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Results 33051-33100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By desire of Mr. Pinkney I have the honor to present you a paper relative to the orders in...
I got the lone of a pamplet this morning in which I found your speach said in it to be deliverd...
I inclose you the letter of a mr Shuter asking permission to send a vessel to Lima. in this you...
There is one application which I had referred to you & to which you have given no answer. It is...
I have been lately informed that the full appointments of Subaltern Officers for the 6000 troops...
My feelings compell me however (However reluctantly,) to ask for a moment of your important time,...
Mr. Richard Suydam of this city, has communicated to me his intention of visiting the Seat of...
Since my last Respects to you of the 30th. of April Pr. the Ship M inerva Captn. Stevens (which I...
Mr. Vanderhorst having some expectation that his Son may be at Washington or in its...
You are not unapprised that in order to check the evasions of the embargo laws effected under...
I was honored with yours of the 7th. of June, and am sorry indeed that it is not convenient for...
The Inhabitants of the Town of North Yarmouth in legal Town-Meeting assembled, Respectfully...
Soon after my letter relative to the proceedings at Oswego was dispatched I received...
When you were here to offer me your service for the next year, we separated on the subject of...
Unwilling to detain the Rider, I send the letters recd by him witht. remark. It is possible we...
My Brother Rob. W. Fox being in the Country, I take the freedom to address thee by the Flora...
Unwilling to detain the Rider, I send the letters recd by him witht. remark. It is possible we...
On the 9. inst. I wrote to you for 2. tons of rod & 2 ½ Cwt. of bar iron. on the 18th. I wrote to...
Your letter to Genl. Dearborne of July 1. was not recieved at the War office till a few days ago,...
Unwilling to detain the Rider, I send the letters recd. by him witht. remark. It is possible we...
Yours of yesterday reached me this morning, and I acknowledge it now, for the Mail of tomorrow. I...
I have the honour to acquaint your Exy. that Since my last Communication none of our Vessels have...
Yours of yesterday reached me this morning, and I acknowledge it now, for the Mail of tomorrow. I...
I have gone according to Mr. Dan. Brents orders before a justice of the Peace and taken an Oath...
This goes by Mr. Baker who is charged with dispatches to the Govt. of the U States from our Minr....
Doy à V. S. las debídas gracías por los papeles que ha tenido à bien dár orden se me envíasen,...
This day was deposited in this office, a Letter directed to you. A meeting of this Town, has...
I inclose you a letter of July 1. from Govr. Lewis recieved from the war office by the last post....
Since my letter to you of the 15th. ins. we have received official information of the seizure of...
Yours of yesterday reached me this morning, and I acknowledge it now, for the Mail of tomorrow. I...
Marc Mouésan, français, à L’honneur de représenter à votre Excellence, que le 5. Mai 1806, il fut...
Your favor of the 8th. came to hand only two days ago & I hasten to say I shall be glad to...
Memorial of Amos White of New Haven State Connecticut Praying that your Excellency will take in...
The last mail brought me yours of the 9th. inst: Not having at hand the regular sources of...
Yours of the 17th. came to hand yesterday. I wrote to Mr. Gallatin that the principle to govern...
The last mail brought me yours of the 9th. inst: Not having at hand the regular sources of...
My last respects to you of 19 May, by Capn. Fowley & Corlis I hope are duely come to hand. Since...
About two years ago I addressed a letter to Mr. Granger on the subject of a Change of one of the...
I had the pleasure to receive this Morning your Letter of the 16th. covering the Bill drawn on...
I have thought it my duty to acquaint you with an unpleasant circumstance that appeared at my...
I have determined on giving you a little of my opinion—I am Well acquainted that at the time of...
Your’s of Aug. 3. which ought to have been here on the 8th. was not recieved till yesterday. it...
Yours of the 17th. came to hand yesterday. I wrote to mr Gallatin that the principle to govern...
Your letters of the 7th. & 10th. were recieved on the 15th., communicated to mr Madison &...
I am honored with your letter of the 15th. current, and have instructed Captain Saunders...
Yours of the 13th. has been recieved, and mr Goldsboro has forwarded to me the state of the...
I have the Honor of inclosing you an extract of a letter received this Moment from a very...
Mr Troup’s Complts to the Secty of State. Will thank him to do him the favor to forward by the...
Mrs. Trist, who is now here & in good health, informs me that the Campeachy hamock, made of some...
By the last mail I was honored with your letters of the 5th. & 9th inst. with sundry papers...