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Results 3331-3360 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received by the Brig Clarice, Cap t Oxnard from Mess rs Dodge & Oxnard. Marseilles. a...
M r William Short of this City, called on me this morning, in relation to those instruments which...
Your letter of the 3 d inst. was received here the day before yesterday. It was not until today...
The enclosed papers numbered 1. and 2. are copies 1 Of a Letter from Mr Bassett, Chairman of a...
On the receipt of yours of the 4th. I made search on my Book Shelves, for a copy of the printed...
I pray you to be assured I should not have been so late in answering your favor of Dec. 22. had...
I thank you for the copy of the Laws of the Gardiner Museum which you have been so kind as to...
Your favor of the 3 rd instant reached me a day or two since. Your wishes in regard to the Port...
I return you many thanks for your kind attention to the request of my letter of the 30 th Ult....
I regret that it will not be in my power to dine with you to day—Judge Nelson is with me & I...
Your favor of Dec. 14. came to hand yesterday, and I now inclose you a copy of the laws and...
I have duly recieved your favor of Dec. 31. and fear with you all the evils which the present...
You was kind enough to send me a Copy of the Message, for which I thank you. By an arrangement...
Desirous of entering the Senior Class of Centre College, I am Induced to write these few lines...
I have for some time entertained the hope that your affairs being once wound up, your mind would...
I return Dr. Emmet’s letter as requested. Wall’s qualifications as a Drawing Master, are...
I return D r Emmet’s letter as requested. Wall’s qualifications as a Drawing Master, are...
Your letter of 30 th ult. was duly received & I availed myself of the earliest opportunity of...
I did not receive your letter of the 29 th Nov untill yesterday. You had directed it to...
I have to thank you for the copy you have been so kind as to send me of your discourse before the...
Your esteem d favor of the 3 d has been rec d , & I have this day remitted a check for $20...
I have duly recieved your favor of Dec. 27. 25. stating that on the reformation of the Navy in...
I send by mail the third Edition of my Biographical Dictionary, which I pray you to accept as a...
The subject of your letter of the 30 th ult o interesting in itself, becomes doubly so to me from...
In riding to Edge Hill yesterday I met with Capt. Meriweather & If—I am not much mistaken he is...
I send by mail the third Edition of my Biographical Dictionary, which I pray you to accept as a...
General Lafayette is very anxious to possess a Work which he thus describes: “Mr. Madison’s...
By order of “The Historical Society of Pennsylvania” I have the honor to send to the University...
The temporary bell should be placed on the ridge of the roof of the Pavilion in which the books...
I have duly recieved your favor stating my debt to you 14. D and that a bill of 20. D. will pay...