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Results 331-340 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
(committee of the Jefferson Democratic Society of Philadelphia) The undersigned, a Committee on behalf of the Jefferson Democratic Society of the City and County of Philadelphia, have the honor of inviting you to a dinner, to be given, by the Society on the 14th. of April Inst. at Heiskell & Badgers Hotel in Third Street below Arch Street, in Commemoration of the birth day of the Father of the...
J. Madison having occasion to drop another letter to Majr. Lee, requests the favor of Mr Livingston to have it delivered. He hopes Mr. L. will pardon this trespass on his goodness & be assured always of the high esteem & cordial regards of J. M. Draft (DLC) .
Recd. yours of Mar 27. ackg. mine of Mar 24. 34. The latter marked confidenl. 1st. from the moral certainty that what is communicated to a few, goes into conversation, and that what goes into conv soon expands beyond the Confidential limits and finally into inferences & conjectures as to the kindred questions of party. 2. because a reference to my age becomes an answr. to all argts. &...
  private   I have recd. your favor of the 20th. Ult. with a copy of your "Public Lecture". We have read it with pleasure; and Mrs M, I believe with profit , being herself among the Amateurs of the Snuff box. The Lecture is a good medicine for the bad habits, which it paints in such warning colours. The Temperance Societies appear to have had a salutary effect, in diminishing the use of Ardent...
Some months ago, I was requested, to ask of you the favour, to transmit a brief letter of introduction to the Friends of the American Colonization in England & France, in behalf of the Rev Chas Brooks of Hingham Massachusetts, now on a tour through Europe, & who expressed a great desire to promote as far as possible the Interests of our Institution. Mr Brooks is a highly respectable Clergyman...
In asking your acceptance of the accompanying volume, I fulfil a purpose long since formed, the execution of which has been delayed only by my own carelessness. It was compiled chiefly by myself, though it also, bears the name of my respected friend, Mr. Clarke: but for its form and defects, I must hold myself responsible. If I had possessed some experience in the art of book making, I should...
The only apology I have to make for trespassing on your time, is the occasion which induces me to address you. I have frequently since the death of my lamented Parent, Genl. W. H. Winder, had my feelings deeply wounded by insinuations against his character & conduct at the Battle of Bladensburg. I know that a court of Enquiry was held to ascertain the true circumstances of the case, & that he...
I will not allow myself to attempt to express my satisfaction and Pride—at receiving your letter— Without your authority to do otherwise I shall consider it as strictly confidential —I should hope however—that you will give me permission to relax this restriction so far as to shew it to my and your friends—under the injunction that it may not be made public or the subject—of reference in the...
(committee of the Jefferson Democratic Society of Philadelphia) The Jefferson Democratic Society of the City and County of Philadelphia, have deputed the undersigned, to convey to you the expression of their high regard for your character, their admiration of your talents, their gratitude for your public Services, and their earnest desires that you would accept the honorary Office of Patron of...
Yours of 6th Jany last has been long reproaching me for permitting it to remain so long unanswerd. Suffer me to say that I scarcely know what leisure time is, at any time of the year; my hands are always so full of professional and private business, besides the claims of religion, benevolence and literature, to which I delight to give a large amount of time. I believe I should be much happier,...