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Results 3311-3320 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Rogers for the copy of his 3 d edition of his Biographical Dictionary which he has been so kind as to send him. he sees with pleasure so many worthy names rescued from oblivion, and he hopes that a ready demand for them will continue to call for renewed and enlarged editions. he salutes mr Rogers with esteem & respect. MHi .
Yours of the 11 th is recieved. those of Nov. 2. and Dec. 14. had been so in due time. I suppose I had not acknoleged them specifically from being perhaps too lazy to recur to them while writing mine of the 3 d I thank you for your information from mr Boyé and shall desire the instruments to remain in their present position until I can find a safe and gentle conveyance and give an order for...
I have received the Letter you have done me the honor to write to me, with the pamphlet containing your Report of 1798 for Genl. Lafayette, which I shall not fail to transmit to him by the first opportunity, & for which I know he will be very thankful; for he has made repeated applications to me to procure it for him, until, at last, in despair of otherwise Succeeding, I took the liberty of...
The Subscription for building the Episcopal Church in this place, has been transferred to one of my clients, of which you appear to be indebted one third of y r subscription the 1 st ult.—He is much in want of the money, and if convenient would be thankful to you for the amt. say $66:66— Be pleased to accept a good Rock Fish, which my servant carries MHi .
The vessel which was to bring the other half of the Cabinet, being now only arrived at Boston, it is the cause why the Lines you honoured me with on the 8 th Decb r have not been answered sooner.— I take herewith the liberty of handing you an other Catalogue, with the prices annexed to it: The Instruments being Superior in workmanship, & finish, as those made for mere school use, Some articles...
Electrical apparatus in New York N o 1 $ s 500 〃 6 〃 300 〃 7 〃 175 〃 60 〃 11 〃
I have recd. your favour of the 5th. inst; with a copy of the 3d. Edition of your Biographical Remembrancer. I observe that you have increased its value by lengthening the Roll of deceased Worthies selected for its pages. You justly regard such a task as saving from oblivion merits & memories to which posterity ought to be enabled to do justice. It is indeed from such materials that some of...
It being my wish to return to the University the next session—and my circumstances being allmost too limited to allow my doing so without some assistance independent of my friends. I have determined to become an applicant for the place of Librarian to our University—a residence at the University as a student at the last session—has impressed upon me the many advantages resulting to me—from a...
An unaccountable fit of dullness and inability to do any thing, prevented my writing to you on last Sunday, the weather is of such a nature as to create languor to an astonishing degree. It is very warm and humid which produces colds almost universally. Our family has not escaped for my brother and Elizabeth have both been affected and I although free from cold, have not been in a State to...
The communication which you made to me when last at your house, of the correspondence between you & M r Giles, in reference to a communication made to you by Mr Adams, pending the embargo, of certain combinations which menacd the union, & producd its repeal, has engaged my attention since, as far as the urgent business in which I have been engaged would permit. I have reflected more on it,...