Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Cooke, 12 May 1807

Louisa May 12th 1807

D Sir:

Perpmit a person well acquainted with your character but unacquainted with your person to make a request to your exelency, your petioner is a fine young man In Great want of Some money if you Could furnish me with five Hundred dollars you would do me the greatest favour imaganably and I Suppose you would hardly miss that sum Small to you but large to me and I would return the money at the end of twelve months. if you do not think proper to lend me the money or if you do so Send me a letter at any Rate inclose the money in Bank notes in the Letter and Send it to pottiswell post office in Louisa Virginia.

Yours with great respect

Edmund Nelson Cooke.

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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