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Results 3301-3350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
After the most constant labour from light till light, we were able to open the Road to this place...
I have not time to write you fully for which reason I inclose the Generals Letter to you—please...
3303Orderly Book, 17 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Bullock Camp Novr 17 1758 Parole Cumberland Capt. for the Day Capt. Alexr Bell. The...
Colon. Bouquets letter came to my hands (just as the Bearer was passing by) from Colo. Armstrong....
Letter not found: to Archibald Montgomery, 17 Nov. 1758. On 17 Nov. GW wrote to Henry Bouquet:...
3306Orderly Book, 18 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
New Camp Novr 18th 1758 Parole Dorset All the different Detachments are instantly to Join their...
Letter not found: from John Forbes, 18 Nov. 1758. Later on the same day, GW wrote to Forbes: “I...
I came to this camp about 11 o’clock to-day, having opened the Road before me. I should...
The Catawbas & those Indians that came with Crohgan, I have persuaded to march forward and join...
3310Orderly Book, 19 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp Near Turtle Creek Novemr 19th 1758. Parole King George A Detachment for Fatigue consisting...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Inclosed I have now sent you a Bill of Exchange...
3312Orderly Book, 20 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Turtle Creek Novemr 20th 1758 B. O. the following disposition is this day to be made and...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania It is easy to perceive the Disposition of the...
3314Orderly Book, 21 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Washingtons Camp Novr 21st 1758. Parole Fort Loudoun For to morrow Brigadier Montgomrie. Colo....
In consequence of your letter, the General has orderd out a Working, & Covering party from Col:...
3316Orderly Book, 22 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp Cross Turtle Creek Novr 22d 1758 Parole Shippenburgh Lt Colo. Dagworthy to Mount this night...
Jenkins brought me yours of the 30th Octr and 5th instant. I hope this will find you full of Joy,...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Be pleased to receive the inclosed Bill of...
3319Orderly Book, 23 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Morning Orders November 23d 1758 Any Soldier who fires his piece without his Officers orders...
3320Orderly Book, 24 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Bouquets Camp Novr 24th 1758 Parole Lancaster For to Morrow Brigadier Montgomerie, Colo. Byrd, Lt...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1758–1759, pp. 28–31; copy:...
Copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission I yesterday receiv’d a Paper from Mr. Paris,...
To Governor Fauquier. Honble Sir, [Camp at Fort Duquesne, 28 November 1758] I have the pleasure...
It has been represented to the Genl that it will be very inconvenient for the Virginia Troops to...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 30, 1758. William Smith, provost of the College...
Sequestration is when two, or more, deposit a controverted Thing, with a 3d Person, on that...
Judicial stipulations are those which proceed from the mere Office of a Judge, as Surety vs....
The general Court agreed to raise 7000 men, to cooperate with his Majesties Forces, for the...
3329[December 1758] (Adams Papers)
Bob Paine is conceited and pretends to more Knowledge and Genius than he has. I have heard him...
“O! there is no getting out of the mighty hand of GOD!” This Exclamation was very popular, for...
The Mistery of Masonry not Freemasonry, comprehends the Plaistering of Walls and Cielings, as...
2 Horses—10th. of Octr. 1758. One Pound L.M. To answer J oseph F ield &c. in a Plea of Trespass,...
3333[December 1758] (Adams Papers)
haud facile emergunt quorum Virtutibus obstat res angusta domi. They will hardly emerge from...
haud facile emergunt quorum Virtutibus obstat res angusta domi. They will hardly emerge from...
For that the said Luke, on the 10th of Octr. last, at with force and Arms and against entered the...
3336Cash Accounts, December 1758 (Washington Papers)
[December 1758] What is known as General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania This undated, unsigned document, in the hand of Thomas...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity...
To Governor Fauquier [Loyalhanna, 2 December 1758] Honble Sir, The enclosed was wrote with...
As You wrote to me in Yr Last Concerning Deischargeing Different People’s Accots that had Money...
Letter not found: from Francis Fauquier, 3 Dec. 1758. On 9 Dec. GW wrote to Fauquier : “I was...
Braintree, 5 December 1758?, 12 March 1761. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and...
Bob Paine is conceited and pretends to more Knowledge and Genius than he has. I have heard him...
To The Honble Governor Fauquer. Sir. Winchester, the 9th Dec. 1758 I arrived at this place last...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in [Charles Thomson], An Enquiry into the Causes of the...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in [Charles Thomson], An Enquiry into the Causes of the...
One Marke & Tent Table (Iron Screw to Do Missing) 4 Camp Stools Bed stead, 2 Mattrases, 4...
The Baggage arriv’d here the night before last but the horses so low and Jaded as they could not...
3349Monday. December 18th. 1758 (Adams Papers)
I this Evening delivered to Mr. Field, a Declaration in Trespass for a Rescue. I was obliged to...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 18 Dec. 1758. On 29 Dec. Stewart wrote to GW : “Your...