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Results 3331-3340 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Monsieur, Les Courtiers ten Kate du temps que j’etais dans les Affaires ont eu l’entree Libre chez moi, je les crois capables, Mais je les ai trouves si interressables pour Eúx memes que je ne pouvais jamais terminer avec Eux, quand au Sieur van Vloten je crois que sa Residance est a Utrecht et qu’il a des bonnes occasions pour placer de L’argent des Habitants de cette Province qui pourtant ne...
Your letter of the 6th. inst. came to hand in 4 days of the post mark; Bad as the roads are at present, & I believe they never were worse. If you knew the pleasure it gives me to see, John Adams , with Free on your letters, I apprehend that you would not be so long in answering mine to you, though, perhaps of little weight; & you would sooner & oftener revive the Low spirits of an old man, who...
I have been acquaint’d with Major Thomas A Dyson Ever since I was a Boy—I believe him to be a Man of intellegence, Deligence, and the Firmest Integrity, I have been Lawyer and Judge, And had an oppertunity of observeing his Conduct During Six years in which he Was Sheriff of Charles County—He has behaved through Life and in Office as a deligent, active, Dignified, faithfull, good Man and...
The Selectmen present their most respectful Compliments to the President of the United States, & request the Honour of his Company on a Visit to Rainsfords Island on Fryday the 18th. of August Inst.—The Company proceed from Faneuil Hall 8’. o’Clock in the Morning— MHi : Adams Papers.
Since the Return of one half their Troops from Rhode Island I think the Enemy must be full 10,000 Men. They have only two out Posts Bonam Town and Piscatuqua which are too near their main Body to be surpriz’d, were the Detachments at those Posts less vigilant than they are. The Enemy never sleep with their Cloaths off, and are always prepared for an Attack. They have been continually harrassed...
You have been made acquainted with the controversy in which I have been for some Months engaged in relation to transactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. As the subject is one in which the defence of my own character and that of two of my Colleagues was inseparably connected with principles of deep concernment to this Union, I have thought it necessary to collect in one publication the papers...
I have the pleasure to inform you that a courier from the republic’s plenipotentiaries at St. Petersburg has arrived with dispatches that remove any plausible pretext for the temporizers to delay the accession of the republic to the armed neutrality and indicate the likelihood that Portugal, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor will also join. It is apparent that the purpose of all this is not...
I do not feel easy more than two days together without writing to you. If you abound you must lay some of the fault upon yourself, who have made such sad complaints for Letters, but I really believe I have wrote more than all my Sister Delegates. Their is nothing new transpired since I wrote you last, but the sailing of some transports, and 5 deserters having come into our camp. One of them is...
In reading your Speach to the two Houses of Congress I could not but notice the emphatical manner in which you impressed Congress with the necessity of Defending our Commerce; which led me to consider of our present mode of building our Ships on stocks above high water mark. I think we have had a full trial of the inexpediency of that way of building, in the difficulty, risk, and danger in...
I have the honor of sending you inclose a Letter received per this Morning’s post and altho I expect to have that of seeing you dayly I have thought proper to send it you per this conveyance as if you are on your way here that it can not miss you on the road. We have learnt that the french frigate the Surveillante has sent it in two English Privateers at L Orient and sunk three others. The...