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Results 33201-33250 of 184,431 sorted by author
ADS : American Philosophical Society Je certifie que j’ai eu L’honneur De servir en amerique avec...
I remain in a state of inaction untill such time as your Excellency Will think fitt to employ me....
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Thomas Conway, 23 April 1778. GW wrote Gouverneur Morris on 18...
I find my self just able to hold the penn During a few Minutes, and take this opportunity of...
I was Directed By the Board of war to furnish a sett of instructions according to which the...
Coll fitzgerald mentionn’d to me yesterday that your excellency Wish’d to Know the method I...
the most expeditious manner of Carrying on the Works requisite to secure the Camp is to fix the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclos’d is from our common friend Mr richard peters. I...
General Gates Deliver’d to me the Letter which I had Directed to him Last october, and of Which I...
I Wrote to General Gates by Major troop the 9th or 10th of Last Month from reading. after...
The hopes and appearance of a french War, along with some other reasons, have induc’d me to send...
your intention certainly is that the Left as Well as the Right of your army Should be equally in...
I Begg Leave to observe to your excellency that I am in actual service in france, that I have not...
I herewith forward & present to you the constitution of Maine .—I have delayed sending it to you...
It must afford you great satisfaction to have outlived all opposition. such a consumation falls...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society In what manner shall I apologize for the liberty I now...
I beg leave to trouble your Excellency and the Honorable Congress, with the perusal of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I wrote you last I went on a Cruze and fell in with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With pleasure I can informe you that Once More I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When the revenge Cutter fitted out of Dunkirk Mr. William...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote You A few Lines On my Arrivall in thiss place,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to enforme you that on the 3d. Instant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you last from Amsterdam at that time enformed of my...
It was my intention on my return from Fredericksburg to have waited on you to have had a more...
I took the liberty some time since of expressing to your Honour a wish that I might be considered...
It is customary in this northern section of our country to connect with the more important...
Your obliging letter of November 30. 1807. I had the pleasure of receiving, soon after its date,...
Having the honor to be Preceptor of the Academy in this place, and feeling interested in the...
The Memorial of David Cook late Captain of Artillery in the Armies of the United States. Most...
The two Boxes Sent by R Cutts Esqr I forwarded to you yesterday by Mr Barbours Wagon. Enclosed...
Perpmit a person well acquainted with your character but unacquainted with your person to make a...
I am upon the eve of my departure for Europe in prosecution of my professional Studies as an...
When I had the honour of an introduction to you last Spring, we had some conversation on the...
Tipperary, 28 Mch. 1791 . Understanding that regulation of weights and measures is one object of...
Tipperary, Ireland, 28 March 1791. “Understanding that the regulations of weights and measures is...
Permit a Mecanick Formerly in yr Imploy To Take the Liberty of wishing you & Famley the...
In pursuance of your request communicated in your letter the 10th. ult. I have endeavoured to...
Your Letter, requesting an Account of the Prisoners in this State, I have duly received; and...
I have this Moment received by Express Orders from the Honble Continental Congress to dispatch...
I am favoured with yours of the 8th & 14th instant to which I have paid the greatest Attention....
Your Favour of the 6th instant I received & laid before the General Assembly. It had great...
I am favoured with a Letter from Govr Trumbull in Answer to mine proposing a Voyage to Bayonne,...
I observe that in the Cambridge Paper of Yesterday there is an Extract of a Letter from Bermuda...
I am favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 15th instant; which I have communicated to the...
I take the Liberty of addressing your Excellency in Behalf of Mr James Aborn who waits upon you...
I am favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 31st of last Month by Captain Baylor; who hath...
Since my last I have been favor’d with yours of the 31st Ultimo, and the 2d & 6th Instant. The...
I am to inform you that there are Part of Two Companies, of the Rhode Island Brigade, consisting...
Your Excellency’s Favors of the 14th ult. and of the 3d instant are now before me. In Pursuance...
I do myself the Honor, by Lieut. Colonel Barton, who will deliver you this, to transmit you the...