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Results 32901-32950 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
32901 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 29 June 1773 1773-06-29 Since my return from the Illinois Country, where his Majesty’s business, as well as my own...
32902 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel John … 1780-03-09 I did myself the Honour of addressing Your Excellency some time ago, requesting permission to go...
32903 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 1 February … 1774-02-01 I wrote you from Fredericksburgh on my return into this Country, apologizing for my not waiting...
32904 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 29 August 1773 1773-08-29 I have lived some time past in the greatest hope of seeing you at this place; but whatsoever...
32905 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 23 December … 1773-12-23 I am extremely sorry that I am forced to debar myself the pleasure of waiting upon you agreeable...
32906 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 1 May 1774 1774-05-01 I just snatch this minute by Major McDonald to acqu⟨ mutilated ⟩ You, that we are all in infinite...
32907 Connolly, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Connolly, 29 December … 1781-12-29 I have been in this City upwards of two Weeks, & yesterday to my great surprize was committed to...
32908 Connolly, Michael Washington, George To George Washington from Michael Connolly, 24 June … 1783-06-24 We have Accidentally heard that an Order was publish’d some time since for a return of those...
32909 Connor, Morgan Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Morgan … 1779-11-15 I beg leave to inform your Excellency that I arriv’d in this City a few days ago from the Warm...
32910 Connor, Morgan Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Morgan … 1778-05-06 I have the honor to inclose your Excellency proceedings of a General Court Martial held at this...
32911 Connor, Morgan Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Morgan … 1779-04-15 The arrangement of the Penna line having as I am inform’d been sent to Head Quarters for your...
32912 Connor, Morgan Washington, George To George Washington from Morgan Connor, 25 April 1778 … 1778-04-25 Letter not found: from Morgan Connor, 25 April 1778. GW wrote Connor on 12 May , “I have duly...
32913 Connor, William Jefferson, Thomas Petition of William Connor, with Jefferson’s Order, 5 … 1803-01-05 William Conner of the County of Washington, and District of Columbia, petitioning, States—That at...
32914 Conover, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Conover, 19 December … 1807-12-19 While the nations of europe have been convulsed with war, we have, under the auspices of your...
32915 Conover, Samuel F. Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel F. Conover, 23 April 1813 … 1813-04-23 23 April 1813, Philadelphia. “In consequence of the Death of the celebrated Doctor Benjamin Rush,...
32916 Conrad & McMunn Jefferson, Thomas Terms for Conrad & McMunn’s Boarding House, [ca. 27 … 1800-11-27  pr Week Rooms $25.— board  10.— Servant board   5.— hire of Servant   2.50 fuel & lights   5.—...
32917 Conrad, Cornelius Jefferson, Thomas C. & A. Conrad & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 12 June … 1811-06-12 Yours of the 24th April came regularly to hand with A check for Twelve dollars for which you have...
32918 Conrad, C. & A., & Co. Madison, James To James Madison from C. & A., & Co. Conrad, 27 June … 1808-06-27 C. & A. CONRAD & Co. of Philadelphia having undertaken a periodical publication that shall...
32919 Conrad, C. & A., & Co. Jefferson, Thomas C. & A. Conrad & Company to Thomas Jefferson, [received … 1810-04-15 We take leave to hand you the above account supposing it more agreeable to you that we should do...
32920 Conrad, C. & A., & Co. Jefferson, Thomas C. & A. Conrad & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 4 August … 1809-08-04 As we have just finished an edition of Shakspeares Plays for which your name appears on our list...
32921 Conrad, C. & A., and Company (Philadelphia firm) Jefferson, Thomas C. & A. Conrad & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 13 … 1809-11-13 When Captn Lewis was last in Philadelphia we contracted with him to publish his travels & then &...
32922 Consequa Madison, James To James Madison from Consequa, [10 February 1814] 1814-02-10 That your Petitioner has for many years had extensive dealings in Commerce with the Subjects of...
32923 Constable, William Indenture: William Constable, Ann Constable, Alexander … 1802-10-20 This Indenture made the twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight...
32924 Constable, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Constable, 24 April 1823 1823-04-24 If there is any tie by which nature has a claim on man I should be under the strogest obligations...
32925 Constable, Rucker, & Company Morris, Robert Enclosure: Constable, Rucker, & Co. to Robert Morris … 1784-06-12 I return you the Generals letter on the Subject of his nephew. Tho’ a troublesome Charge to have...
32926 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 14 … 1791-09-14 I have a Ship here lately arrived from Londo. particularly circumstanced, she is Eastern built as...
32927 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 13 July … 1797-07-13 [ New York ] July 13 [ 1797 ]. Requests Hamilton’s opinion on whether he and his associates “are...
32928 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, [19 … 1792-08-19 Conversation between My Ld Hawkesbury & Mr. B—— a Mercht. August 19th 1792 Mr. B. I wait upon...
32929 Constable, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Constable, 7 April … 1781-04-07 I am honor’d with yours in Council of the 30 Ultimo relative to the releif of the Militia, which...
32930 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 22 … 1789-01-22 [ New York ] January 22, 1789 . “… I called at your House to see You but found you surrounded...
32931 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 3 May … 1797-05-03 [New York] May 3, 1797 . “I forward to you … a Deed to Marvil Ellis for a tract of Land sold to...
32932 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 23 March … 1801-03-23 Our Government is doubtless informed of the Treaty between this Republic and Spain for the...
32933 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 20 … 1789-10-20 I shall answer your letter with strict accuracy as soon as I am able, which will be next Week at...
32934 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, [21–31 … 1789-10-31 Clarett imported in Bottles stands from 3/ to 5/. ⅌ Bottle as in quality—annexed you have Invo....
32935 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 30 … 1802-11-30 I have conversed with Mr G M since I had the Pleasure of seeing you relative to my being...
32936 Constâncio, Francisco Solano Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francisco Solano Constâncio … 1822-12-14 It was my intention on coming to the United States, to have been myself the bearer of the two...
32937 Constitutional Convention Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Appointment to Committee for … 1787-05-25 Philadelphia, May 25, 1787. On this date, Hamilton, George Wythe of Virginia, and Charles...
32938 Constitutional Society of Virginia Rules of the Constitutional Society of Virginia, [ca. … 1784-06-14 Philip Mazzei appears to have been instrumental in the formation of the short-lived organization...
32939 Contée, B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from B. Contée, 18 July 1785 1785-07-18 Bayonne, 18 July 1785. He had written on 28 June, stating that he was offered by Moracin...
32940 Contée, B. Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from B. Contée, 30 July 1785] 1785-07-30 [ Bayonne, 30 July 1785. Recorded in SJL as received 6 Aug. Not found.]
32941 Contee, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Contee, 25 June 1804 … 1804-06-25 25 June 1804, Charles County, Maryland. “Be so good as to excuse my intrusion upon your time &...
32942 Contee, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Contee, 9 June 1790 1790-06-09 Being informed you are about to fill up your nominations of Consuls for the United States, I beg...
32943 Contee, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Contee, 3 March 1791 1791-03-03 Major Benjamin Brookes has ⟨bound⟩ me to make application in his behalf for an Appointment under...
32944 Contee, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Contee, 31 October 1808 1808-10-31 The Revd. Dr. Contee wishing to dispel any sensations in the mind of Mr. Secretary Madison which...
32945 Contee, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Contee, 11 April 1775 1775-04-11 I have Just received your Terms for the Brigantine Farmer and her Apparel, the New Boat Excepted,...
32946 Conti, Louis-François-Joseph de Bourbon, prince de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Prince de Conti, 28 … 1779-02-28 LS : American Philosophical Society Je suis convenu, Monsieur, avec MM. de Vergennes et de...
32947 Continental Army Veterans Washington, George To George Washington from the Continental Army … 1790-12-21 A Person who had the Satisfaction of Serving as a Soldier (during the last War) under yr...
32948 Continental Artillery Officers Washington, George To George Washington from Continental Artillery … 1778-02-10 The Memorial of the Officers of Artillery now in Service at the Park of Artillery Humbly...
32949 Continental Board of War Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Continental Board of War … 1780-12-12 War Office [ Philadelphia ] , 12 Dec. 1780. Case of 1st Lt. Thomas Warner, formerly of the 7th...
32950 Continental Board of War Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Continental Board of War … 1781-05-30 The board do themselves the honor to transmit to you, a resolution of congress of the 23d....