George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Regnier, 7 November 1778

From Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Regnier

Camp Continental Village [N.Y.] November 7th 1778

May it Please Your Excellency.

As the New York Brigade is Reduced to two Regiments, Only; & that, the Officers & Privates of the one I have the honour to Command at Present, are mostly Born on Long-Iland, & are well acquainted with the Shores, & every Individuals there, and Consequently, would be of more service, in some Posts on the Sound, where I am Informed, some Troops are to be Stationed this winter, who perhaps, are not so well Accquainted with that part of the Country, as the Natives. As five men of those of the Regt who were a part of the Detachement I had there this summer, are still De’tained to serve as Pilots, to major Grey’s Party, and I am Informed, by Orders of Brigr Genl Scott.

Therefore; from the above Circumstances and the Unanimous Egerness of the Officers of the Regt to Occuppy that Post (as it may be seen by the within Inclosed)1 I have the Honor to send, [(]for your Excellency’s Perusal) I beg you would be pleased (if there is yet any Possibility) to order the Regt on that part of the Country, if it is not designed to occuppy an Other post already. I am with Respect of Your Excellency the Most obt servt

P. Regnier Lt Col. 4th N. York


1The enclosed letter to Regnier from Capts. Samuel Sacket, John Davis, Israel Smith, and Jonathan Titus; and Lts. Nathaniel Norton, James Barrit, Abraham Hyatt, Rodulph V. Hovenbargh, and Joseph Frilick, dated 5 Nov. at “Camp Continental Village,” N.Y., reads: “As we are Informed there are some Troops to be Stationed upon the Sound, with a Design to make Excursions upon Long Island to Harrass the Enemy Collect Inteligence &c. We would beg the favour of you to Apply to his Excellancy to have Our Regt Stationed in some place where we can Act in that manner. as we Concieve none can be of more Service to our Country than we, as the Chief of the Officers and Considerable part of the Men in the Regt are Perfectily Acquainted with the Island, and the Inhabitants, and many have already served in that Station, and given General Satisfaction, To the people upon the Island, and by that means will be the most likely to do Justice & Collect the Earliest Intiligence.

“For those Reasons we would desire you to make mention of the Matter, & if his Excellancy will grant the request, think we shall undoubtedly be of more service in this way than any Other for this Winter” (DLC:GW). GW replied to Regnier on 13 Nov., declining his request.

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