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Results 33301-33330 of 184,431 sorted by author
If ever the human heart, was compleatly gratified, in the accomplishment of an event, in which it...
Since my arrival in this City I have been informed, that arrangements are made between the...
§ From William Cooke. 13 April 1806, Charleston. “I have permitted the last letter you did me the...
5 October 1804, New York. “I arrived here on the 30th. Ulto. from the Havana. I embrace the...
In the Prussian dominions during the life, of the late illustrious Monarch of that Kingdom, the...
20 November 1804, New York. Refers to his 8 Nov. 1804 letter [not found] informing JM that all...
§ From Francis Cook. 29 January 1806, Collector’s Office Wiscasset. “I take the freedom to...
The enclosed Publication which I have the honour to present to you I received very Lately from...
I observe in your instructions to Congress you wish for Volunteers, and having the honor to...
in My first letter I dropt at the Close of the same some hints [concerning your] Enemys and the...
in my letter first I intimated something Respeckting your Enemys here and the Enemeys of true...
the information I get by perusing the Urora Rivits your Excelency in my Esteem since the reins of...
I bless god that the pen is given to man to Convey his Ideas to whom he will god for Ever be...
That part of the enclos’d Letter included within the two black strokes, relates to the Bath Post...
Believing the remarks on the second page of the enclosed News Paper, by the erudite & Reverend...
It is understood that the Office of Collector of the Port of Newbury Port will be soon vacant, as...
9 October 1810, Wiscasset. Urges appointment of Gideon Granger to the Supreme Court. Also informs...
[ Wiscasset, District of Maine ] November 29, 1798 . “It is now nearly 5 Months since I left your...
Mr. Cook intends doing himself the honour to call at the Presidents House tomorrow Morning at 10...
17 June 1812, Wiscasset. Benjamin Homans, “lately the Secretary of the Commonwealth of...
The President of the Marine Society at Boston (a republican Company) have pass’d on to the...
The enclosed is on the Subject of the Bath Collectorship— most respectfully DNA : RG...
I need not detail my Losses by British Capture, Detensions & Bills of Costs, nor the sacrifices I...
The Merchants of this Place—who were Republicans lately forwarded to your Excely an...
Will the President of U.S. be pleas’d to receive the enclosd Letter from another applicant for...
A number of the Officers of the Genl. Governt. have requested me to write to your Exy. informing...
Mr. & Mrs. Cook ask leave to present to Mr. & Mrs. Adams the Compts. of the Season— Your Letters...
I have received your letter of the 13th. instant, accompanied by a Copy of one to Mr Pope. In...
I have been induced through motives of humanity to investigate the claim of an old revolutionary...
The petition of the Inhabitants of Newburyport in legal Town meeting assembled, Respectfully...