From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 28 November 1747
To William Strahan
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Philada. Nov. 28. 1747
I received your Favour of June 11. per Capt. Tiffin, with the Books, &c. all in good Order. Mr. Parks,8 who drew the Bill on Guidart & Sons, is surpriz’d at their Protesting it, they having, as he says, large Effects of his in their Hands: He will speedily renew that Bill. Enclos’d I send you a Bill on Xr. Kilby Esqr,9 for £19.7.1½ Sterling, which I hope will be readily paid: And you may soon expect other Bills from me for larger Sums. What Books will be wanted for the Shop hereafter, Mr. Hall will write for: I shall send for no more, unless for myself or a Friend. I must desire you to send per first Opportunity the Maps formerly wrote for, viz. Popple’s large One of North America pasted on Rollers; Ditto bound in a Book: and 8 or 10 other Maps of equal Size if to be had; they are for the long Gallery and the Assembly Room in the Statehouse.1 If none so large are to be got, let Prospects of Cities, Buildings, &c. be pasted round them, to make them as large. I want also Folard’s Polybius, in French; it is 6 Vols. 4to. printed at Paris, and costs about 3 Guineas.2 My best Respects to good Mrs. Strahan; I know not but in another Year, I may have the Pleasure of seeing you both in London. Please to deliver the Enclos’d to Mr. Acworth:3 I know not where to direct to him. I am, dear Sir, Your most obliged humble Servant
B Franklin
Addressed: To Mr Wm Strahan Printer in Wine Office Court Fleetstreet London Per favr of Mr Wallace in the Widow
8. William Parks (d. 1750), maintained printing offices in Annapolis, 1726–36, and in Williamsburg, 1730–50. Lawrence C. Wroth, William Parks: Printer and Journalist of England and Colonial America (Richmond, 1926). “Guidart” was probably Richard Guildart or Gildart of Liverpool.
9. Christopher Kilby (1705–1771), Boston merchant, government contractor, and Massachusetts agent. DAB, Supplement I.
1. See above, p. 77.
2. Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement traduite du Grec par Dom Vincent Thuillier … Avec un commentaire ou un corps de science militaire, enriché de notes … par M. de Folard (Paris, 1727–30).
3. Possibly Edmund Acworth, whose account appears in Ledger D.