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Results 33301-33350 of 184,264 sorted by date (descending)
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a mistake: But the letter was of so little acct. that I have not preserved it. Can you tell me any thing of the Randolph who has written one of the inclosed letters? We have had fine rains since my arrival, and as this neighborhood had not previously suffered from drouth, our fields are very promising....
I do not know whether the Administration is acquainted with the fact, but I can assure it, from unquestionable Authority, that Violations of the Embargo are daily practiced from the Shores of the Ontario Lake, and the St. Lawrence River, and to such an Extent that large Quantities of Flower, Potash and Flax-Seed have been brought up as far Inland as the Town of Utica. In Addition to the...
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a mistake. But the letter was of so little acct. that I have not preserved it. Can you tell me any thing of the Randolph who has written one of the inclosed letters? We have had five rains since my arrival, and as this neighborhood had not previously suffered from drouth, our fields are very promising....
Finding that several of the collectors considered that provided applications to send vessels in ballast had been made & permissions had been granted in time, the vessels might delay their departure as much as they pleased; a construction which altogether defeated the object intended by the restriction in point of time & by the decision not to permit any distant voyages; I wrote a circular to...
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a mistake: But the letter was of so little acct. that I have not preserved it. Can you tell me any thing of the Randolph who has written one of the inclosed letters? We have had fine rains since my arrival, and as this neighborhood had not previously suffered from drouth, our fields are very promising....
This morning I had the honor to receive your Excellencies communications of the 28th. and 29th. of last month; Captain Mc.Kenzie of the Ship Leonidas has not arrived at this place; when he arrives, the passport agreeably to your direction shall be delivered to him. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the characters of Eugene Sullivan and Alexander Rose to answer your interrogatories...
I have the honor of transmitting Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have receiv’d from the Prefect of this Department. Before I conform to his request, I think it my duty to demand Your Excellency’s consent, and have in the interim answerd him that such were my intentions. Some of the Consuls and Agents here have, as I am told, sent their petitions direct to the Minister of the foreign...
Burr arrived in England by the last Packet, and has been for some Days in London. He was taken on board at the Hook, was well received at Halifax by Prevost, under the name of Edwards, and brought with him to Falmouth such a Document from Prevost as enabled him to pass on immediately to London without the usual Permission from the Alien Office. He does not I believe appear much abroad; but it...
I am directed by the Wall-about Committee to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the publication issued by them, on the Subject of their Appointment—This Duty I perform with high personal gratification— The Committee have directed me to say that it will oblige them, to learn, that your Excellency has received their Communication. I am with great Consideration Your Excellency’s Mo: obt....
I send you a recommendation from the Senate of Georgia in favor of a David Alexander to be a brigade inspector or adjutant General. the writer signs himself President pro tem of the Senate of Georgia, & sais it is a concurred resolution of their General assembly & under the injunction of secrecy. the channel of recommendation is novel, & not to be approved as an habitual one; yet out of...
Very soon after I wrote you by mr Randolph’s boat, I recieved my articles from No. 1. to 22. inclusive safely. but before mr Randolph’s boat got down I hope 4. other boxes will have reached you, which were shipped from Washington July 11. and that they will come by the boat, as well as mr Divers iron gudgeons which accompanied them, and a kental of Codfish sent from Boston in June to your...
I recieved in due time your favor of June 24. covering the address of the House of Representatives & Senate of New Hampshire, and I ask leave, through the same channel, to return the inclosed answer, to be communicated to them in whatever way you think most acceptable. highly gratified by this approbation of the legislature of your state, as it respects myself personally, the moment, at which...
The inclosed are formal, and for the public; but in sending them to you, I cannot omit the occasion of indulging my friendship in a more familiar way, & of recalling myself to your recollection. how much have I wished to have had you still with us through the years of my emploiment at Washington.   I have seen with great pleasure the moderation & circumspection with which you have been kind...
In the review, fellow citizens, which, in your address of the 14th. of June, you have taken of the measures pursued since I have been charged with their direction, I read with great satisfaction, and thankfulness the approbation you have bestowed on them; and I feel it an ample reward for any services I may have been able to render. The present moment is certainly eventful, and one which...
On the reciept of your letter of July 23. I wrote to mr Madison expressing my ideas on the several points it presented, and recieved his in return which I now inclose you as containing our joint opinions on them. that which respects the direct voyage will, I am afraid, not be so agreeable to yourself, yet I believe it is indispensible. secrecy is essential, that obstacles may not be prepared...
Th: Jefferson salutes mr S. H. Smith with esteem, and thinks that some such paragraph as the following published in his paper, would do good. Removal by the President.    Pope, Collector & Inspector of the port of New Bedford in Massachusets for not using due diligence in the execution of the embargo laws. Isaiah Weston is appointed in his place. I do not recollect Pope’s Christian name. it...
I have the Honor to submit to Your Attention a Copy of a Letter of June 4th: of the current Year from William Reeves, stiling himself an Officer in the Naval Service of His Britannic Majesty, and acting as Prize Master to a Spanish Vessel captured by the British Frigate Hebe, to Governor Claiborne of the Orleans Territory. I cannot doubt, Sir, that this fresh Instance of insulting Address from...
I have the Honor to submit to Your Attention a Copy of a Letter of June 4th: of the current Year from William Reeves, stiling himself an Officer in the Naval Service of His Brittannic Majesty, and acting as Prize Master to a Spanish Vessel captured by the British Frigate Hebe, to Governor Claiborne of the Orleans Territory. I cannot doubt, Sir, that this fresh Instance of insulting Address...
I have a son by the name of Barzillai Herrington & who has for some time hitherto been in the employ of the merchant service and sailing under the American Flag & having lately understood that he has lately been impressed into the naval service of Britain or France and that the American Government, has notified that event, & requests the exhibition of proof of his citizenship Should my...
Ahora mismo recibo la carta del Señor Dn: John Graham del 27. de Julío, y para las 11. estara en el correo el pasaporte que se sirve pedírme por ausencia de V. S. à quien tengo la honra de asegurar será arreglado a sus íntencíones. Yo me temo que el pasaporte que dírijé al Señor Dn. Alberto Gallatin el 20. de Julio se ha extravíado, pues no haber sucedido este íncidente, no habria dexado de...
You will see it stated in the Mercantile Advertiser of New York that the Ship Thalia has brought Dispatches from Mr. Pinkny I therefore think it necessary to advise you that these Dispatches have not as yet reached the Department. It is probably they may come on to Night and if so I shall forward them by the Post Rider tomorrow. From a Norfolk Paper which I have just seen it appears that a...
I am very thankful for your itenerary, & Mrs. B–& myself expect to begin the use of it in about three weeks.—Mrs. Blackden whom you knew in Paris, widow of Col Blackden, is with us to pass the rest of the season. As she is desirous of seeing you & your daughter once more, if you will permit us we shall take her in the carriage with us. Are there any facts to be come at, besides what have been...
Dans la léttre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire Vers la fin de Maÿ, je vous ai entretenu de ce qui pendant ces trois dernieres années a fait avec autant de persévérance l’objet de mes recherches. Recherches, qui ont pour but d’offrir aux habitants des Etats-Unis, Un Ouvrage instructif et Généralement utile. L’Intérêt tout-particulier que mettent a cette publication les amis des sciences en...
Within theas few days, I have had convercacion with a Major Barron at this place, and have collected from him that Col. Burs vissit to great Britten, that had been anounc’d is known to him and it’s Object, and that Barron has been Applied to join, he has tould me that he has been Offered a Col. Commission, to go as an Ingenear, that the Espidisshon is to be fitted ought in England and to go...
This trifle is presented to the President by the author with sentiments of the greatest respect. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Do you know my Dear Daughter that the date of your last Letter was the 3 of June, since which I have not received a line from you. Perhaps you may have been occupied as I have been by a large family—Providence has been so bountifull to us this Season in the rich and ample supply of Grass, that we can neither procure sufficient hands to cut it; or Barns ample large enough to contain it. we have...
I have just recd. yours of the 29. and enclose the papers noted "to be returned." I think the best, and probably not the most expensive conveyance of Mr. S. will be in a small public vessel, whether she go directly to his destination, or deliver him in France, and unless, previous to his departure, collateral reasons should urge an early communication to France or England, it appears to be...
I hope you will excuse the privelege which I now take. I have lately observed in the public Papers, that a Clerk in your department signified his intentions to resign. If so, please accept my offer to fill any vacancy which may take place. I am aware Sir, That my conduct on this occasion, might be considered premature But when I relate the circumstances under which I Act, the candour and...
The Court left Bayonne on the 26th & 28th. inst. The Emperor is expected at Nantes on the seventh of Augt. and at Rambouillet on the 13th. It is doubtful whether he will touch at Paris. If he should, I shall endeavor to draw from him an answer to the remonstrances I have, at different times, made since November last. These attempts shall however be so regulated as will most effectually prevent...
By the Ship Thalia, Captain Silliman, last from Falmouth, Three Packets for the Secretary State, from Mr. Pinckney, our Minister at London, were yesterday received at this Office; and are forwarded by this day’s Mail Captn. Silliman informed me, that soon after he left Bourdeaux, he was taken & Carried into Falmouth, by a British Cruizer. His Letter bag was taken to the Court of Admiralty, and...
I have just recd. yours of the 29. and inclose the papers noted “to be returned.” I think the best, and probably not the most expensive conveyance of Mr. J: will be in a small public vessel, whether she go directly to his destination, or deliver him in France, and, unless, previous to his departure, collateral reasons should urge an early communication to France or England, it appears to be...
List of the Applicants for Surgeons & Surgeons Mates in the State of Virginia.    By whom recommended. John Hedges. Surgeons M. Jacob D Walker. Surgeon. John Love. John Dawson. Geo: French. Jacob D Williamson. Surgeon. Andrew Moore. John Morrow. William H Brown. Surgeon. Cap: Brahan. R. Porterfield & others. Charles Everett. Surgeon. W. C. Nicholas. Charles Stuart Waugh. Surgeon. P. Hansbrough.
The President of the united States requested of me a calculation of the quantity of flour imported from the Southern and Middle States and consumed in Massachusetts. I forwarded the imperfect calculation I was able to make from all the data under my controul. I do not incline to trouble him personally again on the Subject. The inclosed abstract gives a comparative veiw of the flour entered at...
Upon receiving the enclosed I immediately made all the arrangements in my power to order the Cheesapeak, the Wasp & Argus to our Eastern Coast and upon that—taken to remain until otherwise instructed. I have particularly called the attention of the Commanders to the points requiring the greatest vigilance. This indeed I had previously done in a great degree. The enclosed I only received this...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de este Gobíerno, de orden de S. M. C. el Rey mi Amo Fernando VII, y comunícada por el Exmo. Señor Dn. Pedro Cevallos, primer Secretario de Estado y del Despache, con fha. del 19. de Marzo, el decreto adjunto, por el que resulta la abdícacion de Carlos IV. de la Corona en su Hijo Fernando VII. interin se expiden las cartas de Cancílleria de notífícacion para...
The Bearer Mr. Dade has just handed me the enclosed which he wishes to support with govt. the object it explains. In addition to the testimonies of Mr. Taylor &c &c I have a letter from my brother which speaks the same language, as justified by his personal knowledge. I am but slightly acquainted myself, with Mr. Dade, but his character as I have always viewed it thro’ his standing in the...
The passport for the Leonidas goes by this post to the Collector of Norfolk. I return you Jarvis’s, Hackley’s & Montgomery’s letters, and send you Hull’s, Hunt’s, Clarke’s & Mr. Short’s for perusal & to be returned. On this last the following questions arise. When exactly shall the next vessel go? Whence? Is not the secrecy of the mission essential? Is it not the very ground of sending it...
Valentin de Foronda tiene la honra de ofrecerse à la obediencia del Caballero Madison y advertirle, que habiendo acudido á Mr. Duane por los papeles impresos de todo lo acaecído en la ultima Sesion, y que le han informado se reparten à todos los Agentes de la Naciones Extrangeras: le ha respondido que no corre con este asunto: asi, se promete de la bondad de VS que, si ès una costumbre...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de parte del Rey mi Amo, con fha. del 21. de Marzo, que dé parte à èste Gobíerno, como lo executo, que han resuelto, que en el preciso termino de un mes salgan fuera de los Reynos de España, los Vasallos Suecos. Dios guê. á V. S. ms. as. B. L. M de V S. su mas atento servidor DLC : Papers of James...
Among the Letters now sent, you will find two + from Genl. Turreau. The one directed to the Secretary of the Treasury was sent to the office before you left this Place. The other was received last night. From these Letters and the Papers with them it would seem that Genl. Turreau had obtained permission from Mr Gallatin to purchase one Vessel to go to Europe and that he has purchased two to go...
The perplexity in which I am placed, I hope will atone for any defect. As, Sir, you hold the honorable station that now will justify my writing, and undoubtedly soon will be the Executive who may be further impowered to act, I have presumed to intrude on your attention a circumstance which may be of service to our Country In event of a war with England, Canada presents to us the first object...
I inclose you a letter of information of what is passing on the Canada line. to prevent it is I suppose beyond our means; but we must try to harrass the unprincipled agents and punish as many as we can. I transmit also the petition of Tyson & James, millers of Baltimore for permission to send a load of flour to N. Orleans, to direct in it what is regular, for I do not see any circumstance in...
I sent yesterday to the Secy. of the navy, and he will transmit to you a letter from Gen. Dearborn & another from Gen. Lincoln shewing the violations of the embargo. As these are now effected by vessels which go off without clearances, with intention either of putting their loads on board of vessels at sea, chiefly British, or of sailing over to Nova Scotia or the West Indies, the danger is...
The passport for the Leonidas goes by this post to the Collector of Norfolk. I return you Jarvis’s, Hackley’s & Montgomery’s letters, and send you Hull’s, Hunt’s, Clarke’s & Mr Short’s for perusal & to be returned. on this last the following questions arise. When exactly shall the next vessel go? whence? is not the secrecy of the mission essential? is it not the very ground of sending it while...
The Bearer Mr. Dade has just handed me the inclosed which he wishes to support with your; the object it explains. In addition to the testimonies of Mr Taylor &c &c I have a letter from my brother which speaks the same language, as justified by his personal knowledge. I was but slightly acquainted myself, with Mr Dade, but his character as I have always viewed it thro’ his standing in the...
The inclosed is the result of the defences in the cases between Gideon Granger Esqr. Post Master General, & myself in relation to the conveyance of the mail from this City to Coweta & from thence to Fort Stoddert, also from Nashville in Tennessee to New Orleans—and I trust Satisfactory to the government also when it is Considered it was an experiment to be made through a wilderness country 600...
All since I left the City of Washington I have taken a great deal of pain to find that Mr. Fahlberg, which agreeable to what the President of the United States and you was pleased to inform me, should have been at Washington on some business from the Government of the Island of St. Bartholomews. At that Island is one Mr. Saml. Fahlberg & he is the Governours Secretary & this very Gentleman was...
South Carolina District, The Memorial of Samuel Grove a Citizen of the United States, residing in the District aforesaid, Sheweth, That among the many misfortunes which have befallen Your memorialist as Certified by the Collector of this Port, and as Stated already to the Government through Mr. Secritary Gallatin, mention was made of the great loss which Your Memorialist had Sustained by the...
Under Cover you will please receive plicate of my respects, under date the 7t h. Ulto. servd. by Moses Young esqr. and also, Copy of his Protest & plicate of the returns of our Vessels entering the ports of this district for the Six Months ending the 31st May By direction of Mr. Thomas Gough I wait upon yo u with Copies of his protests entered in this Office the 26th. Inst. when he passed...
Inteligence has just been received by me that Judge Bruin of the Mississippi Territory has resigned his commission. Having this day had a conversation with John Munroe Esqr circuit Judge in this State upon his willingness to fill that office; I have thought it my indispensible duty to recommend him to you as the Successor to this judicial vacancy. I am informed by him that he has a personal...