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Results 33271-33300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have seen yours of the 16th to Mr Tilghman inclosing a return of the Cloathing sent forward to...
You are to remain at Pompton untill the Rear Division of the Convention Troops has passed Chester...
I this morning received your favour of the 24th Instant. I am well pleased with your Orders to...
I am favd with yours of the 15th. According to my present Ideas and expectations my Quarters for...
General Sullivan’s letter to your Excellency, I believe to contain much misrepresentation...
Letter not found: from Lund Washington, 25 Nov. 1778. On 17 Dec., GW wrote Lund Washington that...
You will be pleased to detach a Captain two Subs. and Fifty Men who are to lay at Robinsons Mills...
332781778. Novr: 26 Jeudi. (Adams Papers)
Went to see the Palace of Bourbon, belonging to the Prince of Condé. It is a City. The...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] November 26, 1778 . Gives directions for distribution of troops on...
[ Fredericksburg , New York ] November 26, 1778 . Repeats instructions concerning troops,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d yours last Evening, with the Copies enclos’d, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An English armed Cutter has lately been off Dieppe, and...
ALS : George MacManus, Inc., Philadelphia (1988) Immediately on the Receipt of your Note of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme Je conçois tout le prix de Votre tems, J’ai l’honneur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme j’ai l’honneur de vous être connu, non seulement par...
You will forthwith proceed to Durham, between Newhaven & hartford in the State of Connecticut,...
It gives me Pain to trouble your Excellency with the inclosed Complaint against some Gentlemen in...
When I first ordered troops to the Minisinks, Coles fort on the Delaware was recommended to me,...
Mr John Dodge will have the honor of delivering this Letter to your Excellency—His history...
Since my last of the 20th Instant, I have had the honor of presenting to Congress Your...
In the inclosed letter, you will find an answer—to yours by Col. Kolkowski; since writing which I...
I have to acknowledge your favs. of the 18th 19th and 20th Instants. I inclose you the...
I am favd with yours of the 17th instant enclosing a Return of the Officers of Colo. Henley’s...
Your Letter of the 2d of last Month—though long on its passage—came safe to hand. There is a...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I am sometimes apprehensive that my not Writing to...
Mr. Brown is here, and I cannot miss the Opportunity by him, to write you a Line. I know not how...
Yesterday the B. Parliament met. The 2d of Decr., We shall have the Speech. We hope to make...
I have not received a Line, nor heard a Syllable from you Since my Arrival, but I know your...
It is now a Year, Since I left you, and I have heard very Seldom from you, since that Time. I...
Col Harrison and myself are to meet two Gentlemen of the British army at Amboy monday week. We...