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Results 3301-3350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am anxious to have some information respecting the University of Virginia; and not being...
I have the honour to enclose you a letter on the Subject of the large cucumbers. The writer M r...
Circular It is with the sincerest regret I inform you that we are likely to be again at default...
Under a different cover I send a Circular on the subject of our Law Professor; and to save...
Circular It is with the sincerest regret I inform you that we are likely to be again at default...
Thoughts on Lotteries, and that on particularly which is now asked It is a common idea that games...
It has been a great mortification to me, that in every attempt in every direction I have sought,...
The States of Georgia and Alabama are about to run the boundary line between them, according to...
I have received your letter inclosing the letters from Mr Basset and Mr. Custis Congress had...
I have received your letter inclosing the letters from Mr Basset and Mr. Custis Congress had...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Rogers for the copy of his 3 d edition of his Biographical...
Yours of the 11 th is recieved. those of Nov. 2. and Dec. 14. had been so in due time. I suppose...
I have received the Letter you have done me the honor to write to me, with the pamphlet...
The Subscription for building the Episcopal Church in this place, has been transferred to one of...
The vessel which was to bring the other half of the Cabinet, being now only arrived at Boston, it...
Electrical apparatus in New York N o 1 $ s 500 〃 6 〃 300 〃 7 〃 175 〃 60 〃 11 〃
I have recd. your favour of the 5th. inst; with a copy of the 3d. Edition of your Biographical...
It being my wish to return to the University the next session—and my circumstances being allmost...
An unaccountable fit of dullness and inability to do any thing, prevented my writing to you on...
The communication which you made to me when last at your house, of the correspondence between you...
I had the honor of waiting upon you, some short time since as a Candidate for the office of...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance, a young Lawyer by the name of Josiah Quincy, and...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance, a young Lawyer by the name of Josiah Quincy, and...
I have delayed perhaps longer than I ought informing you, that the state of my health renders it...
The honour of a Letter from M r Jefferson was beyond my most pleasing anticipations. A copy of...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance & attention, my much esteemed friend and relation...
I have executed an important, but painful duty with mr Goodwyn, & am on the point of setting out...
I trust to your goodness to excuse the liberty I take in addressing this letter to you, the...
Age and ill health having since rendered me unequal to the management , of my affairs, it is some...
Your letter of Decr. 30 has been duly recd. Whatever pleasure I might feel in aiding you in the...
I have received by the Brig Clarice, Cap t Oxnard from Mess rs Dodge & Oxnard. Marseilles. a...
M r William Short of this City, called on me this morning, in relation to those instruments which...
Your letter of the 3 d inst. was received here the day before yesterday. It was not until today...
The enclosed papers numbered 1. and 2. are copies 1 Of a Letter from Mr Bassett, Chairman of a...
On the receipt of yours of the 4th. I made search on my Book Shelves, for a copy of the printed...
I pray you to be assured I should not have been so late in answering your favor of Dec. 22. had...
I thank you for the copy of the Laws of the Gardiner Museum which you have been so kind as to...
Your favor of the 3 rd instant reached me a day or two since. Your wishes in regard to the Port...
I return you many thanks for your kind attention to the request of my letter of the 30 th Ult....
I regret that it will not be in my power to dine with you to day—Judge Nelson is with me & I...
Your favor of Dec. 14. came to hand yesterday, and I now inclose you a copy of the laws and...
I have duly recieved your favor of Dec. 31. and fear with you all the evils which the present...
You was kind enough to send me a Copy of the Message, for which I thank you. By an arrangement...
Desirous of entering the Senior Class of Centre College, I am Induced to write these few lines...
I have for some time entertained the hope that your affairs being once wound up, your mind would...
I return Dr. Emmet’s letter as requested. Wall’s qualifications as a Drawing Master, are...
I return D r Emmet’s letter as requested. Wall’s qualifications as a Drawing Master, are...
Your letter of 30 th ult. was duly received & I availed myself of the earliest opportunity of...
I did not receive your letter of the 29 th Nov untill yesterday. You had directed it to...
I have to thank you for the copy you have been so kind as to send me of your discourse before the...