33251To Thomas Jefferson from John Lane Jones, 8 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
You infernal villian How much longer are you going to keep this damned Embargo on to starve us poor people one of my children has already starved to death of which I am ashamed & declared that it died of an apoplexy I have three more children which I expect will starve soon if I dont get something for them to eat which cannot be had you must either take this Embargo off & save all us poor...
33252From Thomas Jefferson to John Kelly, 8 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
By the bearer I inclose you one hundred and forty five Dollars, of which one hundred is on account of John Perry and at his request, and 45. D. on my own account to cover the 43–D 12 ½ c for oil. I salute you with esteem. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
33253To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 8 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
The enclosed I forward to you merely because Mr Mitchell has sent them to me with a request to do so. My own Opinion is that the Office ought to be Offered to Capt Jones; Because the duties of the Office would by him be well & faithfully performed and because a respectable section of Republicans would thereby be happily conciliated. Affy. & Respectfy DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and...
33254To Thomas Jefferson from John Taylor, 8 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I have this moment been informed by Mr: Martin, that he has at length found a workman capable of executing the drill, and he expresses an anxiety to furnish you with it. He is however apprehensive that the long delay, and the disappointment of your wish to have it in time to be sent by the vessel you mentioned, may have altered your disposition to have it made at all. Be pleased to drop me a...
33255To James Madison from John Armstrong, Jr., 7 August 1808 (Madison Papers)
Joseph reached Madrid about the 20 Ulto. by forced marches, at the head of the . The Emperor continues to reinforce him. It was rumored two days ago, that war between this Country & Austria was unavoidable. To-day the papers announce, that Austria has procrastinated the blow, by ordering that her ports in the Adriatic b e shut against our commerce. It appears, that some vessels coming from Si...
33256To James Madison from Louis-Marie Turreau de Garambouville, 7 August 1808 (Madison Papers)
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer copie d’une lettre que Je reςois de M. Gallatin en réponse à celle que je lui ai écrite dernièrement, en même tems que j’avais l’honneur de vous en adresser une sur le même objet. Vous jugerez, Monsieur, combien cette lettre a du me surprendre d’après ce que vous m’avez dit et ce que m’a dit M. Gallatin lui-même lors de mon dernier Voyage à Washington. J’ai...
33257From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 7 August 1808 (Madison Papers)
I return the letters of Randolph, and Riddle. The complaint in that of the latter has been the subject of several from others as he intimates. I was not aware that any of them except McKinley were as respectable as he describes them. But answers to such letters are always to be avoided, farther than they may be given by the result itself. McKinlay was answered verbally thro’ his friend Mr....
33258To James Madison from John Armstrong, Jr., 7 August 1808 (Madison Papers)
I wrote a few lines to you yesterday. The arrival of this day’s mail from Bordeaux enables me to add what follows: "The Emperor said to our chamber of Commerce "que depuis que les Etats unis avaient mis un embargo, ils avaient cessé d’etre Neutres (that since the United States had placed an embargo, they had ceased to be Neutral)." The chamber having presented a petition for liberty to export...
33259To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 7 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I return the letters of Randolph, and Riddle. The complaint in that of the latter has been the subject of al from others as he intimates. I was not aware that any of them except McKinley were as respectable as he describes them. But answers to such letters are always to be avoided, farther than they may be given by the result itself. McKinley was answered verbally thro’ his friend Mr. Jackson,...
33260To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 7 August 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
I take up my pen to answer your favor of the 2d.—It will be in time to go by the Tuesday’s mail from Washington. Your letter came to me from the post office—& must have gone there under cover to some one—as there was no postmark on it, nor your frank, and yet it came free—It contained Mr Madns. letter which I here return agreeably to your request. The concurrent disposition of you both in...