George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Thomas Conway, 23 July 1778

From Thomas Conway

Philadelphia the 23d July 1778


I find my self just able to hold the penn During a few Minutes, and take this opportunity of expressing my sincere grief for having Done, Written, or said any thing Disagreeable to your excellency. my carreer will soon be over, therefore justice and truth prompt me to Declare my Last sentiments. you are in my eyes the great and the good Man. May you Long enjoy the Love, Veneration and Esteem of these states whose Libertys you have asserted by your Virtues. I am With the greatest respect sir your Excellency’s Most obedt humble Servant

Ths Conway

ALS, DLC:GW. The docket on the back of the letter erroneously reads, “July 22d 1778.”

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