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Results 33261-33270 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society About 8 Days ago, I wrote per Halifax Packet, and this going so soon after, I shall not be very tedious. Only must beg one Thing in Relation to Mr. Strahan: Mr. Holt has told some, that he never sent to Strahan for any Books, and that those you paid Mr. Strahan for me, was sent for by me only, and that he never was or could be answerable for any of them but...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I ought to begin my request by asking pardon for troubling you—but I trust you will be pleased to pardon me when you are rightly informed of my case— In Octor. 1778. there was a large number of French Prisoners Released from confinement at New York, and Landed at this place in order to be sent to Boston— They were in the most destressed circumstances...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have received a letter from Doctor Laurence Brooke late Surgeon of the Ship Bon Homme Richard, dated at Lisbon the 6th. ulto. extract of wch. we have the honor of transmiting you agreeable to his request. We are with the utmost respect Honord sir Your most obt. & most humble Servts Extract from Doctor Laurence Brooke’s Letter “I saild from Curuna the 10...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie, Mon cher Maitre, de faire tenir ces trois petites lettres, par autant d’occasions differentes a mesure qu’il s’en presentera, a Mr. d’Arcel à Boston, afin qu’il en arrive plus surement une; ce que l’on desire d’autant plus qu’il a marqué n’en avoir encore reçu aucune de son frere qui lui en a ecrit neuf, depuis qu’il est dans ce pays là. Je...
Reprinted from William C. Lane, “Harvard College and Franklin,” Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications , X (1907), 237. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr. Franklin for his repeated good Services to this College, and particularly in his Care of a valuable achromatic Telescope lately received thro’ his hands: and that Professor Winthrop Transmitt this Vote to Dr. Franklin. For...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Comte de Grasse á l’honneur de souhaiter le bonjour á son Excellence le Docteur franklin; il le prie de vouloir bien prendre lecture de la lettre ci jointe et se charger de la Faire parvenir á M. le Président du Congrês, dont il ignore le nom. Notation: Le C. de Grasse 26. Aout 1782. The letter, dated Aug. 25, was written on behalf of Capt. Charles...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je n’ai pu refuser, il y a quelques jours, à un ancien Ami, très galant homme, une Lettre de présentation pour Vous, qu’il m’a demandée instamment. C’est Mr. Huet Duplessis, Médecin François revenant de St. Eustache avec sa famille, pour passer le reste de ses jours dans sa patrie. Samedi passé je me suis fait un devoir,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Lyons, December 15, 1777, in French: An unfortunate Frenchman, whom cruel losses over the years have overwhelmed, addresses a virtuous Englishman and asks for refuge among his countrymen. I came here in 1759, the youngest son of a large Montpellier family, to work in a textile firm and then in a house trading with Spain, and lost the fruit of my labor. In...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have gott the honour to trouble your Excellency with the explication of Sevall. bills drawn on the Honourable Henry Laurens Esqr. Comissioner fr. the United States of North America residing in Amsterdam, we have since ask’d a fourthnight that we expected an Answer butt an English house having presented a bill the 24th. send word today that she would have...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Grand presente Son Respect à monsieur franklin & le prie de Vouloir bien mettre Sa Signature en Blanc au dos de cette traitte. Le porteur en la rapportant pourra lui donner des nouvelles de la Santé de Mr. franklin le fils. Addressed: a monsieur / monsieur Franklin / à Passy In whose hand the letter is written. A surmise based on Grand’s concern for the...