To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 3 December 1794
From Tench Coxe1
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 3, 1794. “In consequence of a second experiment to provide for the stakage of Pamplico and Matchapungo Rivers, and the Navigable Creeks to the Town of Washington … Green Parker has reduced his terms from 100 to 79 Dollars.… I beg the favor of your obtaining the pleasure of the President upon the proposal.”2
LC, RG 26, Lighthouse Deeds and Contracts, National Archives; LC, RG 26, Lighthouse Letters, Vol. I, National Archives.
1. For background to this letter, see H to George Washington, September 29, 1794.
2. The following statement appears at the bottom of this letter: “The Secretary of the Treasury Philada. Decbr. 8th 1794. The reduced terms as mentioned within are approved. Go. Washington.”