32851To Benjamin Franklin from Margaret Stewart, 26 April 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I longe Since, hoped; & expected; to have the honor of hearing from Your Excellency; particularly, as Mr Ray of Ostend; wrot me that he Sent You, the Copy of my Brothers Work, in Decr last, I flatered myself that by Your protection; & recomendation, it cou’d not fail of Sucess; as You was so good to Writ; me in the Year Seventy four; that You wou’d be happy...
32852To Benjamin Franklin from de Reine, 24 July 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A l’instant je recois une lettre de la nouvelle Orleans en date du 29. mars dernier, par laquelle le chevalier d’Erneville le premier capt. du tems que nous avions cette colonie me mande. “M. Willinge depéché par le congrés avec trente hommes vient d’Enlever toute la rive gauche du mississipi et un navire mouillé manchak portant 16. canons et autant de...
32853To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Parker, 12 August 1770 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with inexpressable Grief that I am Obliged to give you an Account of my Dear Mr. Parkers Death. He kept his house the Greatest part of the Winter with the gout and an inflamation in his Legg. The 4 June as soon as he could git Abroad, his Anxiety to doe his duty as Comptroller Carried him Down to New Town; On his return he fell ill at Bristol; was...
32854To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Riou Kerhalec, 16 March 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Cape. du Brigantin le Gates nommé Joseph Newman, m’ayant recommandé de Vous adresser promptement ces Paquets, je le fais avec d’autant plus d’empressement qu’il me procure le plaisir de Vous faire ma Cour. Et de Vous assurer de la Vénération et du profond Respect avec lesquels je Suis, de Votre Excellence, Le très humble et très obeissant Serviteur....
32855To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau, 15 April 1783 (Franklin Papers)
L : American Philosophical Society Note. Le Professeur Märter chargé par L’Empereur de recueillir dans les quatre parties du monde des animaux et des plantes pour la Ménagerie et les Jardins de Botanique de Sa Majesté, se propose de se mettre incessamment en route et de commencer sa tournée par les Provinces de la Domination des Etats unis de l’Amérique. Persuadé que le Succès de son...
32856To Benjamin Franklin from John Steward et al., 19 April 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Make Bold to trouble you with these few Lines to Let your Honour know our Situation at present in hopes that your Honour will Be so good as to Relive from our Confinement and Grant us permission to go on Board of Some american Ship Sir we saild out of Nantucket October the 10 Day 1777 Bound to the Brozells a whaling and had the Misfurtune to Be taken By...
32857To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 9 March 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have in Company with a Friend just bought an exceeding fine new Brig, calculated for a remarkable good Sailor, never yet at Sea. I have called her the Spry and given the Command to Capt Robeson. My Intention is to send her immediately to Boston, and I hope to get her away under the Convoy of the Alliance, for this Purpose I...
32858To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, [25 June 1782] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Library of Congress You Have Been Acquainted that Mr. de Castries’s Courier was to Go to Morrow Evening, and I intend taking the same Opportunity to write to Congress and General Washington— But as I want to justify My delay, Upon the trüe Motives of it, those of Public Utility, and American Wellfare, I Hope Your Excellency will please to Mention fully the Matter to Congress, and By...
32859To Benjamin Franklin from John Bondfield, 2 September 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the repeated Instances of La Marquise de La Fayette that I would give in charge some dispatchs or packets that she might have the pleasure to deliver to you in person I cannot decline her obliging attention and esteem the oppertunity of acquainting you that as your Agent I have been honor’d by Le Marchal and La Mar[échale] de Mouchy Governor of the...
32860To Benjamin Franklin from Lafayette, [c. 26 May 1779] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society I have just now Receiv’d a letter from the President of Congress which I think Should be in Compagny with Many others— I therefore wish to know before My departure when did the pacquet sail from America, what kind of ship she was, what News or what people she brought with her— that I do’nt only desire as an american citizen who wants to hear from his...
32861To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Nathaniel Bancroft, 19 November 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai attendu longtemps à vous écrire & je pense que vous vous étes bien impatienté tout le temps que nous avons été séparés. Je vous eus écris plutôt, mais je voulois un peu connoitre l’Angleterre. Nous fumes dix jours dans notre voyage, nous nous embarquames à Dunkerque, débarquames à Chatham, & arrivames à Londres le lendemain matin tous en bonne santé,...
32862To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Thomson, 26 October 1774 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Library of Congress This day the congress broke up, the papers are not all got ready, but will be sent to you by the next opportunity. As a vessel sails to Morrow Morning early I am ordered to forward to you the petition to the King. I have the pleasure to inform you that at the last session of Assembly you are continued Agent for this province, of which you will no doubt receive a...
32863To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, [1764–1765] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I think you[r] Vindication is admirably well drawn up You make Mee Smile now and then with a keen back Stroke and then with a Home Thrust. It must Mortifie Allen for it cuts Him to the Quick. He has poisoned the Barclay Family. I wish you had one to spare to send my penny post Directed to Mr. David Barclay Junior in Cheapside. If you have them not to...
32864To Benjamin Franklin from Herman Heyman, Jr., 19 January 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the satisfaction to lay before Your Excellency by the Letter I took the Liberty to address your Excellency the 31 July last a Plan of a Glass-manufactori which I intended to Establish in one of the United Provinces of Nord America for Your Consideration; and beg’d most Humbly from your Excellency the Favor to grant me your Skilful Advise on that head,...
32865To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac All, 10 January 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The occasion of my troubling you at present is to acquaint that soon after my arrival at this place I meet with a voilent hurt by a Fall which confined me for two months and in the intrim a Small bill for Eighteen Dollars of the 14th March 1780 Number 826 was Returned to me acepted but from the State I then was in it was laid by and forgot to be Sent...
32866To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 24 August 1767 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society All yours of April 14. May 23. and June 12. I received within a few Days of each other: I congratulate you, on the Renewal of your Commission. Thank you for all your kind Advice, and as Mr. Foxcroft has since appointed Mr. Babcock at New Haven, I am glad my Sentiments tallied with both yours. I have received the Chronicles by the two last Packets from Mr....
32867To Benjamin Franklin from William Henly, [April? 1772] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day repeated in the most accurate manner I was able, my experiment with the Bladder gilded with leaf brass, and suspended on an arm of wood turning freely on a needles point. The following is the result of many trials. After giving the bladder a strong spark from the knob of a positively charged bottle; on presenting towards it a smooth round...
32868From John Adams to Benjamin Franklin, 13 September 1783 (Adams Papers)
I have rec d. the Letter, which you did me the honor to write me on the 10 th. of this Month, in which you say, you “have recieved a Letter from a very respectable Person in America, containing the following Words viz t: —‘It is confidently reported, propagated & believed by some among Us, that the Court of France was at Bottom against our obtaining the Fishery & Territory in that great Extent...
32869To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Barons and Alexander Cummings, 28 April 1782 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sir this Is the humble petiton of seventeen Americans now in this plase in A very Low Condition Jus come from england wheair wee have had the most long and sevear imprisonment that the subgects of Any cuntry has Been this war for the want of Cloaths and every necary of Life now wee your humbl Petitioners and Cuntrymen mak as Bold to aqueant you of our...
32870To Benjamin Franklin from Genet, 26 July 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; incomplete copy: Library of Congress Je suis bien faché que le n° 49 ait paru hier. J’y aurois inséré avec le plus grand empressement le § 1er de la lettre du Dr. Cooper, que j’ai l’honeur de vous renvoyer ici en original, et tous mes lecteurs à Paris et dans le Royaume y auroient vû avec plaisir la cargaison de la Duchesse de Grammont, heureusement...
32871To Benjamin Franklin from John Sargent, 12 August 1762 (Franklin Papers)
Copy (incomplete), MS minutes: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania By our Friends here I am enabled to convey the enclosed Trifles to you, which are the best I could meet with at present and cost 5 Guineas each. You remember the Intention viz, for the two best Performances at the general Meeting or Publick Act of your College or Seminary. The Subject of one to be, in a short English...
32872To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, [on or after 20 April 1779] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Benjamin F. Bailar, Houston, Texas (1990) Je prens la liberté de vous écrire pour vous informer de ma santé aussi bien que de mon voyage ou nous avons essuyé quelques malheurs nous arrivames à Genéve lundi et j’ai été en pension le jour suivant ou je ferai mon possible pour bien travailler et pour vous satisfaire j’espère que je receverai la réponse le plutôt qu’il vous sera possible je...
32873To Benjamin Franklin from Jean [Montague], 25 July 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai l’honneur de vous assurer de mon tres humble respect. Jai celui de vous Faire Sçavoir que Japartient á Monsieur le Capitaine Robson, il ma Fait des ménaces de me Fraper pour lors jai trouvé Monsieur Tessier Gentilhomme qui desire faire mon bonheur; Monsieur Robson la Scü et ma Fait arreté et fait constituée prisonnier au petit chatélet parceque le...
32874To Benjamin Franklin from Jan Ingenhousz, 4 January 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society A little time ago I sent you a lettre by the way of London in hopes it should soon Come to your hands in America. But a few days ago I was informed by the newspapers and private lettres that you are arrived at Paris. This piece of news as astonishing as unexspected was very agreable to me, being happy to understand, that you are safe and in good health and...
32875To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Bridgen, 17 September 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have sent to the care of our good Monsieur Genet 2 Samples of Metal intended for the Current Coin, where they are doubtless much wanted and yield an immense profit to the Govermt. I hereby engage to deliver at the port of London as fine in quality and of the Same Size and weight as those samples any quantity at 14 d Sterling per pound weight—Package,...
32876To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Franklin, 17 December 1773 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind Letter by Mr. Danforth with the book of advice Inclos’d, for which I kindly thank you, and hope I Shall follow your good Directions. I find Still the times are hard and Dificult, but Desire to be thankfull. I Rubb along with my Neighbours. I hope Sir these Lines may find you in good health as they Leave me and my Family. My Wife and my...
32877To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Cooper, 20 November 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never in all my Life wrote a Letter with half the Difficulty of this— Sick in my Chamber, attended by two Physicians &c. But I could not allow the Chevr. de Bonne leave without bringing to you my warmest Thanks for introducing to the Acqaintance of a Gentleman of such fine Talents & promising Abilities. You seem to speak of him as designed for the Service...
32878To Benjamin Franklin from Humphry Marshall, 14 May 1774 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am Sorry to hear how Matters are Misrepresented at home Concerning us poor Americans as also for the abuse thou has recieved from the Solicitor and the Ministry for thy faithfull Service to thy Country as also to thy King. However I hope thou’ll be Wise Enough to keep Clear of their Clutches and if thou Cannot be of any More Service to thy Country by...
32879To Benjamin Franklin from John Foxcroft, 21 February 1769 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Immediately on my receiving your favour by the Genl. Gage Captain Kemble (enclosing me Mr. Todds Letter Signifying to me that their Lordships had been pleased to grant me leave of absence for a few Months) I set out for this Colony, in order to put the Riders on such a footing that no stopages might happen during my absence, which I think I have Effectually...
32880To Benjamin Franklin from Ann Ourry, 27 January 1785 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I did myself the Honor of Writing to You by a Similar opportunity about two Years ago, but am certain that letter never reach’d you, for exclusive of the long friendship that subsisted between You & my Dear Father, & the kind attention You were so good to shew my Mother, & me in my Childhood, I know the Unfortunate have a claim on Your humanity that...