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Results 33301-33330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Cabell, & his thanks for the communication...
Your Letter of the twenty ninth of April is just come to hand. Agreeable to your desire I shall...
Your last received was of the 28 Apl. The receipt of all the preceeding is verified by the...
19 February 1811. Transmits a return of the militia of the U.S. as received by the War...
The Speech of Mr. Monroe reached town yesterday, and is in the Chronicle of this morning. I...
333061780 Feb. 5. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
On Wednesday, the second of Feb. We took Post for Paris, and on Fryday the 4 arrived at Coué,...
I have occasion for a public purpose to allude to the reprobated instructions to our...
Agreeable to your request I have written to you more frequently this Summer than usual but by a...
I return you Mr. Murrays letters of May 28. June 13 & 22d, July 13 & 15 & the parts of newspapers...
From an Adjustment of the Quarter Yearly Interest on the Registered Debt which becomes due at the...
Your very acceptable letter reached me at this place— of course unopened. I thank you kindly for...
Your favor of the 22 d did not come to hand till the day before yesterday. It will give me...
Le Havre, 7 Sep. 1787. Acknowledges letters of 31 Aug. and 2 Sep; asks permission to send the...
I have this moment received your letter of the thirteenth instant, and am sorry that the rules of...
The inclosed is Copy of a Letter which I have received by Yesterdays post. I have to request the...
When I Vew the Kind Prvidence of God in Delivering me Throw So many Dificultys I think I Canot...
The Circuit Court of the United States for this District sat yesterday at New Castle, or rather...
Treasury Department, Comptroller’s Office, June 4, 1792. “I have considered the question stated...
Indiana lead mines On application of John Brown, D. Gano, & Shultz of Kentucky, the President...
Williamsburgh, 19 Aug. 1778 . Critical discussion of TJ’s “Observations on the late Eclipse” as...
33321[Diary entry: 22 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
22. My Brother, his Wife, Miss Reed & Nelly Calvert Dind at Belvoir & returnd in the Afternn. I...
In a late letter from General Schuyler, I received the proceedings of a Board of Commissioners...
Valley Forge, February 21, 1778 . Discusses disposal of the artillery at Albany and Farmington....
My respects of the 30th. January advised the detention of the Ship Cyrus of Boston and Schr....
I was favoured with yours of the 5th & 6th Instt by Express yesterday evening from Genl Schuyler,...
The vast quantity of Stores of different kinds that are accumulated at Trenton will make it a...
I do not incautiously address you under the influence of a mortifying disappointment. The Judge...
33328[Diary entry: 1 March 1768] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Cool & clear. Wind fresh from the No. West. Ground froze.
The circle in which I move you know is very Contracted—and when I go round regularly like a hores...
Inclosed you have an Address from the Delegates appointed from the Wards of this City and from...