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Results 32701-32710 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
AL : American Philosophical Society Madame brillon fait dire a son chér papa, qu’il lui sera impossible d’allér mardi disnér chés madame du tartre, sa petite est trop malade pour espérer qu’elle soit tout a fait bien mardi. Monsieur Brillon a encore la goutte; si le papa veut, madame Brillon ecrira a madame dutartre pour reméttre cétte partie au mardi 5 may; ou au mércredi 6 may; madame...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Be assur’d that I feel very kindly to you for the favour I receiv’d this Morning. It was not more than I wanted, tho much more than I expected——not because more than you would have given sooner if the state of my Mind had been known to you, but because you gave me unask’d the strongest proof of a tender and disinterested friendship, which tho I had no...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Dana’s most respectful Complemts: wait on his Excellency Dr: Franklin, he is very sorry that a prior engagement prevents his doing himself the honour of dining with his Excellency tomorrow Addressed: His Excellency / Dr: Franklin / Passy Notation: Dana 15. March 1781.
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Depuis deux mois environ, je suis extrêmement embarrassé de ma conduite ici à l’egard de Mr. l’Ambr. de F——. Accoutumé, ainsi que Mr. l’Abbé Des Noyers son prédécesseur, à me voir leur communiquer sans réserve toute ma correspondance, mes démarches & mes opérations, il m’a paru piqué que je ne lui aie rien dit de ce qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Received your very obliging favour, and take the first opportunity of returning you my most sincere thanks for the trouble I have given you. I have done very little in Electricity since I had the pleasure of seeing you, one appearance however I beg leave to trouble you with, as I have never met with one of the kind before. Having charged my 6 Gallon...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardonnez mon laconisme à La douleur qui m’oppresse. Je perds un vrai mécene, et J’ose le dire, un ami qui me chérissoit depuis plus de 20 ans. J’aurai L’honneur, Monsieur, D’aller bientôt vous Faire un instant ma cour, vous remercier de toutes vos bontés, et vous en demander La suitte. Vous connoissez Les sentimens de reconnoissance et de respect avec...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You must have already seen by my Letters how much pains I have taken to keep clear of Dispute, and yet obey my Orders. My last to the Commissioners from Brest will show you that I have ever avoided doing the Rangers Business for fear of disagreeable altercation. Notwithstanding this, I have a Letter from Mr. A. Lee by which it appears that complaints are...
Copy: Library of Congress; L (draft): University of South Carolina Library In pursuance of the measure which I had the honour of intimating in my last of the 17th. Ulto. I waited on Mr. Adams at Hague and made a tender of my Service in the duty first charg’d upon me by Congress, that of borrowing Money for the Use of our United States, provided I was included and Authoriz’d in the Commission...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie de me mander par la petite poste ce que valent a Boston quatre-mille piastres en papier; si on peut les placer sur les fonds publics des Etats unis, et quel interet on en pourroit tirer icy annuellement. Cela m’interesse beaucoup. En 2e lieu, je vous prie, lorsque vous aurez occasion d’ecrire a M. Williams a Boston de vouloir lui recommander...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Situation of the american Merchants in France is not the Effect of the ill Conduct of any one but a general Consequence of the Peace, and I believe there is no Exception. Mr Grubb is one of us, and with a full Intention as well as Capacity to pay all, intends to apply for Letters of Surseance to prevent any little Creditor arresting his Property as it...