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Results 33151-33200 of 184,431 sorted by author
That Mr. John Adams threatned Mr. Izard with the Displeasure of Congress in his opposing the...
Our Affairs have now a universally good appearance. Every thing at home and abroad seems verging...
I do not find by President Huntington’s Letter Book that he has forwarded the within Resolve of...
While we officially communicate to you the inclosed Resolve the Foundation of which you cannot...
This, with my affectionate wishes for your prosperity, may serve to acquaint you that Congress...
In Addition to other Papers respecting your Ministration I now forward an Act of Congress of this...
We have the honor to send your Excellency herewith a number of hand bills published by order of...
The Enclosed is a Copy of a Letter from this Committee to the Commissioners of the Navy Board at...
There is wanted for A fifty Six Gun Ship now building at Portsmouth in the State of New...
The Congress Apprehending that the Small Pox may greatly endanger the Lives of our fellow...
You have annexed an extract of a letter we have just recd from Messrs Clarke & Nightingale...
The enclosed letters will discover to your Excellency that the Congress have ordered Two hundred...
In Complyance with an order of Congress passed Yesterday, We forward by the bearer hereof Ten...
We are obliged to trouble your Excellency with the enclosed letter for Mr Boudinot containing a...
We have the honor to transmit you five Tons of Musquet Powder by the bearer hereof agreable to an...
We thought proper to forward the enclosed Letter for your Perusal, partly because it contains a...
In Answer to your Letter of yesterday, we would inform your Excellency that when we first fixt...
We are under a Necessity of drawing your Excellency’s Attention, once more, to the Frigates at...
In Consequence of your Recommendation ⅌ Col: Worthington, we have done every thing in our Power...
It is with the greatest Concern we inform you of the total Destruction of the Continental Fleet...
We have sent by the Bearer a few Fish which we take the Liberty of presenting to your...
As soon as we had the Honour of receiving your Letter of yesterday, we ordered exact Returns to...
We are just now favoured with your’s respecting the flat Bottom Boats &ca supposed to be at...
Mr Morton having engaged a Brigade of Waggons to convey some Indian Meal to Camp and not having...
Most Worthy and Venerable Prelates: We, the Clerical and Lay Deputies of the Protestant Episcopal...
I beg leave to enclose you for inspection a copy of Mr Websters prospectus of his Large...
Permit me to enclose for your inspection a copy of Mr Webster’s Prospectus to his large...
In complyance with your Excellency’s Order of the 26th & the Resolve of Congress of the 19th...
Pardon the trouble that I give you as I much dislike to trouble at an advanced age and in...
The Petition of the subscribers, Conway Whittle, and Fortescue Whittle, Merchants, and Partners,...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. le Comte de Conwai est venu pour avoir l’honneur de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your excelency will find here the weight and prices of the...
Lancaster County, 6 June 1781 . Encloses a return of militia for Lancaster co. and asks for...
The difficulties we labour under are such as obliges us, however reluctantly to call your...
c’est avec Confiance que je viens rèclamer auprés des ètats unis Le prix des services du général...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis vous exprimer Combien je suis fachée d’être La...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These two undated notes, we believe, were written in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voila mon cher papa le billet que vous m’aviés acordé pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society God Bess liberty! I drunk with all my heart to the republick...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Sand you a Concequence letter for my dear huusband, which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am most trouble and perplex for the news ill, that I See...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy to have room to Congratulate you on Late Success...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Long to be acquainted with the State of your heath, and to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Commence to read, and write a litle the english but I Know...
At a respectable meeting of the citizens of Green, and Town of Greenville in the State of...
I Humbly Submit to Your Consideration the Grivances Which I am about to lay Before You, About the...
You will, I fear, be surprised at seeing yourself addrest by a person unknown to you, but the...
Colo. Conway Begs leave to Congratulate his Excellency General Washington on his appointment to...
(re recommendation for Richard Chapman as cadet at West Point) The enclosed Papers I received...
The Mayor and Commonalty of Alexandria, impressed with the liveliest Sentiments of affection and...