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Desirous as I am of returning you my thanks for the very honorable proof you have given me of your esteem; I cannot wish that this may find you in Port. I am not under the least apprehensions of their succeeding for any time against us personally; but I am afraid they will injure the public and introduce a system of faction and corruption which it will be very difficult to change. For me the...
The Complaints made to you against my Corps, are the more personal as I derive the Command of it from Your Excellency, as I love and respect this Corps in the light of a Gift which comes to me from you, and as it is my constant Attention to render it as well as myself worthy of your Favour; if Your Excellency previous to casting Reproaches upon me, with respect to which from my Ignorance of...
Letter not found: Clement Biddle to GW, 30 Aug. 1797. On 6 Sept. GW wrote Biddle : “Your favor of the 30th Ult. was received.”
§ From William Lee. 14 September 1805, Bordeaux . “I have the honor to enclose you a bill of Loading & Invoice of six Cases of Wine, one Tierce of Vinegar and two Cases of Cordials which I have shipped for you on board the Brig Lyon to the address of Mr Purveyance of Baltimore. I hope they will arrive safe and be to your liking.” RC and enclosures ( DLC ). RC 1 p. For enclosures, see n. 1. For...
The underwritten Minister of France has the Honor to inform Congress, that the King in pursuance of his affection and friendship for the United States, and the desire he has to put an end by effectual measures to the calamities of the present War, has resolved to send to this Continent a supply of Troops to Act against the Common Enemy and a Fleet to second the Operations of the Land forces....
I have the Honour to transmit to you inclosed the Copy of a Letter which, though dated yesterday, has just been sent to my House by Mr Henry Suttle, the Person named in the Representation which I had the Honour to make to you on the 4th of this Month. In Consequence, Sir, of this Letter, it is now necessary that I should trouble you farther by stating that on the Day (the 2nd Inst. now Nine...
On Friday the 21 st. inst t. departed this life, in the 89 th. year of her age, M rs. Susannah Hall, the venerable Mother of John Adams, President of the United States of America. And on Monday following her funeral was attended from the President’s house to the Meeting-House in this place, by a large & respectable assembly of the inhabitants of this and the neighbouring Towns, who came to pay...
The leizure hours of a few months residence in the United States have enabled me to prepare for the Press ‘The Foundling of Belgrade’ a tale intended as a series to ‘The memoirs of Charles Westcote’ published by me about a twelve month since in Great Britain. Apart from the honor of receiving a dedication to the first magistrate of a free people the liberty of placing this volume under the...
Will you pardon my presumption in addressing a few lines to you, for the purposes of soliciting your aid on obtaining an appointment for my Son in one of the public Departments,—it is so long since I have had the pleasure of seeing you, & my acquaintance even then was so limited, that I cannot but feel the temerity, of my present application, I rely Sir, on your well known Philanthropy.—My...
Jai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire en date du 10. aout pour vous annoncer le malheur que j’ai eu de perdre mon pere . depuis lors j’ai reçu vos honorables lettres , & jai acheminé a nice celles que vous m’aves adressé pour expedièr. Jai aussi reçu de la part de M r John Vaughan un effet Sur paris de ƒ 1312.50—Cequi Servira a effectuer vos commissions. N’etant pas trop au fait de Ces Sortes...
This is one of my fortunate days. The Post brought me, a Letter from you and another from my Friend and Brother. The particular Account you give me of the Condition of each of the Children is very obliging. I hope the next Post will inform me, that you are all, in a fine Way of Recovery. You say I must tell you of my Health and Situation. As to the latter, my Situation is as far removed from...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The time Draws near for my Leaveing this place I Expect whe Shall be at Graves End about the Second of august I find Capt Barney is arived in France and hope he has Brought Dispatchs for you Mr Bingham I understand has wrote you the Gazet I Sent you hope Got sauef to hand Mr Silas Dean is hear he paid me a viset and I find from him Self that he wrote Some...
[ Paris, 11 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “N. Lewis. Country along Seine—abjection of people—war in Europe—pears, goose berries, apricots better; cherries and grapes equal: peaches, nectarines, apples, strawberries, raspberries inferior to ours—Anthony to graft Balyal’s peaches, white, red, and yellow plumb and the fine soft and supply vacancies now and future. To take up such peach trees as...
A long absence from this place, occasion’d by my attendance on the Court of Chancery in W ms burg , prevented my receiving your letter of the 12 th Ult o until within a few days past— I embrace this earliest occasion (since it has been in my power) to acknowledge its receipt, and to tender you my thanks for its inclosure. The remuneration you have made me for my professional services in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The want of Subject say no intelligence from the American States in any of the ports on this Coast keeps me from giving more frequent advices. It cannot be many Days before some arrives. Many Sail were preparing at Philadelphia for Europe and particularly the Deane Frigate— the difficulty to procure Seamen I apprehend the principal obstacle to their...
You enquire, in your kind Letter of the 19th. Whether, “every Member of Congress did, on the 4th of July 1776, in fact cordially approve of the declaration of Independence”? They who were then Members all Signed it, and as I could not See their hearts, it would be hard for me to Say that they did not approve it: but as far as I could penetrate, the intricate internal foldings of their Souls, I...
Two of your Letters, viz No 24. Dup: & 25. Origl came to hand on the 16th: inst: These are the latest dates of any received from you, although the vessel that brought them had an uncommonly long passage from Gottenburg. We are happy to hear of your health and that of your family, as we have done more frequently than we could reasonably have expected. My Letters to you, thought not much behind...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr M c Coy & his thanks for the poem he was so kind as to send him some time past the reciept of which he has not been able sooner to acknolege. too old now to catch the glow of poetry, he is illy qualified to become a judge of it’s merits, other than that of sentiment. in this respect there is much to commend in mr M c Coy’s little poem. the...
Removed to the humble Vale of rural Life, it was but recently that the “Memoirs of the Life of Charles Lee, Esquire,” &c. &c. fell under my observation—and as I once announced a Design of publishing a Work nearly similar in Title, though far different in Contents, I am impelled by the most unfeigned Respect to your Character, as well as Justice to myself, to address you on the Subject,...
Having established myself at this Port; and finding that Mr. Peter Dobell who was some time since appointed Commercial Agent of the US. at Havre, intends to resign that office, I beg leave to solicit the same when vacant; it would be particularly valuable to me, as I shall most probably pass great part of the remainder of my life at this Place. I have thought it needless to trouble you with...
AD , DLC:GW . For background to this document, see Farm Reports, 6–12 Dec. 1789, source note . A balk is a ridge or strip of ground left unplowed as a boundary between two furrows. Root of scarcity ( Beta vulgaris or mangel-wurzel) is a coarse beet grown primarily as cattle fodder. For additional information on GW’s cultivation of this plant, see Diaries Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds....
Your favor of the 13th Current did not come to hand till the day before Yesterday, I fear I shall fail in geting you the Poland Oat —some have been Offered, but they were so much degenerated that they Appeared no better than the Common Oat, & the price 25 ⅌ Ct higher I have procured 200 Bushels of the Common Oat of the best Quality & well Cleaned & You may send for them or any part you Want,...
On the 20th instant a bill passed the House of Representatives appropriating 200,000 dols. for compleating the Public Buildings in the City of Washington, and on the 21st having been twice read in the Senate was committed to Lloyd[,] Tazewell, Stockton, Sedgwick and Goodhue —I attended them on Friday Morning—no resolution was agreed to or proposed, but appearances were less favourable than I...
Knowing, that the President intended to answer your letter , relative to the shares in the two rivers, I did [not] think it necessary to trouble you with an assurance, that I would remind him of it. He tells me, that he has stated to you fully the arrangements, which he meditates. Mr. Short mentioned to me in his last dispatches, that he had proposed to you some time before your resignation a...
I wrote you yesterday & finding a safe opportunity of a gentleman going this morning to Corunna or to Ferrol I avail myself of it to repeat to you the intelligence I sent yesterday which is that they are fitting out for sea immediately there three sail of the Line two frigates & some transports to join others at Cadiz as it is said to go to strengthen their forces in Cuba & Florida. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few days past, by a french Gentleman, but now my dear friend thy daughter having procured me an oppertunity, which appears more sure, I make use of it to inform, that in my last was inclosed an earnest petition to thee from Francis Geay de la Gaconniere, the person to whom an Estate is fallen at Fontenay le Vicomte in Poitou, which I think thou...
A Table. Containing the Altitudes of Mountains calculated from Barometrical Observation, by A Partridge Captain in the US. Corps of Engineers. Names of the Ranges Names of the different Peaks Altitudes in feet. Remarks. above their Bases above the Sea. White Mountains Mount Washington . 4885.— 6634— The White Mountains are situated in the northeast part of the State of New Hampshire
You will be so good, as to let it be understood between us, that the mention, which some time ago was made to you by me, of the nomination of your son, was purely confidential between us ; and that on any occasion, which you may have to speak of the time, when it was first known to you, you will refer to the communication of this day only . I am dear sir / with great truth / yr. mo. ob. serv...
3591772. Novr. 21. (Adams Papers)
Next Tuesday I shall remove my Family to Boston, after residing in Braintree about 19 Months. I have recovered a Degree of Health by this Excursion into the Country, tho I am an infirm Man yet. I hope I have profited by Retirement and Reflection!—and learned in what manner to live in Boston! How long I shall be able to stay in the City, I know not; if my Health should again decline, I must...
I send you a letter of Short’s for perusal, & one of Edgar Patterson asking what is already I presume provided for. One of General Armstrong which I do not well understand because I do not recollect the particular letter which came by Haley. I presume the counsel he refers to is to take possession of the Floridas. This letter of June 15. is written after the cession by Carlos to Bonaparte of...