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Results 33251-33300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have duly recieved your letter of July 6. covering the resolutions of the legislature of South...
À mon depart de la Guadeloupe, Monsieur le Colonel Faujas me remit une lettre pour Votre...
I got to the City very soon after Your departure from it, and was vexd & sorry not to have taken...
Genl. John Shee, Collector of the port of Philadelphia, departed this life last Evening, in...
ausitot recû de la vôtre tous de suite J’ai Exécûter votre Commende. J’ai Êmballer 78. Bouteille...
I can not express in words the livelÿ Satisfaction I enjoy’d in receiving your favour of the 25th...
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a...
I do not know whether the Administration is acquainted with the fact, but I can assure it, from...
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a...
Finding that several of the collectors considered that provided applications to send vessels in...
The letter from me respecting the Leonidas was with the papers returned. I considered it as a...
This morning I had the honor to receive your Excellencies communications of the 28th. and 29th....
I have the honor of transmitting Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have receiv’d from the...
Burr arrived in England by the last Packet, and has been for some Days in London. He was taken on...
I am directed by the Wall-about Committee to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the...
I send you a recommendation from the Senate of Georgia in favor of a David Alexander to be a...
Very soon after I wrote you by mr Randolph’s boat, I recieved my articles from No. 1. to 22....
I recieved in due time your favor of June 24. covering the address of the House of...
The inclosed are formal, and for the public; but in sending them to you, I cannot omit the...
In the review, fellow citizens, which, in your address of the 14th. of June, you have taken of...
On the reciept of your letter of July 23. I wrote to mr Madison expressing my ideas on the...
Th: Jefferson salutes mr S. H. Smith with esteem, and thinks that some such paragraph as the...
I have the Honor to submit to Your Attention a Copy of a Letter of June 4th: of the current Year...
I have the Honor to submit to Your Attention a Copy of a Letter of June 4th: of the current Year...
I have a son by the name of Barzillai Herrington & who has for some time hitherto been in the...
Ahora mismo recibo la carta del Señor Dn: John Graham del 27. de Julío, y para las 11. estara en...
You will see it stated in the Mercantile Advertiser of New York that the Ship Thalia has brought...
I am very thankful for your itenerary, & Mrs. B–& myself expect to begin the use of it in about...
Dans la léttre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire Vers la fin de Maÿ, je vous ai entretenu de...
Within theas few days, I have had convercacion with a Major Barron at this place, and have...
This trifle is presented to the President by the author with sentiments of the greatest respect....
Do you know my Dear Daughter that the date of your last Letter was the 3 of June, since which I...
I have just recd. yours of the 29. and enclose the papers noted "to be returned." I think the...
I hope you will excuse the privelege which I now take. I have lately observed in the public...
The Court left Bayonne on the 26th & 28th. inst. The Emperor is expected at Nantes on the seventh...
By the Ship Thalia, Captain Silliman, last from Falmouth, Three Packets for the Secretary State,...
I have just recd. yours of the 29. and inclose the papers noted “to be returned.” I think the...
List of the Applicants for Surgeons & Surgeons Mates in the State of Virginia.    By whom...
The President of the united States requested of me a calculation of the quantity of flour...
Upon receiving the enclosed I immediately made all the arrangements in my power to order the...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de este Gobíerno, de orden de S. M. C. el Rey mi Amo Fernando...
The Bearer Mr. Dade has just handed me the enclosed which he wishes to support with govt. the...
The passport for the Leonidas goes by this post to the Collector of Norfolk. I return you...
Valentin de Foronda tiene la honra de ofrecerse à la obediencia del Caballero Madison y...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de...
Among the Letters now sent, you will find two + from Genl. Turreau. The one directed to the...
The perplexity in which I am placed, I hope will atone for any defect. As, Sir, you hold the...
I inclose you a letter of information of what is passing on the Canada line. to prevent it is I...
I sent yesterday to the Secy. of the navy, and he will transmit to you a letter from Gen....
The passport for the Leonidas goes by this post to the Collector of Norfolk. I return you...