⟨of⟩ this district for the Six Months ending the 31st May

By direction of Mr. Thomas Gough I wait upon ⟨yo⟩u with Copies of his protests entered in this Office ⟨   ⟩ the 26th. Inst. when he passed through this City ⟨on⟩ his way to Seville, under a Liutenant Colonel’s ⟨   ⟩d. He was merely permitted to Stop a Sufficient ⟨tim⟩e to take the Oaths, and I therefore Did not ⟨de⟩em it important that his Protests should be ⟨   ⟩ed in the accustomed Legal form, nor would his ⟨   ⟩ permit of it. Mr. Young will have Stated ⟨to you⟩ the difficulties, he encountered which obliged ⟨him⟩ to Lengthen his Voyage disagreeably. ⟨These⟩ circumstances have placed us all in a very ⟨disa⟩greeable situation, but I presume there can be no risk attending on our Persons. With respect to Mr. Gough I shall pursue such Steps as my duty prompts me to, and tomorrow I will proceed to Sevil⟨le⟩ on that Business.

Beyond Seville we have no com⟨mu⟩nication. Not a letter is permitted to Pass, of Cour⟨se.⟩ You can have no reliance on the details whic⟨h⟩ may come to You through the British prints ⟨   ⟩ They generally take up the reports of the day whi⟨ch⟩ are each usually followed by others on the nex⟨t⟩ day.

I do myself the pleasure to hand Y⟨ou⟩ a file of the Seville Gazette, with the observati⟨on⟩ that my remark on the brittish prints will ⟨   ⟩ apply to them. The French Fleet surrender⟨ed⟩ the 13." last Month, And the rejoicing for t⟨he⟩ Capture of Genl Duponts Division is but ⟨just⟩ over. Reports differ as to the number, but ⟨   ⟩ to 12,000 Men under his Command & Genl. B⟨   ⟩ must be the Greatest number. This Affa⟨ir⟩ took place near to Andujar. As ⟨we⟩ have as yet received no particulars of an Action said ⟨to⟩ be fought before Duponts Capitulation, I will add ⟨no⟩thing on that Subject. I have the Honor to be Sir Your Mo: Obt Sert.

Richd: S: Hackley

⟨P⟩ S.

I had written so far when by advices from Cadiz ⟨I have⟩ been informed that an express arrived at that City this ⟨a⟩fternoon from Badajoz, informing that the ⟨E⟩mperors Brother, Joseph Boneparte had crossed the Piranees at the head ⟨of⟩ 40,000 Men, and had advanced to the Village of ⟨   ⟩alla in Arragon where his Van Guard had ⟨been⟩ attacked by an Army of Gallicians, and 12 to ⟨   ⟩000 of his men Cut off. This is Generally Credited.

Rd: S: Hackley

DNA: RG 59—CD—Consular Despatches, Cadiz.

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