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Results 3301-3350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I received yours of the 14th. ultmo., should not have defer’d answering it so long had I been...
I have received and read with great pleasure your address of the first of Sept. which, in this...
Memorandums made on a tour to some of the gardens in England described by Whateley in his book on...
3304[December 1765] (Adams Papers)
How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer,...
3305[Diary entry: 28 April 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Lowering in the Morning with the Wind abt. No. Et. In the Afternoon moderate Rain which...
3306Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
Of the eleven states that adopted constitutions during the Revolutionary period, Massachusetts,...
An Officer from Cumberland having called on me this morning to direct what should be done with...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred...
as their is Several officers of my regiment which have not received a Suply of Cloathing from the...
ALS and copy: New York Public Library; ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received...
Letter not found : from John Collins, 3 Feb. 1781. On 16 Feb., Collins wrote GW : “I wrote to...
A person has just called upon me (by direction he says) for an answer to your letter of the 17th...
I now return you the papers reserved from the last post. our regular answer to mr Livingston may...
Vous nous avez fait, notre cher ami, un veritable plaisir en nous donnant de vos nouvelles; nous...
Since Writing the Letter herewith, I received a Copy of a Letter from General Howe, transmitted...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received this Morning my dear Polley’s kind Present of two...
I was yesterday favored with yours of the 17th 18th under the same cover with the papers from Mr...
Notes on the British claims in the Missipi territory. 1803. Mar. 3. act of Congress gave to Mar....
My fever not being yet sufficiently removd to permit me to come to you; I write to you to submit...
Your two letters of the twelfth and twenty first of January have been received. I have wri...
I have duly received your […] [pack]ages from Mr. Pinckney for your care of which I return you my...
26 January 1804, Gibraltar. No. 142. Last wrote on 15 Jan. “I now anex you Copy of a Letter from...
Are the works of Apuileus in Harvard College Library or in any other collection in America Have...
Agreable to my promise of the 29 th of writing to my beloved friend once a week I now contrary to...
25 January 1812, Fincastle. Declares that when the councils of the nation have decided on war,...
The friendship of D r Cooper enables me to take the liberty of informing you that I purpose to...
Mr. Lorthorp call’d here this Evening and brought me yours of the 1 of October a day which will...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. McLane, and asks the favor of him to let the inclosed...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 10th of June, with two Enclosures,...
When I went to princeton in order to pay my respects to your Excellency I requested your...
I had the pleasure to write you the 3d. inst. I follow it with this to make the explanation of...
Permit me the Honor to Introduce Admiral Hartsinck (Commanding the Squadron of the Batavian...
3333[Diary entry: 15 August 1764] (Washington Papers)
15. Onwards getting Apples for Cyder.
I learn from Mr. Cutts, that in a Chancery suit brought agst. him by a Creditor, I am to be made...
I have sent down to my Brother a Plan of the County of Frederick; I hear Mr Harrison has got a...
3336[Diary entry: 25 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
25. Cloudy in the Morning, but clear afterwards. Wind at No. West.
I have just now been honored with your two Favors of the 17th & 19th Instant ⅌ Mr Ridley—I have...
According to my engagement I now inclose you 186. Doll. thirty six cents = £55–18–3 Virginia...
Since my last address I have been induced to make an observation to your Excellency that an most...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. Having heretofore desired the Members of the Executive at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Les offres gracieuses que votre Excellence a daigné me faire...
31 July 1802, Ile de France. Encloses a list of “the American Vessels, which have arrived at this...
I have returned you the pamphlet which you had the goodness to send me, & for which I am much...
My worthy friend, General Dearborne informed me, that the President of the United States would...
Yours of the 12 Instant was duly Received and I should have been now on my March had not the...
Seeing the terrible delays which take place is it not adviseable immediately to authorise your...
Although I have not any thing to communicate that might Seem to excuse this Letter, yet, being...
3348[Diary entry: 11 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. Moderate. Wind shifting Southwardly. The weather clear.
[ Philadelphia, December 18, 1792. On January 10, 1793, O’Hara wrote to Hamilton : “Being absent...
apprehensive that my Letter to you (herewith enclosed) is not exactly such an one, as the...