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Results 33151-33200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am now Returned from takeing a view of the western parts of Tennessee and the Country lately holden by the Cherokee Indians in which their Claims has been extinguished. The immence improvements that are daily makeing in that quater the increase of welth and population are far beyond any thing I could have immajined (and to Crown their felicity there appears to be the Greatest Confidence in...
Your’s of the 10th. came to hand yesterday & I return you Foronda’s, Tufts, Soderstrom’s & Turreau’s letters. I think it is become necessary to let Turreau understand explicitly that the vessels we permit foreign ministers to send away are merely transports, for the conveyance of such of their subjects as were here at the time of the embargo, that the numbers must be proportioned to the...
Yours of July 27. has been recieved. I now inclose you the letters of Hawkins, Harrison, Wells, Hull & Claiborne recieved from the war office, and, as I conjecture, not yet seen by you. Indian appearances, both in the North West & South are well. beyond the Missisipi they are not so favorable. I fear Governor Lewis has been too prompt in committing us with the Osages so far as to oblige us to...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Graham, on reciept of this to fill up a Commission for John Steele (Genl.) of Pensylva. as Collector for Philadelphia in the place of Genl. Shee decd, and to inclose it to him near or at Lancaster. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have respected your laws and your goverment for the younited Stats of merrica and I wish to have you continue your laws and goverment and keep the embargo on til you see fit to take it off, though it is very trying to the people in this contry about thare debts and it is my wish that you would make some laws to pay our debts with out paing the money and if the is a law to pay with produce &...
Your’s of the 10th. came to hand yesterday & I return you Foronda’s, Tufts, Soderstrom’s & Turreau’s letters. I think it is become necessary to let Turreau understand explicitly that the vessels we permit foreign ministers to send away are merely transports for the conveyance of such of their subjects as were here at the time of the embargo, that the numbers must be proportioned to the vessels...
I should not have presumed aagin to address You—having once obtruded on your patience, on account of my Son—but am driven to this last effort of seeking refuge in the Supreme Magistrate of my Country—or sink, with ignoble supineness under the afflicting & accumulating oppression, with which I am crushed—& by whom? Men who have fought & bled for Political Freedom and liberty of Concience! Who...
La mancanza delli Commodi per l’interrotto commercio delle lettere cagionato dalle critiche circostanze delle Guerre mi fará credere ingrato, ed incivile per avere tardato finora a compire il mio dovere di ringraziare vivamente la Serenissima Republica, e principalmente V.E. per la grazia accordatami di obligare mio fratello a restituirmi, e mettere in libertá la mia Moglie, e li miei Figli,...
The Secretary of War on the 8th. ult. requested Captain Saunders, Commanding Fort Nelson, to ascertain the price at which a site for a battery, between the hospital and bridge, of not more than half an acre of land, could be obtained;—and, previous to his leaving the Seat of Government, directed that the purchase should be authorized, if, in your estimation, the price were a reasonable one. I...
Your’s of July 30. came to hand only yesterday. it has consequently loitered somewhere two posts. I am glad to learn the prompt aid you have afforded the Treasury department; to let you further understand the importance of giving all the aid we can, I pass through your hands my letter of this day to mr Gallatin, with those it incloses, which I will pray you, after perusal, to seal & put into...
Your letter of July 21. has been recieved some days; that of July 23. not till yesterday. some accident had probably detained it on the road considerably beyond it’s regular passage. in the former you mention that you had thought it adviseable to continue issuing certificates for the importation of flour until you could hear farther from me; & in the latter that you will be called from the...
My last unofficial letter to you was of May 17th.; I have nothing at present of a private nature connected with the matter of the accompanying dispatch, which is of sufficient importance to be communicated to you: indeed whatever information of any consequence that contains, I presume will reach you before this. The past transactions, & the actual state of affairs here, certainly merit the...
I went into the Country last Friday Evening to bring Home Mrs. Graham on Sunday, but owing to continued wet weather I could not get back until Wednesday Morning. I understand from Mr. Brent that he forwarded to you the L etters and Papers received during my absince, and executed the directions given in your Letter ( without date) which came by the Mail of Sunday. The Mail of last Night brought...
Believing it to be the duty of an American citizen to give to the executive of his Country any information that will throw light on a misterious subject more particular when imposters are making themselves conspicuous and Federalist are filling their Coffers by the credulity of upright and virtuous men. Mr. Winchong who is represented as a China Mandarin I know well and knew him before he left...
It is probable before you receive this the President will have received a petition purporting to be from this town and as I think it proper he should know the true state of matters here, I wish him to know that this town contains between 9 and 10 hundred voters; at the last General Election there was 615 styling themselves federalists and 368 republicans. The number who attended the meeting in...
When I had last the honor of writing to you, (June 22nd. to 27th.) a determined opposition to the new order of things here, had very generally manifested itself throughout the provinces; since then it has been continually acquiring extension, force, & organization; and has ultimately been attended with a success in all quarters very much beyond what even the most sanguine imagination could...
Inclosed you have a Glorius diamond I have purchased in G. Town for you; its a remarkable good one and the cut of it is very easy found who ever is to use it at your place should practice on it every leasure hour he can spare, you have also the bill and receit of it I am with great regard your Hble Servt. Sir I hope you’l excuse the liberty I take in sending a letter to Mr Nelson under cover...
Your letters of July 29. & Aug. 5. came to hand yesterday and I now return you those of Wynne, Wolsey, Quincey, Otis, Lincoln, & Dearborne. This embargo law is certainly the most embarrassing one we have ever had to execute. I did not expect a crop of so sudden & rank growth of fraud & open opposition by force could have grown up in the US. I am satisfied with you that if orders & decrees are...
I am authorised by the President of the United States to ask the favor of you, as I accordingly do, to cause a warrant to be issued for nine hundred & ninety dollars, payable out of the appropriation for the Contingent expenses of Government, in favor of Patrick Ferrell, the holder of the enclosed bills of Robert Williams, Governor of the Mississippi Territory, both dated the 13th. of April...
Confirming the contents of what I had the pleasure to add ress you pr the Ship Sheppardess John Doan Master I now advise you that I hav e determin’d to depart for Sevilla to try if I can obtain the liberation of the Vessels be ing detained at Algeciras, which were order’d to be freed by the Duke of Berg, as well as by the Junta at Sevilla, but afterwards suspended for reasons unknown; and as...
I recd last evening yours of the 9th. with the papers to which it refers & now return as desired Sullivan’s & Ishamels letters with your proposed answer to the former. The questions arising on them are not without difficulty, and this is not a little increased by the spirit which seems to haunt the Governor. His letter furnishes agst. his own statements, the inference which is enforced by the...
I humbly beg leave to present to a view of the Supreme Executive of the U States my truly unpleasant situation here at this time where a variety of circumstances interesting to the U States & the Citizens thereof oblige me to remain at my Post while by the present position of European Affairs I am deprived of an income whatever I indulge the confidence that the Government of our Country may be...
Your favor of the 4th. came to hand two days ago, and I am sorry to learn by it that we shall not have the pleasure of your company here this season.   mr Brodie has not yet arrived. I shall be happy to see him whenever he does, and will deliver your message to him. I am not certain whether I mentioned to Joseph (who has the care of my sheep at Washington) that you were to take a ram lamb; but...
The vacant office of a collector for this port has occasioned great solicitude in the minds of the members of the democratic party, and as much anxiety that it should be filled by a man of competent and acknowledged talents and stedfast and uniform fidelity to your administration and to the democratic cause. We have unfortunately suffered much from the want of zeal and energy on the part of...
I received last evening yours of the 9th. with the papers to which it refers and now return as desired Sullivan’s and Ishomel’s letters with your proposed answer to the former. The questions arising on them are not without difficulty, and this is not a little increased by the spirit which seems to haunt the Governor. His letter furnishes agst. his own statements the inference which is...
The Inhabitants of Providence in Town Meeting legally convened request liberty respectfully to represent, That to petition their Government is one of the political rights of a free people; and we are confident a respectful exercise of that right, will ever be grateful to a President of the American Nation. When grievances are felt, citizens must look to rulers for redress; where the people...
Je Vous ai—mon paternel Protecteur!—instruit—il y a quelques semaines de la triste situation, dans la quelle m’ont plongès les Coalisès de Mr. D. Clark, et Vous ai priè, de m’assister de la manière la plus prompte et efficace possible. Je suis avec ma famille portè au bord de l’Abime de la Misère la plus cruelle, dont je ne pourrois plus me relever, lorsque une fois on m’aura laissè y tomber....
we the Petitioners, officers of Merchant Ships, In the Port of Philadelphia, do sincerly request his Excellency will take into consideration, their case, that means may be had to prevent our Families beging, there subsistance—we become irksome to our friends, and no means by which we can subsist left us— how to act is the question. Your Excellency no doubt will give us some hopes and as In...
Since my letter of the 7th. I have had incidentally a conversation with a person acquainted with the Baltic, apparently with a view to the operations of the belligerents in that quarter. Such subjects being constant topics at table, no suspicion whatever could exist as to the real motives. He stated that at the end of October, such quantities of ice begun to float in that sea, particularly in...
Vous avez raison. Portugal est subjugé. Mon Roi a perdu son Royaume, et une Etrangier portera sa Couronne. Les obligations d alliance sont dissolus—et qu’en voulez vous.— translation the 10th. August 1808 You are right—Portugal is conquered—My King has lost his Kingdom & a stranger will take his Crown—the obligations of allegiance are dissolved—and what then?— DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Yours of the 7th. was recieved yesterday, but the post was so late, and arriving with his portmanteau open threw me into great alarm, as I expected a large sum of money in the mail. I was relieved by finding it safe. I return you Pinckney’s, Joy’s, Claiborne’s, Foronda’s and Bailey’s letters. Would it not be worth while to send Erskine a copy of Bailey’s letter, to observe to him that this...
You perhaps may remember at Gray’s Ferry some two years ago I took the liberty of mentioning the impropriety of keeping Waggoner and others of the same political character in your office. The answer I received, If the Principle in a department was correct it made little difference what the Clerks were. If I differed with you in opinion then I certainly can at the present period assign better...
Mr. Graham has sent me the papers respecting the Spanish vessel, prize to the British Frigate Hebe, the cargo of which has been suffered to be landed at New Orleans. I have written to the Collector for a Statement of facts, but am at a loss what instructions to give on that subject generally. I cannot find any law forbidding the sale of prizes in our ports, nor any treaty embracing a similar...
I have just received a Letter from the Post Master at New York, stating on the declaration of Capt Selliman of the Ship Thalia, which was carried into a British Port by a British Cruiser, that his Letter Bag, including Dispatches from the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris, to the Department of State, was taken to the Court of Admiralty, the Letters indiscriminately opened,...
I took the liberty of writing you a line or two yesterday just as the Mail was closing. Since I have recd. a letter from Mr. Petre, mentioning that he had taken his passage in a Vessel for France, and expected to sail the following morng. The Capt of the French Brig at the Navy Yard, returned yesterday, from Balto., accompanied by Mr. Le Loup, who spent the Even’g with me. They say that the...
I recieved by yesterday’s mail your favor of the 5th. with the 935. D. inclosed with safety, and I thank you for your attention to this matter. we are all well, now in confinement by a rain which has fallen in moderate showers the last two days, but is now set in anew from the North East. it was wanting; but we may have too much. the crop of wheat has been generally indifferent: that of...
The Inhabitants of the Town of Boston in legal Town Meeting assembled, beg leave respectfully to represent— That uniformly influenced by a sense of patriotism, and a respect for the constituted authorities of their Country, they have sustained, without opposition, or complaint, the embarrasments and losses arising from the existing Embargo on the vessels and export trade of the United States:...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Cowdrey and his thanks to himself & the Committee of the Wallabout for the copy of their publication which has come safely to hand. if the records it contains can inculcate in nations a due regard to humanity even towards their enemies, and the advantages as well as the duty of lessening the evils of war, a great good will be effected. DLC : Papers...
Yours of July 27. is recieved. It confirms the accounts we recieve from others that the infractions of the embargo in Maine & Massachusets are. open. I have removed Pope of New Bedford for worse than negligence. the Collector of Sullivan is on the totter. the Tories of Boston openly threaten insurrection if their importation of flour is stopped. the next post will stop it. I fear your governor...
The enclosed letter contains information of a nature that ought not be unknown to the Executive, and I therefore enclose it. The subject to which it relates, induces me also to state, that much abuse of the Embargo has been committed in this port; I communicated to the Custom house information last week, of provisions and other articles put on board a vessel at one of our wharves; and...
I inclose for your information letters from General Dearborne, P. D. Sargeant & Elisha Tracy on the infractions of the embargo, and their ideas on the means of remedy. I pass them through the hands of the Secretary of the Navy with a request that he will in concert with you give all the aid for the enforcement of the law which his department can afford. I think the conduct of Jordan at...
Governor Tompkins transmits to you a letter from Oswego announcing an insurrection there. The particulars I know not, as, if the collector has written, his letter has gone to Washington. The accounts are I presume somewhat exaggerated; & there is no more insurrection than has been on Lake Champlain or Passamaquoddy; but certainly a forcible violation of the embargo by such combination as...
I expect that mr Barnes on the 6th. inst. remitted you on my account two hundred & eighty two Dollars 67. cents now due for former supplies. I am to pray you now to send for me to the address of Gibson and Jefferson in Richmond two tons of nailrod assorted as usual, and 2 ½ hundred of bar iron of a tough quality. I salute you with esteem & respect. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Yours of the 7th. was recieved yesterday, but the post was so late, and arriving with his portmanteau open threw me into great alarm, as I expected a large sum of money in the mail. I was relieved by finding it safe. I return you Pinckney’s Joy’s, Claiborne’s, Foronda’s and Bailey’s letters. would it not be worth while to send Erskine a copy of Bailey’s letter, to observe to him that this...
The petition of the Inhabitants of Newburyport in legal Town meeting assembled, Respectfully represents; That they have severely suffered from the operation of the Laws laying and enforcing an Embargo on all Ships and Vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States, not only in common with their fellow Citizens throughout the Union, but peculiarly from their local situation, their large...
I recieved yesterday your favor of July 6. & thank you for the information it contained, which shall be used for the public service only, and shall not compromit you. I am sorry to see that a combination of moral & political depravity should be so far found to exist in a portion of our citizens. I think they are not numerous, but yet sufficient, by their flagitious conduct, so far to weaken...
The letters of Trenchard, Williamson & Leonard, which I recieved from you the last week, I forwarded to mr Gallatin for his information, & desired him to return them to you. that of a person of Boston whose name I cannot decypher is reserved for a similar purpose. I inclose you a letter to mr Gallatin covering some others, which I will ask the favor of you to read & hand on to him with such...
I have the honour to enclose for your perusal a letter received by me on saturday last upon which I have already conferred with the Secretary of the Treasury. I do not believe that an Insurrection has existed or does now exist at Oswego; but as our Militia law does not authorise the Commandants of Brigades or Regiments to detach any of their men upon service, except in cases of Insurrection or...
Your favor of July 30. was recieved yesterday and I thank you for the information it contained. it shall be used for the public good only and without compromitting you. the facts it states mark a combination of moral and political depravity which I had hoped less extensive in our country than it seems to be. We have recieved letters from mr Pinckney to the 30th. of May; but they contain...
My Letter to the Secretary at War, will advise the President, of the Conviction of four Alabama’s of the Crime of Murder; of the execution of two of these unfortunate Men; the Considerations which induced the pardon of the others, and of the good Understanding which promises to exist between the Citizens of this Frontier and the neighbouring Indians. The Office of Attorney General, for this...