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Results 33251-33300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
33251Tully No. II, [26 August 1794] (Hamilton Papers)
For the American Daily Advertiser. To the People of the United States. Letter II. It has been...
I have received your letter of the 23d. instant. I expect that the next post will carry to the...
You will procure without delay the number of horses you mention for the Artillery. I am of...
I have received your letter in answer to mine, concerning the supply of the Militia about to...
[ Philadelphia ] August 27, 1794 . Encloses “two draughts of a Contract, for the Loan of One...
Inclosed are duplicates of two letters which went by the last Post. I have since received your...
Boston, August 27, 1794. “I called a few days since for the settlement of a number of Bonds a...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President incloses a recommendation of...
Mr. Hamilton requests to see Mr Coxe this Morning at his House. AL , Tench Coxe Papers,...
If Mr. Hamilton has recd. the letters from & to Mr. Brackenridge Mr Coxe will thank him for them...
War Department, Accountant’s Office, August 28, 1794. Encloses “copies of the Contracts for...
By an act of the General Assembly of this State passed at their last Session, a Copy whereof is...
Philadelphia, August 28, 1794. “… it is the wish of the President of the United States, that...
[ Charleston, South Carolina, August 28, 1794. On September 18, 1794, Tench Coxe wrote to...
33265Tully No. III, [28 August 1794] (Hamilton Papers)
For the American Daily Advertiser. To the People of the United States. Letter III. If it were to...
I am directed by the President of the United States to communicate to you his desire. That such...
We have received by the last Pittsburgh Mail advices which give a hope that the disturbances...
I am directed by the President to acknowlege the Receipt on the 17th. of Your Excellency’s letter...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your Lordship’s letter introducing to me Mr. Taillerand...
The funding system (says a correspondent) as much abused, as if it were criminal in a Government...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. He sent yesterday for the...
[ Philadelphia, September 1, 1794. On February 1, 1795, Bray presented to the Treasury Department...
Mr. Hamilton requests Mr. Coxe to examine the Draft herewith sent—to make the parts which are...
I am informed that a Statemt. of the Case of James Smith master and owner of the Schooner Fox of...
We had the pleasure to address you our last respects the 18th ultimo since when We have not...
York County, Virginia, September 2, 1794. “As diffidence, distant modesty, and great Secrecy,...
[ Newport, Rhode Island, September 2, 1794. In Ellery’s letter book below his letter to Hamilton...
[ Philadelphia ] September 2, 1794 . Requests “an Inventory of intrenching tools to be procured...
I am extremely chagrined on finding from your private letter accompanying your public letter that...
33280Tully No. IV, [2 September 1794] (Hamilton Papers)
For the American Daily Advertiser. To the People of the United States Letter IV. The prediction...
The state of my health since you were pleased to refer to me the letter from Governor Mifflin of...
There being reason to apprehend that the monies belonging to the United States, in the Office of...
War Department, September 3, 1794. “As it will be highly necessary that the Militia called out by...
[ Philadelphia, September 3, 1794. On September 5, 1794, Randolph wrote to Hamilton “in answer to...
As I know nothing that calls me to the City to day, I shall not be there until tomorrow—which...
A temporary absence from the seat of Government, an extreme press of still more urgent business...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 29th of August intimating...
Baltimore, September 4, 1794. “The Treasurer of the United States having on the 17th July...
[ Philadelphia ] September 4, 1794 . “The Secretary of the Treasury requests the favor of the...
Philadelphia, September 5, 1794. “The Secretary of State has the honor of informing the Secretary...
Permit me to recommend to your civilities General Walterstoff, Governor of the Island of St....
I am directed by the President to notice to your Excellency that information has been received...
The Secretary of State presents his Compliments to the Secretary of the Treasury and incloses to...
As I find my name brought into public view respecting the transactions which have taken place to...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] September 9, 1794 . “I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the...
[ Philadelphia ] September 9, 1794 . Requests Hodgdon to furnish a return of what accoutrements...
The last intelligence from the Western Counties of this State, which has been communicated to...
Treasury Department, September 9, 1794. “In answer to your favour of the 11th. of August last on...
The President of the United States instructs me to request, that you will cause an inquiry to be...
[ Philadelphia, September 10, 1794. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue...