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Results 33251-33300 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 6th instant, and to inform you...
I Received the Night before last an order from Governr Trumbull to Send immedietly to you all the...
Your Excellency’s Favor in which you assure me that you will recommend this unhappy Colony to the...
Your Excellency’s Favours of the 1st and 3d instant have been duly received, and will be laid...
Your Excellency wrote me on the 14th of March, 1777. that General Howe had applied to you for the...
Captain Whipple returned here from his Voyage to Bermuda on Friday last. He had received...
I am favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 26th instant; having just before the Receipt...
I beg Leave to congratulate your Excellency upon your being appointed General of the Armies of...
I have consulted the General Committee upon the Subject of your Letter of the 16th instant. For...
In Consequence of your Letter of the 18th instant we have sent out our small armed Vessel with...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th instant by the Committee of this State hath been received....
Last Evening Col. Porter delivered me your Letter of the 4th instant, to which I have paid all...
It is with great Pleasure that I do myself the Honor to transmit to your Excellency the inclosed...
When we removed Part of the Live Stock from Block Island in July last a Number of Cattle were...
The General Assembly of this State have ordered Two Battalions to be immediately raised agreeable...
I am favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 9th instant in Consequence of which Mr Greene...
I am to inform your Excellency that I have this Moment an Express from Newport informing me that...
It is with great Concern that I give you the disagreeable Intelligence that the Enemy with a...
Upon Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 23d ulto I employed Two Persons to apply to the...
I have been favoured with your Excellency’s Letters of the 20th and 24th ultimo and have laid...
I do myself the Honor to address this Letter to you by Mr Penet, and another French Gentleman who...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think it my Duty inform you that on Friday Morning last as...
I did myself the Honor in my Letter of Jany 21st to inclose to your Excellency a Copy of a...
Yours of the 18th came safe to Hand, I made enquiry immediately after the Mail, was informed by...
Since my last to you Mr Ward One of the Delegates hath returned from the Congress. He informs me...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 15th instant I duly received. The General Assembly, at their late...
General Greene having informed me that your Excellency proposed to set out for Providence this...
I have the Honor to acquaint your Excellency that last Evening Capt. Bucklin in a Privateer from...
I have your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th which I have laid before the General Committee....
At the Request of the General Assembly now sitting here I make Application to your Excellency for...
This waits upon you by Col. Mathewson a Member of the General Assembly and a Gentleman of Merit,...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th instant is now before me; the Contents of which I have duly...
I Yesterday wrote your Excellency that I had Information by Express from Newport that a large...
Three Men having deserted from One of the armed Schooners in the Harbor of Newport on Wednesday...
The Necessity which caused the unexpected Evacuation of Long-Island hath alarmed the General...
I have been favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 3d instant inclosing a Proposal made to...
I some Time since informed your Excellency that Part of Two Companies of Men, consisting of about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclos’d is a letter I recd. from Mr. Bache of...
The Honble. John Adams Esqr. to Saml. Cook Dr. 1775 Augst. 24th. To Boarding your Lady & Self 3...
2 November 1802, Havana. In conformity with JM’s advice in his letter of 3 Feb., Cooke postponed...
Agreeably to the request of the Citizens on yesterday, I herewith transmit you a copy of the...
28 March 1805, Darien . “Under date of the 20th. of Novr. last I took the liberty of addressing...
27 November 1801, Havana. Encloses documents describing his treatment at the hands of Don Luis de...
10 July 1809, Riceboro, Georgia. Asks JM to inform his successor in State Department of his...
6 October 1804, New York. “Unbounded gratitude, and esteem for you, and affection for the...
2 January 1802, Havana. Appends a copy of his 27 Nov. 1801 letter and expresses hope that...
Endeavouring to act in strict Conformity to your kind advice, in the case I have depending with...
If the above recommendation is such as entitles the Subscriber to the Notice & Confidence of the...
6 May 1803, Philadelphia. “The Rumor of an Approaching War between France & England, and some...
1 October 1803, Charleston . Encloses a copy of his letter addressed from London. Arrived in...