James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Cooke, 10 July 1809 (Abstract)

§ From William Cooke

10 July 1809, Riceboro, Georgia. Asks JM to inform his successor in State Department of his longstanding efforts at redress for spoliation claims. Expresses hope that JM’s tenure in presidency will mean “that our now depressed and unhappy Country Will be blessed, by the return of Peace.” Offers his services if a consular post in Brazil should be available.

Tr (DNA: RG 76, Spanish Treaty Claims, disallowed group). 3 pp. Part of a lengthy deposition made by Cooke, a South Carolina merchant who pressed a claim against Spain for “Outrage, Spoliation & Injustice” in Havana, beginning in 1801. Several letters concerning the claim passed between Cooke and JM between 1801 and 1806.

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