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Results 33101-33150 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Secy. at War was authorized to permit the British prisoners to hire themselves out on...
The Commitee to whom was referred the letter from Mr. Adams of the report: That they have...
The same Committee submit the following report on the letter of the 3d. instant from the...
The Committee on the letter from the Secretary at War respecting Lt Col Ternant submit the...
Resolved That the officers at present holding brevet commissions in the army be intitled to the...
[ Philadelphia, May 26, 1783. ] On this date Hamilton moved “That the Commander in Chief be...
The Committee observe with respect to a military peace establishment, that before any plan can...
That Congress sd. renew their call on the States to execute the Acts of the 18th. of M. 1780 and...
Whereas the carrying into execution the 8th article of the confederation relative to a valuation...
[ Philadelphia ] April 23, 1783 . On this date a committee, consisting of Samuel Osgood,...
The Committee appointed to confer with the Supreme Executive Council of Pensylvania on the...
That it is the Opinion of Congress that complete justice cannot be done to the Creditors of the...
Mr. Madison & Mr. Hamilton disapproved of these partial conventions, not as absolute violations...
The Committee to whom were referred the letters from The Commander in Chief submit the following...
On motion of Mr Carroll seconded by Mr Ramsay Resolved That the Secy for foreign affairs be...
That a Committee be appointed to consider of the best manner of carrying into execution the...
The Committee on the letter of the 14th instant from His Excellency Sir Guy Carelton submit the...
Col: Hamilton who warmly & cogently espoused the ratification, as an additional argument...
The Committee to whom you were referred the letters & papers communicated to Congress by the...
Mr. Hamilton went extensively into the subject; the sum of it was as follows: he observed that...
Mr. Hamilton urged the propriety of proceeding with coolness and circumspection. He thought it...
In Consequence of the conferences we have had with your Excellency, and knowing yours and your...
The travelling is so bad that we wish you wou’d not attempt to meet us, while it continues. We...
Upon considering the Matter referred to the Committee by your Letter of this Morning We are of...
Congress having resolved upon the Expediency of attacking Canada the next Campaign, in...
It is submitted by the Committee to your Excellency’s Judgement, whether it would not be better...
Before a proper arrangement can take place in the Line of Artillery, it is the opinion of the...
When the Committee of Arrangement had the Honour of conferring with you on the Affairs of the...
Letter not found: from the Continental Congress Committee of Conference, 11 Sept. 1776. In a...
We are appointed by the Congress a Committee to examine into and report to them the Properest...
We beg Leave to inclose to your Excellency sundry Propositions referred by Congress to our...
We have hitherto given Your Excellency Intelligence from time to time of the State of things...
I have the Honor to Inclose Your Excy by Directions of the Committee a Copy of a Letter from Govr...
We are Happy to inform Your Excellency that the terms offerd to the Pennsylvania troops are at...
The Committee appointed by Congress to quiet the disturbances of the Pennsylvania Line &ca think...
I have only time to Inform Your Excy by Colo. Smith that the British Spies have been Executed The...
Messrs Livingston, Clymer, & Gerry present their Complimts to his Excellency General Washington,...
The Committee appointed on the 27th of August 1777 to collect evidence of the State of the Army...
The enclosed papers were sent to our Office this morning by the Council of Safety for our...
We do Ourselves the Honor to transmit you the inclosed Report or Relation of Joseph Traversie a...
The dispatches from Congress sent herewith came up last Night & we send them forward this Morning...
We have just rec’d the inclosed resolves from Congress which the President desires us to send...
We have dispatched an express to Congress this Morning with your letter of the 20th which will be...
We have just received the dispatches from Congress delivered herewith to Colo. Hartley, & having...
I was this day honoured with your favour of the 5th Inst. which arrived in time to forward the...
We have this Night received from Congress the dispatches sent herewith, by these you will see the...
Yorktown, 24 March 1778. FC ( PCC , No. 79, I). This is Instruction No. 3, which probably reached...
With great pleasure to ourselves we discharge our duty by inclosing to you your Commission for...
I shall endeavor to write largely to you, en Ami, but I will not risque the Sailing of the Vessel...
Congress took into Consideration the Report of the Committee on the Letter of June 26th. from the...